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REME 245

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Posts posted by REME 245

  1. Can anyone confirm please what these 2.75kVA 130 volt generators were used for?


    I have been told Bofors Guns but the only guns with power mounts were the SP version which had their own pto driven generators. I am assuming the example I have is war-time as it is painted Brown.

    Douglas Generator inline.2.jpg

    Douglas Generator inline.jpg

  2. The pictures are from A (RWY) Squadron of the RY.


    It was the first armoured regiment I had served in and unlike the previous transport units I had been attached to something always seemed to need recovering when ever we went out.


    I suppose armour is less reliable or it gets abused more.

  3. Mike


    I was repeating the comments of Peter Laidler at the Warminster Small Arms Collection who stated that the MOD longer retained stocks of any of these weapons.


    Storage space costs money and the days of vast storage depots accross the country are long gone.

  4. A dealer I have spoken to knows where they are and hopes to acquire them but obviously it is down to the relevant foreign goverment.


    From memory 6 Pounders were not declared obsolete until 1960 but nothing is stored for long now as it costs money. All the SLR's, Sterlings and 7.62 Brens have alrerady been cut up.

  5. With all these dealers the question is the quality/accuracy of the product they are making. There are a lot of manufacturers out there making very poor representations of the uniforms they are meant to be copying. If you are not an expert on what ever you want to buy I would suggest taking someone who is to give you advice.


    If you are taking about British kit most of the serious re-enactors use this company.



  6. Obviously many show organuisers ban the carrying of firearms away from displays.


    Whether or not they enforce this rule in another thing.


    "Saw several WW2 re-enactors at W&P who looked shall I say unconvincing in their portrayal"


    Unfortunately Living History is a very broad church (including vehicle owners) and what individuals do outside of the professional groups who take their hobby very seriously cannot be policed.

  7. I think there is a bit of confusion here.


    Show organisers expect Living History Groups staging displays to have Group PLI. PLI is also part of the exemption for re-enactors to buy replica firearms.


    An individual vehicle owner who decides to wear a uniform to compliment his vehicle does not need PLI.


    If you are going to wear period uniform I would just ask to people to take it seriously and do it correctly and with respect. If you are to old, to fat, not willing to buy period eye wear (if required) or have a hair cut/remove any inappropriate facial hair, don't do it.

  8. As discussed before with Roadsure, it worth asking the question what extras they have you down for on the policy.


    When I checked they were charging me extra for key replacement and a few other things which I had never asked for and were not particularly appropriate on a Universal Carrier.

  9. I have just received my renewal from Roadsure as well and I don't think the new owners of the company are interested in the MV market.


    Regarding the Recovery Service, I believe it has been mentioned before on this forum that you can go directly to the company Roadsure use and buy the service direct.

  10. Does anyone know what happened to my old Mk2/2.


    I brought it from Preston Isaac's as an empty hull and subssquently sold it to Clive Hughes unrestored when I was made redundant.


    Under the paint were full 43rd Wessex Division Royal Wiltshire Yeomanary markings and the vehicle subsequently featured in an article in the now defunct MV Magazine.


    The Royal Wiltshire Yeomanary employed at least two vehicles of this mark both pre 67 and afterwards when they became A Squadron of the Royal Yeromanary.

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