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Posts posted by Caddy

  1. yes it's the ht cables that have gone hard and rigid through age and so might be liable to break if not already done so. we could use normal copper cable but it would be nice to have the rf screening so we can use a working 19 set but if push comes to shove then i'm happy with anything as long as it works ! i was on the phone last night to a chap that plays around with meteors and they have been taking the mag coils out and testing them, he also told me water ingress is a problem.

    bloody petrol engines will be the death of me.





    A very nice man from Bovington told me the same with regards to water ingress (esp in the mag drop leads).

    We kept the screening and just fed new cable in it. I think the HT cable came from Marcus Glenn. Where the rubber outer on the screening had perrished we used self amalgamating tape over the top of it and it gave a really nice finish.

  2. Adrian,


    Is it the HT loom you need to replace? We have re-cabled a couple of looms using copper core HT cable rather that the steel that was in there originally. Seems to have worked.

    I like the mag setup on the meteor; it is a good system. As long as the mag is in good order and the booster coil is fine there should not be a problem as you say.

  3. I think the James 125 became the Cadet.

    Good contacts are:

    BTSC - British Two Stroke Club.

    Think there is a James forum on Yahoo somewhere.

    Vale Onslow bought all the NOS off NVT when they went bust so might have spares...


    I had a 1958 Captain, quite a bit of fun and just as quick as a Matchless G3

  4. Not a lot happening at the moment, the vehicle has been shut down due to some damaged asbestos so we can't work on it until a specialist has been in.

    Still, not been sat twiddling our thumbs (mainly been drinking tea instead), we've been chasing and researching the damaged wiring loom. Think we have it sorted now:




    We have also been stripping down a spare carb set for the main engine as we think the one on AVRE at the moment is full of sand (well both fuel pumps were completely blocked with Iraq's finest)


    That's about it at the moment.

  5. So I've come across a book that might help with the plan of the clubhouse, how's this for a plan?


    There's even a bit of spec for vehicle storage:


    It all (and more) comes from this book:


    Got given it along with a few other interesting books by my boss who used to work at Shoeburyness.

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