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Hair Bear

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Posts posted by Hair Bear

  1. M1 J23 north 1600hr today low loader carrying a bright yellow Scammell Pioneer recovery in good order & an old dump truck, possibly ex military but was distracted by the Pioneer.

    Saw them earlier in the day, probably A34n. The tipper looked to be 'Hoveringham' orange, possibly another Scammell.

  2. Just found this thread, I don't know anything really about Vulcans but it seems unusual that if I read correctly that you have started with two, or the parts of two, as back in the late 70's my Dad had a late friend who had the parts from two Vulcans in a barn in near Arlesford. Could they be the same ones perhaps?

  3. Thanks, interesting stuff. Yes I should invest in some new gear, what I have is best described as family heirloom!

    Now here's one for the 'Am I being stupid?' forum... Am I reading correctly that Propane and Propylene are the same thing?

  4. It's been a while since I looked at this thread which gives an idea of how often I might use gas, and went to checkout Adams Gases.

    They don't appear to list acetylene but do have propylene at what appears to be a reasonable price.

    So the question is... Would I need new regulators, gauges and torch kit or will my original kit still be suitable and how good is it in comparison?

  5. Hi All,

    Thought this may be of interest. This is a photo that my late father in law always kept in his wallet. We think it was taken around the early 50's but couldn't be sure. We've no idea where it was taken, or who the subject is, the only remotely possible identifier being the number on the Jeep.

    I wonder if there's an identical photo somewhere with my father in law sitting on the bonnet???

    Unknown soldier1951l.jpg

  6. Never been before even though it's only 6 mlies from home, made a nice day out. Lots of questions but few staff around to answer.

    The video showing the Scammell pulling the tank from the ditch, what were the snatchblocks anchored to?

  7. We had this sort of problem 40 years ago on the vintage tractor show circuit, at that time we gave it up.


    Then last week this appears... http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/personalfinance/insurance/motorinsurance/11493891/Youll-need-100-car-insurance-for-lawnmowers-says-EU.html


    The important bit being "The court in Brussels decided that any moving vehicle, on public and private land, should have motor insurance, regardless of whether they are driven on the road or not."

  8. I clicked the little button in the top of the ad... It's taken me nearly all night to get rid of the advertising providers name - hyperlinks started appearing in the text body as highlighted phrases! Not having a go as it were, more a caution.:nut:

    Anyhow, I appreciate the need to raise funds, and as a suggestion a couple of other forums I use are generally free but certain areas ie 'For Sale' and 'Wanted' are only available to subscribers.

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