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Vehicle ID Aids


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Interesting question !. This web site is probably the best to identify vehicles, there are several of us who between can identify most . Beyond this the most comprehensive volume published is 'The complete encyclopedia of Commercial Vehicles' . For USA produced vehicles 'American Truck Spotters Guide 1920-1970' and ' US Wheeled Military Vehicles'. Probably the best publication in magazine format is 'Old Motor' published 1963 to the late 1970s, this includes much WW 1 material including the series of articles 'Mechanised Massacre'. All of these are generally available second hand at ABE Books on line. Contemporary volumes of the 'Automobile Engineer' carry many comprehensive articles on WW 1 trucks. Finally much contemporary material is now available on line including 'Commercial Motor' magazine and 'Automobil-Zeitung' which covers German /Austrian material of the period in question.

Richard Peskett.

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