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REME 245

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Posts posted by REME 245

  1. From memory the same guy was meant to have Carriers and other stuff he liked to watch rusting. I spoke to him probably 15 years ago but unwilling to sell anything. I thought the site had been closed but other can confirm.

  2. Too early for my truck but must be of interest to some one on here i know how hard i looked for the no 5 charging board not too sure how to post the e-bay link but you should find it from this






    Nothing to do with Number 19 Sets as they did not exist in 1940 and it is for a generator rather than a specific radio set.


    It would be used on sets like my 1940 1260 watt Onan which is for sale.

    Gen Plate.JPG

    Glen Plate 2.JPG

  3. Its degree of originality would preclude interest from most of the big Artillery collectors although I am sure most already know.


    Probably best for dressing a scene either in a Museum of Living History or possibly on a plinth somewhere.

  4. One of the best sources for up to date information on this is the UK Deactivated Firearms Face Book Page, but basically the EU Committee Meetings on these proposals have now been held with various parties/organisations allowed to submit their views.

    We await there conclusion on the various submissions.


    Anyone who thinks the UK will chose not to comply with any EU Law has got there heads in the clouds as we are probably one of the most compliant members.




  5. Can anyone identify this bag please? I am assuming possibly it went with the first green pattern of PLCE Webbing?


    If indeed they are worth anything they are available to raise funds for my Cadet Detachment.RIMG2807.jpg


  6. Are you saying from personal experience that you definitely know they are still in the system?


    The story I was told from an official source was that when they decided to field them in the First Gulf War they found the rubber parts had deteriorated in storage past a point where they were safe to use and a lot of money was spent having fittings and hoses made up at short notice.

  7. That's what I wanted to hear because in 35 years in this hobby I have listened to many people having this conversation and none have been able to quote something like this. Only which layer of paint came first which on rebuilt engines is not proof.


    I would also say even in magazines like Wheels and Tracks they have shown rebuilt engines not in this colour so I don't think we can say it was universal by 1945.

  8. What evidence is there that eau-de-nil was used during WW2?


    With so many workshops / engineering concerns reconditioning engines during WW2 getting a standard colour must have proved problematic. 1950's definitely and many rebuilt Daimler engines are painted in this colour, but I would like to see a documentry evidence or a colour picture of WW2 use.

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