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Posts posted by timbo

  1. Bran Dragovic ?


    Bumped into him at the Alvis show in August, with his Saladin, but I thought he told me he got the engine from a Saracen for it..


    Nice chap, need to catch up with him at some point about his accumulator recharging apparatus which looked really quite clever..!

  2. You sure, it's been doing my head in for 30 odd years!! I'm sure it just concentrated on the hotel but then again I was just in my teens! I need to grab a copy n watch. Wasn't the longest day American and how THEY won the war? This was defiantly British mate


    Well the cricket definitely featured in Longest Day but that doesnt mean they didnt feature in our film too of course...!

  3. Alvis did it! May 1965 according to the Bill Munro book was when it was proposed to the War Office but only 2 prototypes were built in June 1966. There were mods made to the gearbox and cooling to cope with the extra power apparently. One prototype was produced for the British Army, the other for the Americans. In the event neither were delivered.


    Tom Packham the Alvis test driver described the vehicle as being transformed by the extra power.....


    Has it ever been done on a privately owned one? Well I dont know but it sounds like the sort of thing Dave Perks might have done? I'm pretty sure he has mentioned in the past about dieselising one.


    PS I think the lack of power was always seen as a bit of an issue, but comparing it to a Fox is probably a bit unfair!!

  4. A great shame but it did seem to be coming, what with quite a few vehicles coming up for sale over the last couple of years. At the end of the day you can't eat armour..!


    Personally I thought the tank overhaul programmes featuring Dave were the best of the lot....I still chuckle at his quote when everybody was cooing over Tiger 131 'we won the war y'know!!!'..


    Good luck to them whatever they do next and lets hope not too much goes to the scrapman..

  5. This looks like a 1970s solution to a non-existent problem, built using 1960s technology.


    At a time when we're phasing out our CVRT fleet due to it's prehistoric design and materials, and rapidly reducing resistance to the typical IED threat, I can't see who's likely to buy this.


    Well quite possibly nobody will want to buy it, and I notice from the blurb that the design team are looking for a manufacturing partner, so I get the impression this is still very much in the idea phase. I can well imagine for some countries this could be an ingenious and cost saving concept, common automotive platforms and so on.


    Given the number of years (decades) a CVRT replacement has been in the offing, I wouldn't write this idea off just yet, even if it does use old tech..! I think it could probably work quite well as a multi purpose load carrier, but i can see all kinds of problems with this as a fighting/ recce vehicle..




  6. Hi James


    Have often thought this and can see no reason why wouldnt work (with the bulbs changed of course!). At £3 a pop you could try it anyway - let us know how you get on...!




  7. I have somehow grown to have an immense interest in the Gulf War/Granby for some reason. I think speaking with the vets and actually being able to buy armoured vehicles that have been known to have been in the Gulf has fueled this interest. The stories and personal/unpublished pics that the vets share are incredible. Here is a link to a video of my Scorpion (Belgian) that was completely done up to look like my Sabre when it was a Scorpion with the 14th 20th King's Hussars in 90-91. The exterior is pretty much done with the exception of a few bits and markings. The video was taken last Saturday on "Tank Day" at the Ontario Regiment Museum in Oshawa, Ontario.
    I am still working on my driving skills!!


    Hello Alan


    Vehicles look very smart indeed. As for driving dont forget there is a distinct step in the ratios when you get to 4th gear. This isnt such a problem going up the box, but if you come down too quickly you end up see sawing all over the place with the revs through the roof..! If you can keep the momentum up you will find everything a lot smoother if you can keep it in the top 3 gears. Driving on the road is of course a different matter altogether since you have to make sure you are in the right gear to get round whatever corner you are approaching....not so critical if you are hacking round fields..




  8. The new Overlord museum at Coleville is very good, with a great collection of vehicles, but also check out some of the older, smaller museums which have some real treasures.


    The Longues battery is also worth a look, as are the cemeteries, British at Bayeux, and the American one of course, which has a new and very good visitor centre. Then there's Omaha and Pointe du Hoc so lots to keep you busy.


    I don't know quite what I expected from Omaha but it felt like a bit of an anti climax...good friterie though!




  9. Spartan looks and sounds well Tim... Especially the front track guards! I have the same problem with the seat!




    Cheers Chris


    Your track guards are peachy, a perfect copy - bolted straight on!


    I still bear the scars of fitting that engine last year - starting at 10am Sunday and finishing at 3am Monday, and then going to work! However it does seem to go well. Things were a bit more organised when I did the Sabre...




  10. CVRT Spartan FV103 at Tanks Trucks & Firepower - Great Slow Motion Sequences

    Very Cool Crew !!




    Something went wrong...




    Thanks for posting this PD much appreciated...


    Two things strike me about this clip. First I have been trying hard to improve my driving this year ie not revving the bejaysus off it and it certainly sounds better than my previous attempts, and second I really do have to get the missus to knit me a cushion - the seat was already on max height setting!!!




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