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Hello from Tony Abrahams

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Hi everyone,


This is my first post. I’m the webmaster of rlcArchive.org and a Friend of The RLC Museum, currently digitising Key Cards. Somewhat tedious. I also was responsible for putting the B Vehicle cards on the web site, although the RLC Museum arranged for the scanning. These two exercises made me realise how little I know about historic military vehicles, so I’m here to find out more by looking at previous posts and by asking questions. Some questions will be stupid, so I’d like to apologise in advance. Also, whilst I’m here it would be nice to get some feedback from anyone who uses the rlcArchive web site – quality, ease of use, etc. – brickbats welcomed if merited (only way I get to fix things).


Conversely, if any of you have any questions that you think I may be able to answer, then please do ask. I'll do what I can, short of providing items that would otherwise be chargeable.


I don’t own any historic vehicles. My own background is in the computer industry, where I worked for 35 years - for IBM & Unisys, and also Coopers & Lybrand (now PricewaterhouseCoopers) where I was an IT Consultant. At Unisys I was responsible for their European Air Transport systems group.


I retired in 2000 and since then have been putting historical stuff on the web. Archives, libraries and museums are so stretched these days they’ll never do it.


Tony Abrahams

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