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6 X 6

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Posts posted by 6 X 6

  1. :rofl::rofl: Good answer Tom, but as Andy has pointed out, they are designed for two totally different defence scenarios.


    I was hoping my appreciation of that was evident in my answer. What I had meant by "does much the same job" was that both were anti-aircraft missiles. Anyway, I've decided to have all my future posts vetted by a both a legal expert, and defence specialist, before submitting them in order avoid any future misunderstandings. PM sent yesterday. Cheers, 6 X 6.

  2. It's very interesting, and I suppose very frightening, to learn of further miniaturization in future weaponry. I was reading recently

    about developments with tiny flying, armed robots. I'm sure, in time, all this sort of thing will come about. The question is, could you rally them ?

  3. Theres a beer with your name on it anyway if you come down this year mate ! You deserve it for saving the old girl from becoming another Chinese tower block support !:-D


    Amen to that. You're doing a great job Mr.& Mrs.MadRat, think of me as you're man in the West Country. If you want any spares checked out down this way, or any other assistance, just say.

  4. intresting point there 6x6 he mite think hes all safe from prying eyes up on that moutnin of his


    Younggun, did you notice how much the landscape on the YouTube Vids looked just like the outskirts of Lagos. I wouldn't be at all surprised if this turns out to be one of those Nigerian internet gangs. AND Mrs.MadRat has black hands.

  5. Mr.MadRat, before we start laying down our hard earned cash betting on the time this work will take how do we know you haven't got an already fully restored, "one you prepared earlier" Pioneer, just off camera that in three days time you will reveal to an astonished forum and keep our money? Are we all being drawn into one of the most audacious internet scammell scams ever ? And who is the sinister Baronvonthingme and what part does he play in all this ?

  6. I vaguely recall the missile may have had a soft red rubber pointy-end. And we thought Health and Safety was a modern curse?


    I doubt very much if the various dinky type matchstick firing artillery pieces I owned as a child would be allowed today. The prospect of some poor child being impaled on a matchstick doesn't bear thinking about. I don't know how we got away with it.

  7. Hi Goncalo, May I suggest you post a request for 'photos and information regarding WW11 aircraft fuel trucks in "MV Chatter" on this site ?




    AEC Matador 6 X 6 2,500 gallon refueling tanker.

  8. Is any of this for sale?


    All of the pictures were taken today in a reclamation yard and for the right money I suppose everything shown would be for sale. The tank had a sign on it saying not for sale but, as I say, if you offered them enough, maybe more than it was worth I expect they would sell. The ferret had a very faded price tag asking, I think, £2,300. These people are in the buying and selling business so if anyone showed any interest the price would shoot up. None of it would be cheap. You know how it is.


    Joris, if there is something you would like me to enquire about please PM me.

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