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Posts posted by Caddy

  1. I once got my wife to believe that reebok got their name after a certain type of moth after she saw a rather beautiful moth which looked like it had been made out of trainer material.

    Also once I got so fed up with a temp who couldn't even pull a weed out of the ground that I sent him out with a bag and litter picker to collect all the leaves. He did it as well.

  2. When I first started working full time I did a lot of agency work in factories, workshops, golf courses, etc. There would always be some witty Noel Coward type who would try to get us temps / apprentices / hairy-handed-sons-of-toil to do something stupid.

    So did you get the rainbow paint experience?

    I was sent out for a long weight, so I had a lovely cup of tea and biccy in the local cafe before returning. Much to the annoyance of Mr Coward, and the amusment of everyone else. Especially when I sad that I thought 30 minutes was a long wait...

  3. Sorry, the conqueror won't be coming out to play this year as apparently my bum is not a pretty site sticking out of the drivers hatch whilst trying to repair the gear lever...

    The M40 is out along with the Stuart and the (Skoda) half track. Not seen much else as I have mainly been inside the Chieftain MBT trying to get the GE to charge. It'll be running on the day though.

  4. Clutch sorted, engine block had second coat of paint broken bolt removed from bellhousing and started sorting front brakes






    Have brought brake cylinder home to rebuild with new seals but the weather is sooo nice I,m out on the Norton tomo :-D

    You can quickly go off people you know......

    Can we have a piccy of the Norton as well? Pretty please!

  5. Driving up the A130 into Chelmsford last night I saw a couple of Bedford MJ's, an APC, Armoured bulldozer, and a submarine...............









    ...... No that's not right, hang on I'm asleep aren't I? Yep, that's disappointing.

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