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6 X 6

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Posts posted by 6 X 6

  1. Thing is, low loaders also have a serious drinking problem, sometimes more so than their load. No - let's keep positive! :n00b:


    I certainly didn't mean to sound negative and what you say is quite true but modern artic units fully laden are achieving around 8 - 9 mpg, slightly better than 2 mpg. Also, with regard to my comment about Antar values and before anyone tells me, I do know that things "are worth" what you can get for them.

  2. Mk1 5th wheel Antar for sale if you are brave enough. 2mpg solo:confused:


    I drove south down the M6 from Liverpool yesterday evening and just north of Birmingham, and going north, I must have counted at least 15 low loaders carrying vintage commercials that had evidently been at a show in that area.


    The chances are that the next owner of this Antar will also have access to a low loader and so won't be too bothered about the Antar's drinking problem. I was impressed by the asking price, £20,000. Is this what tidy Antars are thought to be worth these days ?

  3. Hey Matt,

    I've been going to Military Vehicles Anonymous every Thursday evening for the past six months but it doesn't seem to have helped me much. Maybe, deep down, I just don't want to get better. Fortunately, this lot on here aren't too nosey, so I haven't yet had to "come out" and reveal the full extent of my old army lorry habit. Is your surname Green by any chance ?

  4. Yo Jon,

    I share your love of 1940's music and was a regular jiver with an ex partner. I tend to do my music obsession more in the winter months and my MV obsession more in the summer months. You'll find plenty of like minded inmates on the Jeep Ward of the Asylum. Good luck with finding a nice jeep. (Oh sorry, they're all nice)

  5. Talking of Devon, and mobile cranes, does any one know if the WW11 lorry mounted crane standing in a crane hire yard on Cooklands Industrial Estate at Bodmin is still there ? This Ind. Estate is very close to the A30 and the yard is next door to a W.H.Smith warehouse. If anyone is passing by with a camera it would be nice to see a few pix posted somewhere on the forum. I've ringed the crane on this google earth view but g.e. pictures are not always up to date.



  6. Although, the ability to maneuver the chassis from the crane cab has such obvious advantages, providing a means for doing so must have poised the designers with a few headaches. Thank you both for explaining what engineering solutions were used. I really wish I'd had the time to have had a better look at the one in Hunt's which is the only one I've ever seen. I doubt if there are many others in preservation, most would have been worked to death, or exported. I'd be interested to see what answers you have regarding other survivors.

  7. Gritineye, I hesitated before asking because it seemed cheeky but now I'm pleased I did. What a lovely story. Sadly, I don't think young people go off on those sort of adventures these days.


    Damp and condensation can be eliminated from living vans as I mentioned at the beginning of this thread but it's a bit late for me to tell you now !

  8. Just a little bit hazy about it all as it was his deceased father's - but he did say he thought 6 cylinders. I guess we shall never know for sure.


    Thanks, I was just trying to make a connection with it having been a "Commer Cab" Fordson which would have had a V8.

  9. Do you think there will be a historic military vehicle movement in ten years time ? If so, how do you see it developing, or changing ? When you think about all the potential threats to the movement, the global warming scam, the Chinese using up all of OUR petrol in their cars, new and terrifying restrictions from the Euroweasels and so on, will our pastime exist in ten years time ? What's your view ? Give me some hope.

  10. Great War Truck, I'm sorry to have to confirm that in all of the examples you have given you would indeed be acting illegally under the new Fancy Dress in a Public Place laws. It is not so much that wearing fancy dress is in it's self anti-social but more the need to provide the Police with more "soft" crime to occupy themselves with instead of the sort of crime they used to deal with

    like robbery, stabbings etc. Step out in your Centurions outfit and you'll be tazered.

  11. In the 'Daily Telegraph" a few weeks ago a group in California were seeking sponsors for a scheme to float an enormous pair of cammi knickers in geostationary obit above Burma. If I remember rightly for $100 you got your name embroidered on them. The idea was to block out the sun and cause a mini ice age in Burma and bring the government to it's knees.

  12. Does anyone know what the situation regarding using red diesel in boats is at present ? I think I recently read that leisure marine use must now be run on white. Was that just inland on rivers or any UK based sea going leisure vessels as well ?

  13. We may soon see the 6LXB, from the bus, powering the Milly but frankly, although that's possible, it's unlikely. I agree with radiomike7, after you've costed for collection, gas and time you'd be hard pushed to make a profit by weighing in this cab and chassis unless it was on very good tires that you could sell on. Even at the current prices, scrap dealers would expect to pay a lot less than £1750 for a proposition like this to make it pay.



    TooTallMike makes a good point, while there are high scrap values and more historic vehicles in need of restoration around than people who want, or are able, to own them then some people will be tempted to scrap them rather than just leave them rotting in

    the nettles. Less vehicles around MAY result in higher prices, at some time in the future, for the historic vehicles that have survived but who knows what the future may bring. It's a market just like everything else.

  14. In a world where so much is changing it's nice to know that the fat arsed office dwellers at the MoD are maintaining their reputation for squander and incompetence. On this occasion it's helicopters, but there have been plenty of other examples over the years. I do hope none of the civil servants responsible are inconvenienced in any way.....unlike those service personnel at the pointy end, who they are supposed to be supporting.



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