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REME 245

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Posts posted by REME 245

  1. Silvermans aquired CWC in 1996 so indirectly would have supplied the MOD.

    The same company which supplies the MOD with clothing seems to now also to supply the surplus market with new items so even harder to tell if it is ex-mod.   I thought the MOD had a patent on the British MTP pattern to stop this.



  2. If indeed they have any left and you have very deep pockets, Wallace Wade in the states manufactured a batch of new Track-Grip 10.50-16 some years ago.  The other choice is the Mitas product also manufactured under other names.

    Quite if regulation's are less stringent in the states I do not know  but perhaps help may come from that direction.


    • Thanks 1
  3. I only got one response when I made the same request last year and without guaranteeing the number I wished to buy without knowing the price, I got no further.  I gave the seller two options but he refused to proceed on that basis. 

    The tyres on some Green Goddess from memory are branded as Avon but many were also fitted with Bar Grips.   All are now extremely rare and all British 15 cwts, 3 tonners and Ferrets etc will eventually  end up on Bar Grips at some stage.   Quite if anyone will ever be able to persuade Simex to use the Dunlop Moulds they have seems unlikely.   Lots of people have tried.   We need a millionaire to make them an offer they cannot refuse.



  4. If I am reading it correctly two of those regiments merged in 1961 so you are down to two.    The book you need to continued your research is this one.     https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/The-Territorial-Artillery-1908-1988-Norman-E-H-Litchfield-SIGNED-COPY-/192306330894

    Unfortunately my copy is in storage and I may not have access to it for a few weeks.   If no one else on this forum has a copy order it from your local library.

  5. You are talking about a TA which was less than 10% of its previous strength after the 1967 cuts.   The successor Brigades administered the units within their geograghical areas but were in most cases not deployable as formations.

    Don't get confused by the 'Lowland Brigade' name which was a post war Regular Army grouping of Infantry Regiments in geograhical areas for training and adminstration purposes.   This is different to what the Division became after 67.



  6. Surely the Brigades only came into existance post 1967 when the old TA was disbanded.   Up until 67 on paper at least most of the 1st line Territorial Army Infantry Divisions created in 1908 still existed.   The magazine you picture spot lights the 42nd and 48th TA Divisions in that issue.  I have the one that cover's the 43rd Division.



  7. I would notspend too much money restoring it as you can buy complete examples of the Generator and Panel for about £100 each.   You also need the specific lead  for the generator to connect the panel.   I may have a spare Dynamo but your engine looks like it has been modified to do something else.  They normally drive through a fabric coupling.

  8. Its an Air Ministry Villiers Battery Charging Unit.  They charged through a seperate Generator Panel allowing adjustment in the charging rate and a number of batteries to be charged at the same time. 

    The army versions were the second most common Generator to be found in the army after the Canadian Chorehorse models.

    I have Petter and Onan engined version for sale if anyone is interested.



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