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Posts posted by Smithy

  1. Evening all, bit late putting this online but it's been a busy week so far with one thing and another. Anyhow, last weekend I managed to get up to Smallwood Vintage Rally for one day. The weather was great and it was good to see some different vehicles on show, obviously delighted to see a Gipsy that I hadn't seen in the flesh before whilst a Bedford QL was also new to me.


    Anyway on with the pictures, starting with some of the smaller stuff:

















  2. Sounds like a Militant or Hippo to me but could have been the 6 wheel AEC Type 0854 Fuel Bowser used by the RAF, maybe with a different body.



    Would tie in with the AEC Rally taking place at Newark over the weekend.

  3. Noticed your face and an article in the Express & Star this evening Phil :-D


    Just wondering as it's an MVT Event do members get in free upon the showing of Membership Card or not? I hope to be across at some point over the weekend regardless.



  4. They certainly provide a number of roles still, there is one on Circus Mondao and I spotted two working on a farm in Wiltshire on the way to the Great Dorset Steam Fair the other year but couldn't stop to take a picture.

  5. As has already been pointed out on the thread there was one for sale last year, which later re-appeared on eBay following the sale. Don't know if this one got saved, but hopefully it did.


    A quick search online and you can find pictures of the following Billy Smarts Mack's


    Billy Smart's Circus Parade in Bradford, 1960s, Mack NM 6x6 truck JGF 365




    Whilst there was one also on this HMVF thread: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?7998-Hunt-s-Yard-photos


    Also on a Fairground and Circus Forum I go on it mentions that there was a feature on the Billy Smarts Mack Trucks in the January 2012 issue of Heritage Commercials.


    As for numbers can really help on that front.



  6. After a couple of years away we decided to make a visit to Rushden for the annual cavalcade. The weather was fantastic and crowds were large, although I felt that there were a few less vehicles than from my last visit back in 2010.


    Below are some pictures which I took from the event of the larger bits of kit:













  7. Thank you all for your kind comments.


    Scott :- My dead line is to be ready for the Overlord show...............only 3 weeks away !!!

    after that i hope to be at Evesham, and then W & P in July..............that's as far ahead as i have planned !


    Alex :- Markings, well, not sure really, I was going to mark her as RAF, but i don't think the RAF actually used the PU version of the Humber ? unless anyone knows otherwise ?

    other than that i'm not sure what unit to use.............any advise as to which units operated these Humber Personnel / Wireless trucks ?




    Excellent, I look forward to seeing it at all three events.



  8. If anybody has an address I am near to Portsmouth and could investigate further.


    Sorry, having read the article again it turns out that although the Crossley's were indeed sold they never actually went to Portsmouth as the new owners didn't think they would be viable projects. So they stayed in Peter Naylor's Lincolnshire farm at Helpston as far as I can work out. As I said earlier the DVLA apparently still lists the Crossley, CFL 994, as having current road tax.



  9. The scar tissue has gone soggy 3 times now and had to had the area excavated each time, so 6 months later it's still annoying me.


    On a lighter note typed in Jalopy in the search engine and this video came up. It is quite sobering looking at the car races before seatbelts, crash helmets, roll bars etc etc or before HSE




    Some amazing and as you say quite sobering footage in that montage.

  10. Thanks Scott, I have to admit I have never heard of either of these gentlemen. Is Robin restoring them?


    I think they were brought more for the company (Corralls) from what I could make out. However they were brought out and the gentleman who had written in didn't know if they had survived. The editor responded though saying that one of the vehicles in question, CFL 994, was still listed by the DVLA as surviving.

  11. Humm not to my knowledge. We have had two of them for fifty year and the other over ten :cheesy:


    Hi James, have managed to look back through the magazines and it was a gentleman by the name of Robin Davies who purchased three of these from a Peter Naylor in Helpston, Lincolnshire for Corralls before transporting them back to Portsmouth. So that clears up that one!


    It was mentioned in Classic and Vintage Commercials and had some good pictures of the Crossley's if anyone had missed it.



  12. Was waiting for this to come on the BBC News channel the other day whilst in the gym (not a particular favourite of mine whilst I'm in there but it takes all sorts :D ) anyway it didn't and had been meaning to catch up with the news but had been busy. Thanks for the link, good to see it in the air again - sort of!

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