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Posts posted by gazzaw

  1. Is it a Gemini craft? Used by MOD 1970s to present- getting slowly replaced by the MIB (Medium Inflatable Boat) or a Searider? First had 40hp and latter a 70hp engine. Parts come up in surplus circles now and again but serviceability can vary. Lifejackets differed depending on Arm of Service or role. Ranged from CO2 Stole type, RE Lifejacket, Waistcoat types and even the Yokemaster lifejacket (aka Yellow Peril)


    The RN also had them but with other extras such as light bars with navigation lights etc but most CES parts were common to both with additions for divers, open water or inland etc.

    Early one had a wooden 2 piece keel section with later ones an alloy one. If it is I can send a PDF of boat parts, operations etc.




    Advanced Watermanship Safety Officer (WSO(A))

  2. Saturday 4th at 4.15ish

    Sitting having a coffee at coffee corner in Oban, Argyllshire, a smart looking jeep pulled up at junction then quietly purred away towards shorefront, anyone on here?



  3. Thanks Adrian


    getting a better picture now - the only ones I had seen before were the diesel ones direct into exhaust system. The pots look similar to ones we used in 70s where they had to be lit with a portfire slow burning match/wand or else sitting an elect detonator on top of the ignition hole.


    My curiosity is now fanned and am going to trawl internet and army museum to see if anything on the ones used by Popski (apparently they were experimental then so poss similar to yours) next thing is making up a jeep in that configuration and testing it lol.





  4. Hi


    Does any knowledgeable chap have infomation about smoke generators fitted to British used Willys/Ford GPW jeeps? There is mention about them being fitted to his jeep and used in Italy by Vladimir "Popski" Peniakoff in his book Private Army.


    Mainly looking for any articles, drawings, photos etc of this and how they worked etc. Presumably may have been a tube feeding Diesel/oil into exhaust system to generate smoke but not sure what it looked like.


    Didn't want to post this in either the American or British Vehicles sections as it was a US in UK etc, lol


    Thanks in advance



  5. wonderful photos of the moths. The only moth I seem to come across nowadays is the nocturnal trouser moth. This is the one that sneaks into your wardrobe, eats a couple of inches off of your trouser waistband then stitches it back up again to look original- the only evidence of this is when you go to put on these trousers and they no longer fit.....lol


    Gary W

  6. Thanks Guys


    Yes we are deliberately keeping below the threshold for domestics (AA,RAC etc) and probably best to go with one who cover the person to allow all of our vehicles to be covered on a trip etc. Again nothing should be over the width limit - as stated by AA etc. Our last breakdown was for the chevy wrecker CMP C60L recovered by RAC on one of our members own cards and it seemed fine (although transporter guy thought it nearer 4 tons, but it is a 3 tonner lol). What I need to do is see if I can open up one for our group with it's name on the card and paid by standing order from the group bank account etc.


    I will report back on any findings and how it goes.



  7. Hi


    Having looked at previous similar threads (some from more than 2 years ago) are there any good recommended recovery services who really cater for military vehicles? Is Roadsure Recovery still going?


    I need the person (or our club members/drivers) covered and not the vehicle as I/we have more than one -(heaviest is 3 ton/ 3.048tonnes), or does any group have a club membership recovery card through AA/RAC/Green Flag etc?


    thoughts, comments please



  8. Was this the same documentry I saw last night? About the LRDG and the SAS teaming up?


    No Sorry, ours is still a year away- the amount of research and trying to find LRDG/Early desert SAS continues and time running out as these vets grow older.



  9. Dear All, Having just returned from the show - 4 days for us -with the Regiment setting up, running then stripping it all out again, it was said to be the best show here for many a year.


    I would like to thank you all, on behalf of my CO and the Regiment, for the tremendous effort that each and every one of you made to be there and contribute to making the show a success. It was. personally for myself, great to meet you all again and also meet new faces in the mililtary history, re-enacting and historic military vehicle world. The members travelled from as far south as Dumfries and as far north as Lossiemouth (correct me if I am wrong there lads) just to be here. My CO had the mission to make this years' Stirling Military Show the best ever, and I wanted to make the displays that all of you put on, collectively, as the best set of stands ever. We achieved that and more - please give yourselves a round of applause - the public and veterans I spoke to when doing my rounds were extermely impressed with the quality of the vehicles and kit on display as well as the great depth of knowledge from all of you. Also I think that the weather made it a fantastic day overall, and will need to book it again for the future.


    Please pass this on to others who attended and maybe not on this forum and I look forward to seeing most of you all again in the near future at other events- this time amongst you and correctly dressed with Bouncing Betty (the jeep) in tow, actively collecting for the Army Benevolent Fund.

    Once more thank you one and all



  10. Yep can't disagree there and it is now the norm for units to put these 'recruiting' stickers etc all over the vehicles and cars -sticky ones for the L Rovers being aluminium etc. But no matter how much they try to push the one army concept it will always be the difference between the Pro's and TA weekenders etc -although we do contribute a lot to ops with people on deployments regularly. Difference between Reg & TA? - yes when not on ops Regs 5 day week less Wed Afternoon Sports and sometimes Fri Happy afternoon in mess etc - opposed to TA -work Mon- Fri at normal job then off for weekend to the TA (to try and do basic soldiering -some quite badly IMHO) - Ah bliss (lobs hand grenade into room) lol - Been there/done that from both sides and pros and cons on all sides- not wanting to hijack this thread will shut up now -sorry mods for digressing....



  11. Bedford TM 8 tonner and TM 14 tonner with comms bodies turning off the M4 onto the M25 - Army vehicles.


    Also Foden Wrecker and Layland Daf 4 tonner heading South on the A34 - TA vehicles.


    Tut Tut no discrimination now between Army and TA -after all we are now one army -so they keep telling us, but in reality never seen evidence of it lol.

  12. as already stated you need to SWR the Antenna in to represent a 1/4, 1/2 or full wavelength suitable to the transceiver. what you can get is an electronic antenna tuner that will 'electronically' adjust the antenna length to achive the lowest SWR reading. This acts similar to the TUAAM unit on the clansman vehicle mounted VHF radios etc (PRC353) Depending on the radio wattage will determine how much you can 'push out' in radio waves =distance and clarity etc.

    And sometimes depending on the antenna and the radio wattage this can overload the electronic circuits so the set up would need an amplifier unit to amplify or provide more wattage to overcome the resistance required to push out the signal etc.


    Again, as already stated, you will need to provide a good ground plane for the antenna -you might want to look at vehicles and trucks that are fibreglass etc (Some fodens etc) and what they had to do to provide a groundplane and get a lower SWR. It is possible and there are different ways to overcome this.


    hope it helps



  13. I attempted to strike up a conversation but they weren't that chatty. All I got when I asked where they were going was "were starting a war" something like that! Must be business users and not collectors.


    Comments like that don't help the hobby at all, I always take time to speak to anyone who asks, even give out a leaflet about our group etc



  14. W have some at our Cadet Unit, however on exercise we either stay in Stone Tents (Buildings) for our Junior Cadets and our senior Cadets just build Basha's. For more formal "Camping" such as Duke Of Edinburgh Awards ExPeds lightweight 2 man tents are used.


    Yep deffo Basha's but I knew they were on the G10 for cadet units but seldom used



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