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Posts posted by Runflat

  1. I guess the important thing is all the bits come together to create a whole.


    Any way, a quick search on Flickr and various pictures turn up:


    IWM AntiAircraft

    Thornycroft J Type with 13pdr Ack Ack


    IWM Duxford 0393 - WWI - British - Thornycroft J-Type Lorry 13 pdr Anti-Aircraft Gun - 1915

    Thornycroft Anti Aircraft

    Thornycroft lorry.



    Milestones bus

    Thornycroft bus

    Thornycroft double decker

    Street scene


    Country Life charabanc

    DS9751, Westpoint, 21/09/08

    DS9751, Westpoint, 21/09/08


    One from the southern hemisphere




    Another from the southern hemisphere?


  2. Steve, I think I'm right in saying that the Country Life chara' was acquired in very original form complete with a tipper body, which was then removed so that the chara replica body could be added. Do you know what happened to the tipper body? It'll be shame if it's going to waste. WD Roads anyone?

  3. Whaaaaat! I'd missed that.


    Some more links here:












    From what I can make out on a quick read:


    - Exporting restricted goods requires a licence.

    - You also need licence to move goods on the military list to other European countries. This includes items under category ML6 (i.e. ground vehicles, containers and components)

    - Some items are covered by an Open General Export Licence - open to anyone, no need to apply, just register.

    - There's an OGEL for historic military vehicles (i.e. ones manufactured 50 years or more before the export date and to be exported to EU countries for not more than three months.)


    Of note, the OGEL came out on 26 May 2009. No doubt it dawned on someone that a contingent of historic MVs not attending the D-Day commemorations due to red tape may not be a politically good thing - the press release is dated 3 June!


    Have a close read of the last document above. It makes it clear that you have two months to regsiter from when you take your MV abroad and have to maintain paperwork (ferry tickets?) for four years. It's not entirely clear what the penalty for failure is - possibly revocation of the OGEL, which just means hassle in the future for those who are compliant.


    I assume there's a different procedure if you are selling to someone abroad. But I can't believe the paperwork will be too onerous.

  4. Super pics those. Love the BRS Atki... and the lack of safety goggles.


    For comparrison. The world's largest marine engine:



  5. I think it's in the relevant Highways act section Jack - Unfortunately as it's pre 1988 legislation it's not available to view on line!:-(


    The Highways Act 1980 is here, albeit without latest amendments: http://www.statutelaw.gov.uk/legResults.aspx?LegType=Act+(UK+Public+General)&title=highways+act&searchEnacted=0&extentMatchOnly=0&confersPower=0&blanketAmendment=0&TYPE=QS&NavFrom=0&activeTextDocId=2198137&PageNumber=1&SortAlpha=0

  6. Stuart Cooper's 1975 film Overlord is available on BBCi at the moment until next Sunday: http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b00cjznj/Overlord/


    It's well worth watching for the archive footage alone (about half the film), even if you think the supporting plot is a bit trite. Actually, I quite liked it.


    If you want to be picky the use of the panjandrum footage is questionable, but it doesn't really distract. For MV spotters there are tantilising glimpses of folding bicycles, a tilly, QLs, and some Albion CX22S to name but a few. There is also the well known D-Day landing craft sequence, although I don't recall seeing before the amount of footage used here.

  7. It's a Ford GPA, based on a Jeep. I presume the initials mean "General Purpose Amphibian"


    Ignore all the jeep books that perpetuate the myth that GP = General Purpose. In Ford's coding system, G = Government, P = 80" wheelbase reconnaissance car. A, does mean amphibian though.

  8. In general, the greater the number of members the higher the quality of newsletter. Both MVT and MVPA have a good balance of club, technical and historical articles. IMPS more club based.


    MVPA probably have far more trade ads (useful if you have American MV) in their newsletters. MVT has probably the best private classified ads, although the monthly mags are better (especially Classic Military Vehicle).


    Open to views as to whether IMPS or MVT organise better tours.


    If you own something really unusual, the relevant marque clubs are probably worth considering.


    In my view the club with least bangs for your bucks is HCVS, even if you like civvy trucks and buses!

  9. It said in the paper today:


    Sat-navs could soon begin to fail because the network of satellites they rely on is not being maintained. Drivers could face service interuptions next year amid delays and overspending by the US Air Force, officials warned.


    You can't go wrong with a map... until the road signs don't show the right road numbers that is...

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