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6 X 6

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Posts posted by 6 X 6

  1. I couldn't have restored these AEC's without Sheba, Rudy and Django, three badarse German Shepherds, who maintained security on the site and who no one, not once, ever tried to take on. Their main reward, apart from lots of fresh meat, was going on what we called "Cat Patrol" in the nearby streets when I got home from work at 3 am. I bet the cats around that neighbourhood aren't as fit as they used to be.





  2. After a few hair raising moments on a slightly hair raising journey the dead Militant was finally....em..partly into the Den. The main advantage of the Den, which came with a 1/2 acre yard next door, was that, in return for keeping an eye on a large adjoining listed building awaiting development, it was completely rent free including free electricity and other services. The small disadvantage was that to actually get a Militant into the main warehouse I had to remove the top half of the cab, headboard and let all the air out of the tires before it would pass under a steel girder just inside the entrance.




  3. All of the following 'photos were taken about 12 years ago. I'd bought this lorry, which was unregistered and had not been on the road since it's army days, from a plant operator who was slowly breaking it. It had already lost it's gearbox, starter, pump and a few other bits but it was basically sound, original and on good tires so I decided to buy it as it was.

    I smartened it up by painting the cab and wheels in the yard where I bought it and from where I towed it back to my main lorry Den with....




  4. Judging by the fact the Winscreen wiper is on the Rght, and the right hand door window is wound down, I would say it prooves the MkIII cargo WAS built in a RHD Model.. Can't see through the window, there is a hint of a steering wheel. Is the Master any clearer?


    Does the cupola on the left side of cab mean it IS RHD?


    This MkIII is RHD. Apart from the clues you have mentioned, on the original photograph in the book, the steering wheel and driver's hands can be made out on the right with the passenger side, on the left, unoccupied.

  5. That's very interesting ! I'm sure you must be right as the caption that accompanied this photograph, which is from a book published in 1976, reads, "AEC Militant, MK 3 (6 x 6) Cargo Truck undergoing trials". There is no hint in the text as to what kind of trials this truck was involved in. I can remember seeing a beautifully restored MK.3 truck a few years ago which I assume is still around. You don't see many about.

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