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Posts posted by Caddy

  1. 1 step forward, a whole avelanche backwards!


    So before yesterday we had the following:

    Aux gen is running as sweet as a nut,

    Main engine has coughed once or twice,

    Rear fuel tank emptied of varnish and cleaned up and fuel line blown out.


    So yesterday started by cleaning up as many plugs as we could, all pretty manky. We couldn't get to some so had to hope that we could get enough cylinders running that with both mags spinning that we could get one plug in each cylinder to fire.

    Connect up the dummy fuel tank and watch fuel pour out of the Meteor's right hand pump.............

    Not a happy bunny.


    Okay, it was about 10:30 so we wandered over to the Royal Anglian Regiment's memorial and joined the service. It was a very good service, and in a sheltered spot with the sun beaming down it felt right.


    Anyway, back to the pump, top union came off without a hitch (the amount of old fuel that poured out was amazing). The feed pipe union was another matter and the pipe sheared off. Much swearing.....

    Undid the rest of the feed pipe unions only to have the same thing happen at the other end.

    Fuel pump cam off and along with the pieces of pipe we took them into the workshop.

    We found a length of steel pipe that we can use as a sleeve for the feed pipe, and we'll braise that later.

    No wonder the fuel pump was leaking it was full of sand (Iraqi?), so that was cleaned up and left in soak so we can strip it later.


    So frustrating

  2. Today was a little bit more uplifting.....

    Had to strip the fuel pump again as the one way valve was gummed up.

    Had to remove the fuel tap as it was being a real git, and plumbed the temp fuel tank into to tap outlet.

    Got the Aux Eng running beautifully and charging.

    Still couldn't get the main engine to run though, plenty of smoke and fuel vapour. Think we're going to have to remove the exhaust spark plugs and give them a good clean.....

  3. Well Sunday was not a good day. Apart from the fact it was wet and windy the bloody Aux Gen refused to start. Took nearly all day to figure that the inlet valves had stuck open. So we tried to tap the back home with liberal use of penetrating fluid. No good. Very annoyed.........

    We also found that the casting that holds one of the fan belt tensioners was broken and the other tensioner was seized.

    Still couldn't get the clutch free and still couldn't get the main engine to even cough.



    Today was a better day though; managed to free off all the inlet valves in the Aux Gen and get it to run. This means that we can warm up the meteors carb set (linked coolant system), so we will have a better chance to get the meteor to start.


    Finger crossed for Sunday. Oh the govenor on the Aux Gen is pretty seized as well.

  4. Chieftain has certainly helped broaden my skill with regards to electrical work. It makes Centurion a doddle.

    ARRV is a lot easier to work on - for starters there's no propellant bins in the way and they blummin heavy.

    If you wanted a bit of experience first you could volunteer at somewhere like Bovington, Duxford, etc. Certainly a good way to get experience. I'm sure there a few people on here who wouldn't say no to a bit of help especially if it was zero hour contract and zero pay

  5. I once was tanked by my then girlfriend (now wife), to a Holbein exhibition at the Tate. Two have stuck in my mind:

    The first was a sketch of a hand, it was so fresh and real. The second was a portrait of Henry VIII, it wasn't the usual full length of him fist on hip, it was head and torso and the look in his eye was amazingly scary. You knew why this fella was the most powerful man in England.

  6. Closer inspection shows that the main fuselage is a 'tail dragger' (like most British WW2 bombers and planes), why would it have a nose wheel? It wouldn't be able to take off would it?

    Not sure if it's a fake, but if it was real then I can really understand why it never came into production (nearly wrote 'never took off', but aparently it did)

  7. SHE LIVES!!!!!!



    Well sort of; got the Aux Gen running after stripping cleaning and resetting the SU pump, replace the carb, and then try to get it to run.

    She now charges and we started to get hot coolant running through the main engine. Tried (and failed) to get the Meteor to run with no luck. We know the booster coil is good and we were getting a nice petrol smell from B band exhaust (couldn't check A bank with the Aux Gen running), so I guess we will need to run through the ignition system in a couple of weeks.....

  8. Does anyone know where we can get a technical handbook for the AVRE? We will need to start on the hydraulic system soon and want as much info as possible. Had a look on afvhandbooks, but no such luck.

  9. What was more impressive is that they did all that without a reference manual or taking the engine out.....


    On a serious note we are not going to rush starting the Meteor. Yes, it turns over, but we want to turn her over some more until we get the oil returning. That way we shouldn't damage the engine (hopefully too much).

  10. 17F1B87A-95C2-4EFF-BAEE-48445809CCCD-2013-000001863A4932EC_zpsa200f77b.jpg


    So had a great day today. Finished off the work on the Aux Engine carb. Had to replace the condenser in the Aux Eng dizzy. Still couldn't check the coil and filter for the ignition as all the fixings are too fixed.....

    Aux Eng turns over on the dyna-start. But the SU fuel pump isn't working, so that's off for a check.

    The fuel lines are good and the new fuel filter is in.

    Oh, we also got the main engine choke was freed off, but needs more use.

    Need a new throttle cable for the Aux Eng, and possibly a choke cable as well.

    Vacuumed one hell of a lot of crap out of the fighting compartment and part of the engine bay.

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