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Posts posted by Locolines

  1. NDTs are horrible tires. Switching to a sane tread pattern would also help with ride.


    Look at the rear springs of any CCKW... that spring stack is like a foot thick and the only spring pivot point is the center trunnion. By design the weels are made to articulate, not really compensate for ride. The front springs are a little better.... but still way to stiff to expect anything but a bone jarring ride.

    Yep, no option but to man up and hold on tight !

  2. Just back from the weekend event, and although the weather was very nice, there was unfortunately not a lot going on, except for some good 1940s jive dancing at North Weald station. Our jimmy was the largest vehicle followed by dodge and a Nice morris tractor and a few jeeps. There were a few reinactors camped about.

    A vintage bus service ran between the two stations and steam train rides were available on the Saturday,but on Sunday it broke so it was pulled by a diesel.

    some of the advertised events failed to appear including the Battle of Britain flight, although the PR spitfire did a very thrilling but short display on the Saturday.On the Sunday a warhawk/ kittyhawk flew in around in the distance for a couple of minutes.

    there were 3 classic cars in attendance

    Potentially they have the makings of a really good event there, but I think in my humble opinion they need to organise it better and set the scene, by not letting the general public etc parking their modern cars amongst the exhibitors for example.

    The staff there however were very friendly and helpful and above all I still enjoyed it.

    I imagine its very difficult to organise such events, I couldn't do it, but thought I would share my own opinion.I will go again next time.

  3. All of the above might be true, but I wish them good fortune, as I personally speaking, are glad they are at least trying to save the last one. The amount of money is small compared to other less significant projects.

    How much does the time team cost to produce every series, in order to find another five pieces of old roman pot every program and to hear Phil Harding say "ere tony look wot oi found" ?

    Even a corroded pile of German barnacle coloured aluminium in a museum would make me think of those brave people during the war that saved our country from the nazis and put the bomber were it was found, instead of it ending up on the end of a British runway, and they make me even prouder to be British.


    this is only my own personal feelings and I am not trying to provoke any disagreements.


    have a great day.

  4. Well, I got offered two ferrets, so I bit the bullet and bought them.

    the first one will arrive next week.

    its a mk4 ferret and its amphibious ( !! ) and has a turret on the top. It came from the Guards and has done only 6000 miles from new. It's got all its equipment including a radio.

    the second one is a mk2 without a turret.

    I know nothing about the ferret other than what I see on google.

    So why have I bought them? I don't know!

    Anyway ,they have been sitting in a very dry, secure premises for about 25 years and I would like some advice please on things to check before I try to fire it up, other than checking the oil and water.

    Oh ! goodness knows what I have let myself in for.

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