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Posts posted by timbo

  1. So by my reckoning we have the following here (with apologies as Ive used a bit of licence on some of the categories):


    Engineering/ mechanics 21

    Driving/ logistics 8

    Architects 1

    Park/ estate management 3

    IT 4

    Nursery super 1

    Construction/ maintenance 8

    Designer 2

    Project management 1

    Nursing 1

    Printing 1

    Banking/ insurance / office work/ finance 4

    Music biz 3

    Outdoor instruction 1

    Shot blasting 1

    Probation 1

    Glasswork 1

    Logging 1

    Retired 1

    Serving soldier 1


    There were 11 of the above list who admitted to being ex members of the armed forces in some shape or form...




  2. Marcus Glenn has a fairly complete project one for sale at the moment. It is POA but i am pretty sure was previously listed at £60k plus vat. I would imagine a completed restoration woukd go for considerably more. So yes, in my book that would mean some piggy bank raid!!

  3. Was in Army for 12 years came out trained as a plastere, found this boring retrained as a outdoor pursuits instructor now i,m a Bushcraft Instructor earning now where near the same money as Ray Mears!




    Very jealous. Ray Mears is great, much better than Bear Grylls who always seems to do things the hard way. Where Bear is chewing raw insects, Ray whittles himself a 10 piece dinner service and dining room table before settling down to a nice stew!!




  4. I spent 15 years in heavy vehicle/plant recovery then moved to the Midlands from Essex and went into general Haulage. Then around 10 years in heavy haulage mostly moving railway locomotives. My main claim to fame is that I moved the Japanese Bullit train that is at the National Railway Museum in York from Southampton. Currently I'm not working due to ill health.




    If that was you then I followed you !!! Up the M40 I think it was at about 2am. Police would not let anybody past so had to do the whole journey at 20mph or so - you got some cursing that night!!




  5. Nice pics mate I have a vice for the back of mine which I stripped blasted painted and greased. Vice done, now just need to finish the Samson! There should also be a canvas cover to protect it from the elements.


    When I changed the sprockets and road wheels on my Sabre there were bits of mud stuck between them which had literally set like concrete. Not a problem with the roadwheels but took a while to get at all the bolts on the sprockets, i had to use. Achisel and hammer to get it out..!

  6. Many thanks for all the advice. I had already decided against reconnecting the remote cables but was going to install these as trigger operated back ups, as well as having a ready supply of modern portable extinguishers. I will have a think but may just intstall empty cylinders for cosmetic purposes, the brass piercing heads look quite attractive when cleaned up and lacquered.




  7. Ok so I have these 2 pyrene bottles which ive been refurbishing to go into my Saladin, and in the process of refitting the piercing head i, ahem, managed to pierce the brass disc, with the result that the bottle went off! Well at least i know it was full! Looking at the second bottle the disc looks to have a bulge in it, which is maybe what caused it to go off, as the piercing head was definitely fully retracted and the safety bolt in place.


    So does anybody know if the bottle can be recharged and the brass disc replaced? I am intending to try some fire extinguisher places on Monday but just wondered if anybody on here knows?




  8. The spray job....




    I used Halford's spray primer on everything.


    I spent more time cleaning the spray gun than actually using it & it was only 2 weeks prior to finishing the project that I found out that acrylic paint was water based (not like enamel), so I could've cleaned everything with water rather than acrylic thinners (that I used sparingly) lol. But then again, I was sold acrylic thinners when I first started & if you don't know otherwise? & no doubt......I've still a lot to learn?


    Nice work indeed mate..!!! For cleaning acrylics you need the spray cans of foaming cleaner, these work really well with acrylic paints, water is too much like hard work. The normal spray cleaner works well on enamel but is not so good on acrylics..

  9. Bob


    Still working my way through this and thoroughly enjoying it, a brilliant read, although took me a while to get into it. I would agree with your assessment of Alanbrooke, a great man whose contribution to the war effort has been sadly underrecognised!


    But no Im afraid I still dont know who Stuart was!




  10. There is a modern parallel in the type of asymmetric warfare we see in many trouble spots today - relatively small actions which cause minimal disruption in themselves but which have the effect of tying up large numbers of troops and large amounts of equipment to guard against them. It has proved time and again to be a very effective means of waging war when you dont have the capability to mount a traditional offensive.


    But Bob I tend to agree with you the 6 month quote was rhetoric!


    Either way they were heroes of the first order.

  11. Wow 120mm canister now that would be seriously unfunny..! Fourfox also told me that canister was rare and destroyed barrels, but I guess once you'd fired two of them the hordes would be seriously discouraged. As an aside I bought from him a box for canister rounds which bizarrely holds 6 rounds - odd as you would never use 6, not in one vehicle anyway..

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