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Posts posted by Locolines

  1. An hour ago, and After 25 years in a barn, the ferret burst into life once more.



    And it ran great.



    Initially it had no spark, so I fitted new leads, which was ok, but when I tried to fit the new distributor cap, it wouldn't sit right.

    Looking at the old cap, I noticed that there was a small chip in the rim, where the condenser nut was obviously fouling.

    Turns out that the washer under the nut was a bit thick, so after the offending washer was removed, it fitted perfectly and hey presto now I had a great spark at the plug.

    I filled up the carb with fresh petrol and to my surprise it started straight away.

    So obviously I am now Mr. well pleased from Essex !

  2. For a start, ditching into the sea, is worse than a hard belly landing on ground. Add to that, 70 years of salt water, tidal action and trawlers nets tugging at it. It's amazing what they have got. Cleaned up, laid out on the ground with all the right bits in the right places, and not only will you have something that looks like a Dornier 17, but a display that will make you stop and think.

    Well said

  3. Sad to hear the news that one of the Panton brothers Fred has passed away aged 82. The brothers are owners of Lancaster NX611 and the Lincolnshire Aviation Museum at East Kirkby. A true gentleman, always a pleasure to chat to, RIP Fred.

    Oh I wished he could have seen Jane take to the skies

  4. Thank you very much for doing that. Yes I couldn't have imagined it would have been with a para squadron.

    does anyone know how many mk4s were made ,- and how are left ?

    It's the big day tomorrow ( subject to the distributor cap arriving ) to see if it will start.

  5. I have just had a scam email, and so has my Daughter. It proports to come from Paypal saying you have just sent some money to someone. Do Not go onto the site specified as they seem to want your details and the site looks very like Paypal. If you check your legal Paypal account, the item will not appear. Don't know who is doing this, but be careful out there...

    You can normally tell if its a scam as the real paypal normally quotes your name whereas the spoof normally starts with something like " dear client"


    but your right , still be careful !

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