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Posts posted by Locolines

  1. You think you have it bad, I am in the model railway industry , now there's where you find professional rivit counters , colour experts , and all sorts, from the down right rude to people to the biggest know alls of all time. It seems also that everyone's dad used to Drive the flying Scotsman too.

    on the other side of the coin there's a lot of very knowledgable people out the standing quietly in the background

  2. there I was today showing my mate my bofors and pointing it upwards to the shy, when blow me, over the rooftops comes this apache style helicopter. Anyway it was really really low because the clouds were also low, I suddenly realised that my gun was pointing straight at it and to my amazement the pilot was looking straight down at us. ! I don't know who was the more surprised me or him. What else could we do other than wave frantically like a pair of schoolgirls !


  3. You will love it. I was lucky enough to have had a flight in the BBMF lanc back in 1976 when on a weeks camp at conningsby with the ATC. Sat in rear turret and flew along the coast over Yarmouth ! I will never forget it.

  4. its a shame theres no stirlings left really isn`t it.....

    they were giants as well....:


    Yes it is, I wonder how they would have performed if the RAF hadn't of clipped its wing down . Useless bomb bay design though

  5. right. well i saw these sites when i was looking for 100th bg links. dont know why but in the past 2 months anything 2 do with the 100th bg...thats why i asked about taking the runway photos!! theres something about that place. when i got out of my car on that first visit there was, know this will sound stupid, a static electric atmosphere!! anyway thats me for now. speak 2 u soon!!:)

    I understand what you mean, like the past is still present sort of thing....

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