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Posts posted by Runflat

  1. I'm not sure what you are wanting us to comment on. Your Fordson doesn't have an E type body - the E type was a standardised shell with various sub-types for the different installations. There is one around on a Bedford MW chassis, complete with that odd looking overhang.

  2. Yes, appeared in issue 12. I've never seen another photo of it so good to see the one posted here.


    Years ago I met a chap who said he owned it - I've never seen it in the metal myself. I've just relocated my note. I won't give you his name, but at the time he lived in a village near Aylesbury. As it has not been on the show circuit to my knowledge, I can only assume it is still awaiting its turn...

  3. Thanks Mike - another item to find!


    Les - As no one else has got it, the pedestrian-controlled trolley is known variously as a "Trolley, Motorised, 4-wheeled, Airborne" and "Dropping Zone Collecting Barrow"; popularly known as the Morris 'Jarrow'; designed by Alec Issigonis (of Mini fame). Only ten were made. Designed to be dropped from the bomb racks of aircraft, the wheels etc fitted inside the parachute container which then converted into the barrow. Seems a lot smashed to pieces when they hit the ground!

  4. I don't recall seeing pictures of the Wolseley before. Where's it from? Vanderveen lists Wolseley tractors as being 1904 and 1907 - the '04 version being "the first internal-combustion oil-engined tractor", so interesting that this is '05.


    Les - I think the German car is a Mercedes. I'm on the case with the other, but I'll let others have a go first.

  5. I can't quite read the number on the plate but numbers H5469704 - H5470202 were allocated to contract S3039: AEC, tractor, 4x4, AA + PTO for 10KVA generator. In other words the famous AEC Matador.


    There will loads of pictures of them on this forum.


    If the number starts 548... then that's a bit odd.


    WMB Contract probably means War Ministry 'B' Vehicle Contract, but stand to be corrected - B vehicles were softskin vehicles. 'A's are armoured vehicles whereas 'C's are plant and machinery.

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