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Posts posted by Mark

  1. OK Chaps and Chapes's


    We have finally come up with a flag for the forum members to fly proudly on their MV's, the flag is white lettering on a black background displaying the forum name and web address (pic to follow), on the flag there will be only one web address HMVF.CO.UK all centralised under HMVF, two flags are sewn together to get the same on each side so it will be a BOGOF deal (buy one get one free). Size of said flag is 27cm x 35cm which we feel is just right for an aerial that we all use.


    The cost of these flags are £12.00ea, we are looking for a minimum sale of 10 flags first off before we place an order, (I for one have put my name down for 2) once we have 10 or more then we will order asap so please bear with us.


    I will start a post below this one with my name and quantity required, if you would like to order a flag/flags then please copy and paste and add your name to the list, payment details will follow.


    Thank you for looking and hopefully you make an order.


    Best regards


    width=640 height=320http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b114/MEasterby-Wood/FLAGSQ.jpg[/img]


    This is only a proof copy image quality is not brilliant. Thanks



  2. Hello


    Just a question for you, do you ever or have you been to the show in Aberdeen that you have over there, I have heard a lot about it and is supposed to be on a par with our War and Peace show here. If so have you any pictures etc.



  3. I might be overlooking something here and it has been nagging at me for some time, the British used a lot of American vehicles during WW2 and apart from markings how could you tell they were with the British, take for example the Jeep the Americans had the star as on their planes, the British as far as I know did not have the roundel on the Jeeps.


    So what was the distinguishing tell, tell signs.



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