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Posts posted by Maverick

  1. You could try to blame me for maroons but since I wasn't there you would be on sticky ground:pfrt:

    As for no involvement you are hung with your own petard, you admit to starting the whole thing off by putting the pilot in touch with the Hop Farm etc . Whether or not I can fly a helicopter is irrelevant and is a very poor attempt to create a smokescreen.


    So on your basis If I ever introduce a MV owner to another MV owner I then become responsible for their actions for the rest of mine and there lives. How laughable

  2. I have attended every show at the Hop Farm either as exhibitor or visitor so have seen it from 'day one'.

    In the early days Rex and his team did all the work and I believe it was all at no cost to us.I have no problem with him doing well now.

    I am not too concerned about how the show is run financially on the basis that if it is worth the fuel cost I will go and if not, I won't.

    This argument has been going all that time.

    There are things you simply will not see elsewhere, Dragon Wagons, Reo Thunder and not to overlook the astonishing living history displays.

    I also had the opportunity to personally thank all of the veterans I encountered. If it wasn't for them we wouldn't be arguing about this.......................




    Your spot on there Martin, totally agree with what you have said.


    Regarding costs. Public gate money is controled by the Hop farm not Rex

  3. Any person or organisation that has any involvement in an incident of this sort must take their share of the blame and attempting to pass the buck in this way brings no credit at all and by association brings the whole movement into disrepute.


    We weren't involved in the incident, the pilot was, we don't need to share the blame as it has nothing to do with us. I could blame you for the maroons going off at night cos you were in the same field as those who set it off. That's the only relationship we had with the pilot, we shared the same bit of field. I know nothing about helicopters so where do I have the power to tell the organiser and the pilot what they can and cant do. Can you fly a Helicopter, are you qualified to disscuss rules and reg reagarding the CAA ???


    Lee. I'm surprised at you, your quick enough to correct other people. Re-read my post below


    We put the pilot and Hop farm in contact with each other, that is as far as our involvement goes so I don't want to hear Rolling Thunder being blamed for any of this


    2 All health and safety, license, permission etc etc was all arranged between them.


    3 Hop farm and organisers knew about its arrival etc but don't know if all marshals were told?



    The whole thing was arranged between the pilot and hop farm, we just reserved the space. Please get you facts right.

  4. Hi Guys


    Here's some information that is correct as I'm a member of Rolling Thunder.


    1 We put the pilot and Hop farm in contact with each other, that is as far as our involvement goes so I don't want to hear Rolling Thunder being blamed for any of this


    2 All health and safety, license, permission etc etc was all arranged between them.


    3 Hop farm and organisers knew about its arrival etc but don't know if all marshals were told?


    While I agree it could of turned nasty and I don't know the ins and out of helicopters, distances, landing and taking off etc and I'm not say he was right or wrong but once the guy is Airborne he tried his best at keeping it in the Air considering he suffered loss of power twice.

  5. Ah im pretty sure that was the american wrecker we passed by on the hard shoulder. Wow didn't expect this many people there already. Freind with a 101 came down sometime yesterday . Nice to see the Fordson there again this year.


    It was the wrecker you saw on the hard shoulder, one of the trailers had a puncture, nothing serious

  6. Well, I'm trying to save a David Brown Taskmaster for a museum at the moment, so the two together would make some exhibit. I'll ask them if they are interested. If it still can be saved, its worth a try.


    What part of the country is it in, given that I'm in southern Scotland. Would a big vehicle be needed to shift it, bigger than a transit car transporter? I ask, as one of my mates has one.


    Could you find out if its still there please? Cant promise anything, but they might be interested.






    I Should be up there this weekend so will find out if its still there and I'll take some measurments for you. Its to big for a transit ???


    Its located near Basingstoke

  7. The M149A2 trailers go for more than conventional trailers. They are much more rare. This one cost me $940.00 USD, but prices are very dependent on condition of the equipment and the location. I've seen some fantastic looking vehicles and trailers that were just too far away. The furthest I've traveled to bring something home was an M105A2 trailer I pulled for 923 miles home, but the entire trip was ~1850 miles. Normally, this is not something I would do, but the trailer was in like-new condition with new top and new tires, although it was a 1968 model.


    Sounds about the same sort of pricing over here, the last US Water Baffalo i saw was for sale at £850.


    Can't belive the miles you have to do to get things, so easy to forget over here how lucky we are.

  8. Hi Stuart.


    Have sent you a PM reference the middle axle.


    If your bearings have failed - Chrisg on here should be able to source some replacements without any issues as he managed to come up with 2 complete transfer box bearing sets for myself and Mike.


    I suggest you have an in depth investigation and see what has actually failed - then go from there.




    Hi Mark,

    Thanks for the heads up, as usual time is against us, like you say we need to have a closer look. just wondering what options we have and would it be easier to replace the complete axle rather than rebuild the one we have ??? Will start investigating the problem


    many thanks

  9. Hi Guys

    I may need some help from the experts here, A friend of mines ward la France came to a grinding hold the other day and we think its the middle axle bearings that have failed


    So what options do we have on getting the truck up and running again ASAP?? Spoke to Gritineye and he's been very helpful, just want to know what other members think ????


    I know Its a bit of a long shot but does anyone know someone who has a spare complete middle axle for a Ward la France ????


    Many thanks

  10. Hi Maverick,

    glad you enjoyed it! Thanks for your hospitality on Saturday evening. We had a great time Sat night, apparently I had a great time Sunday evening as well, Mrs G506 tells me I was dancing like a funky chicken in the beer tent. Maybe the cider was a little stronger than I thought.............


    Oh yes you were both very happy and enjoying the Sunday night, funky Chicken ??? Is that what you cal it ? :)




    Got A phone call from Gary yesterday thanking me for attending and bringing the Truck and Gun, never had that from a show organiser before so very impressed indeed.


    A very good all round show for the whole family, I've never had so much interest in the Gun at shows before especially from veterans of WW2 and people who were children during the war. I met a lot of very interesting people that weekend


    Already looking forward to the 2011 show

  11. Just want to say a very big thank you to the organisers for making Overlord 2010 the best show I have attended in a long time. Your hard work and effort went a very long way. I haven't been for over three years now and it felt like I hadn't been away, a very friendly welcome by all the organisers. Special thanks to Gary (sorry don't know is surname, always on a bike or in navy whites in the arena) and Mark Harvey for there help with loading of the gun etc.


    Good to meet Rosie and the Cubed one. Great looking 105mm howitzer there Richard, I can see you have put a lot of work into it.


    I couldn't believe the amount of interest I had from veterans and other exhibitors about the Gun and truck, it was non stop all day.


    Spoke to a lot of the stall holders and they said they were very happy with the show. The amount of public on Sunday and Monday was outstanding,


    The arena events and battle re-enactment were fantastic, a really mix and something for the whole family.At this rate I think your going to need a bigger field for next year.


    Cant wait for 2011.


    Thanks again

  12. Three uparmoured Challengers on the A303 on civilian transporters near Illminster heading South.

    An uparmoured Viking on a transporter on the M5 heading South.


    Are the Cornish revolting again?



    The Cornish have always been Revolting :) :)

  13. I Have given up with T&T, I have been there for the last 3 years and it just hasnt got better, stalls are junk, its expensive for the public to get it, charge to get in to evening entertainment and now charging to camp in the back field. No chance I'm off and going back to Overlord. Its the MVT who tried to be cleaver so its them who need to change the dates.

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