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Posts posted by timbo

  1. Its a pain in the a**e!! The bolts always seem to round off no matter how careful you are, and then you have no choice but to drill them out. Last time I did it I removed the whole fan to replace the bearings which at least made it a little easier - good luck!



  2. Have used both Badger and Iwata - the badgers are a little agricultural so I would pay the extra for the Iwata - beautifully engineered and a lot easier to use and clean. Get a good compressor too as the cans are not very useful. For cleaning get a stock of the spray cleaners they make life a lot easier.


    Go for the best you can afford and if you can't afford then I would save a bit longer as you'll quickly outgrow a cheap one and have to pay out twice. Lots of good tips on youtube!

  3. Martin


    I dont know why I couldnt figure this out. i must have been tired.


    The dimensions you need are:


    Inside diameter at narrowest point = 90mm (ie top of spline to top of opposite spline)

    Diameter of holes where the plungers go = 6mm

    Distance from centre of plunger holes to outside edge = 11mm

    Depth of splines = 25mm


    I usually measure once and cut twice but I double checked these! Hope this helps.


    The end of the shaft has a dimple so as Richard says might be a good idea to turn something up to protect it.




  4. A quick update on this...not much use of the old girl over the winter due to a few (ahem) ignition problems and a lack of time, but I have been poking around with the brakes while I have had the decks off. The LR cylinder remains very firm and responsive with no problems at all.


    Cheers all...

  5. It looks to me like he uses the lampost on the left, just after the crossing point, as the braking point, so has probably been well practised. Neverthess you wouldnt catch me standing there! Perhaps some kind of passing out stunt. They will only get it wrong once thats for sure!

  6. So after all that it turns out to be the winky pot...!


    Reminds me of a story Lew told (works for bae and Alvis on Holyhead Road prior to that) and was on base inspecting a vehicle - turns out it had a defective beacon so Lew writes on the form 'winky pot not working' - apparently the ssm/asm or whatever went doolally!! Lew just walked off chuckling - good man though close to retirement but can still get in/out of a turreted cvrt like an 18 year old - years of practice!




  7. Just thought that I'd flick this thread back up


    Tim is the Samson running now?


    Hi Andy


    Erm.....well, sort of.....err no actually! Lovely recon engine fitted and it has been run up once or twice but Im afraid to say my attention has been focused elsewhere over the last couple of years, most notably getting the Spartan painted, changing the engine in the Sabre, acquiring a Saladin....oh, and working to pay for all this flipping stuff. So for the moment she remains languishing in the back of the shed. I have however just disposed of one of my bigger projects so I am getting closer..!




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