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Posts posted by Smithy

  1. Yesterday morning Microsoft's Search Engine Bing was indexing HMVF, they did it in a rather silly way as they completely swamped the server with request. This caused the server to overload necessitating some fixing and eventually a reboot. After that, normality was restored.


    The odd text colors surprise me, can you try to reload HMVF by pressing the CTRL and F5 keys simultaneously? That would force your browser to reload the site entirely and not use the local cache on your pc.


    Hi Joris, have tried that but to no avail. Have just logged in via Google Chrome and no issues there, looks like an IE problem. Slightly digressing does anyone now how to transfer bookmarks/favourites from IE to Chrome as if I'm going to switch I want to take these with me.



  2. Fine here..


    Have logged out and back in again as someone else said earlier.


    Screenshot of said change of text showing you what it now looks like. Check out the donation bar and header of HMVF. Also a lot of text is in bright green.

    HMVF Txt.jpg

  3. All of the text on HMVF is still in a different font to what it has been. It doesn't overly bother me but was just wondering if this was a change others had experienced or not.



  4. I'm surprised, unless I've missed it, that no-one has mentioned the above event which has been happening over the last couple of days and will be very interesting over the next few days as D-day got underway and progressed 69 years ago.


    One of two live programmes is on this evening on Channel 4 at 9pm and likewise again tomorrow. Details on the website here: http://dday7.channel4.com/ which is also providing live updates of events which was happening 69 years ago this week.


    Whilst a special project has been taking place on twitter and even if you aren't logged into you can follow it all here: https://twitter.com/dday7


    You can also see the profiles of the seven people who they are following along with their twitter details here: http://dday7.channel4.com/the-seven



  5. I had the same problem and I the answer was found on here: http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?37634-Spaces-between-lines


    Basically you have to click the button in the top left of posting options with the two A's (if you move your curser over it the wording: Switch Editor to Source Mode will appear).


    However having said all of that I've just posted this up without having to do this.



  6. Just got back from a fantastic week in Normandy where I stayed in arromanches. I can highly recommend Karen and Adrian Scott-cox's converted French farm house. It's a very friendly atmosphere, more like stopping with friends than in a hotel. Good food and lots of WWII books and memorabilia to look at. Address is no 2, Avenue Mountbatten, 14117 Arromanches. Tel 0033 231215263.


    Is the Ferret still in the courtyard? We went on a landtrain ride around and spotted it from the road so afterwards called in and the owner was very welcoming and chatted to us for a good while about the hotel, vehicles and his involvement in the commemorations which take place in Arromanches.

  7. some of the advertised events failed to appear including the Battle of Britain flight, although the PR spitfire did a very thrilling but short display on the Saturday.On the Sunday a warhawk/ kittyhawk flew in around in the distance for a couple of minutes.


    I know that the BoBMF Lancaster was out of action over the weekend due to it being grounded with a maintenance issue, as it was due to fly over Cosford last weekend. The Dakota was due to make an appearance at Cosford though in it's place.



  8. Hi Scott,


    Some good pics! I chose to give it a miss this year as I took the green goddess to Earl's Barton Fire and Rescue show last weekend so two on the bounce would have broken the bank I think!! Also the timing was better last year when it was at Belvoir. Looks good though, might reconsider next year - is it planned for it to be the same weekend?


    Cheers, Duncan


    Hi Duncan,


    I think a lot of people are doing the same these days and having a weekend off after being out the previous week due to the costs involved with the hobby. I did enjoy the day out, as we couldn't go for the weekend this year, and we will more than likely be back again next year. I'm not sure about the dates as this year I know it had to be slotted in after Belvoir was no longer available. Whether it will revert back to the old dates of the third weekend in May I do not know.



  9. Visited the above mentioned show yesterday after it's move from Belvoir Castle and change of weekends. Weather was a little chilly in the morning but soon warmed up throughout the day. I thought there wasn't as much in attendance as in previous years, albeit there were some new vehicles on show.


    Military section was down in numbers, although it did have some smart and interesting vehicles on show which were again new to me.


    Starting with the small stuff then:









  10. Hi Scott,

    Its not on the register yet ! - i still have a few registration forms awaiting return......(and one paticular owner who has 6 x qls to register!)


    So far the figures are -


    QLC - 4

    QLD - 6

    QLT - 2

    QLR - 8


    - And just to add to the confussion - many that started out as one variant are now something differnt - there are a few qld & qlc's that started off as qlr's ....Members are still slowly comming forward - but i dont anticipate too many more out there - there is a huge network in both the MVT and HMVF and its from this that the contacts are being made....

    I know of a definate 11 more still to register / return forms....but even so - this is proving to be a very rare vehicle in comparison to other ww2 vehicles.

    I really believe there to be less than 50 surviving examples of QL in the world today - making this both an iconic and extreamly rare vehicle !


    That's interesting as I must have photographed over a quarter if not a third of those which are believed to be left. Still amazes me how some vehicles survive in bigger numbers than others, despite large numbers being manufactured.

  11. Should be in for some good weather over the next week so hopefully will get sorted in that time.


    Cosford announced online and in other media outlets that they were hopeful of having it in place on the museum grounds by the end of this weekend. That now looks unlikely.

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