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Posts posted by Locolines

  1. A Dodge 6x6 ? I can see your reasoning but were they not under-powered for the size ? (I truly do not know as I have only read a couple of bits about the 6x6) Obviously a 6x6 has more room so would be better in that respect.


    The other thing I should mention is that I have no intention of trying to live and survive like a G.I.

    The US troops and the Brits, Canadians etc had a tough time of it and all I am looking to do is go to some of the places they went.

    I know some think it 'all part of the fun' but all we are doing is going on the trip to pay our respects to them, not to try and replicate the hell a lot of them went through.

    With that in mind, as I said, we will stay in hotels and accommodation in the evenings and we will also be putting in some better seating/cushions in what ever vehicle we choose but wont be cutting the vehicles about, just making sure people are comfortable(ish...) and safe (as mentioned, better lighting etc)


    Now, as far as MPG goes for a GMC 353, WC 4x4 and a WC 6x6, what would would average at a sensible speed ?

    More curious than important really.

    about 8mpg at no more than 40 !
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