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Posts posted by MatchFuzee

  1. LarryH57,

    Have you thought of contacting The Fighter Collection for details on their Follow Me Jeep e.g. is it based on WW2 or later evidence or just their idea for an interesting vehicle?


    Another potential source:-


    Archaeologist have a saying that could be true for your search "lack of proof isn't proof of lack"

  2. From Frost's   POR15 Tank Sealer - Fuel Tank Repair Kit Instruction


    If you have small pinholes you would like to seal from the outside, you can use the POR-Patch. This acts as a filler that is impervious to fuels etc.

    The best time to add patches on the outside of the tank if there are larger holes to fill, is when you have finished drying the tank after using POR15 Metal Prep, when the holes in the tank are too big to be sealed by the sealer alone.

    Here’s how you do this: Brush/Spray the Metal Prep on the surface and rinse off. Once completely dry, paint the area where the hole is with POR15 Rust Preventive Paint, then place a piece of the POR15 Power Mesh reinforcing fabric into the paint. Now paint the mesh outward from the centre with more POR15. The next day or 5 hours later, paint it again. You have now sealed the tank from both the inside and the outside.

    And remember, whenever you want to seal a tank, you must use POR15 Metal Prep on the inside and/or the outside, because the adhesion must be perfect. After the tank is sealed, wait at least 5 days

    Would POR-Patch work for the fuel tank and if POR-Patch is hot engine oil proof it could it be suitable for the sump repair?

    Have you checked to see if you can use a second coat of sealer or is it one coat on bare metal only? 

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