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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. Arrived home last night from Combined Ops show.


    Had a great time as this show seems a lot more relaxed than most?


    Arrived Friday about 1100 after a leisurely hours drive from the farm. Actually, I was driving along thinking what a nice drive it was with no rush to get there.


    Lee and Ian reserved a space for me next to them. Many thanks guys.


    I set up and settled down to wait for the in coming weather - and it didn’t disappoint. Come Friday afternoon it hammered down - but then again we knew it was coming.


    Debs (Naughty nurse) arrived Friday evening which was a nice surprise as I wasn’t expecting her till at least Saturday evening.


    The show was building up nicely even though the predicted weather for Saturday wasn’t good.


    Was woken early Saturday morning (about 1am) by the Love Trailer rocking from side to side. About 5 minutes after I could hear Lee and Harry giggling like two naughty children. I questioned Lee in the morning about the incident and he protested his innocence - you won’t convince me it wasn’t you Lee - even if you can‘t remember the incident!


    By time the show started Saturday morning the fields were full with MV’s and surprisingly enough - lots of public. I don’t think the weather had put many people off. Yes, the rain came with a vengeance. I had rivers running off the trailer fly sheet so in between downpours - I made it out and about to the stalls. When the sun peeked out from behind the clouds it was rather nice - but it didn’t last long. It was a shame but didn’t really make much difference to me. I was there and like everyone else made the most of it.


    Saturday night was good fun with the beer tent full and the disco in full swing. The beer prices were a bit high for most so I, like many other people took their own drinks. I must comment - if beer tents organisers do not wish people to take their own drinks then they should price their drinks accordingly. The disco was great fun. The highlight for me was when Debs tried to grab Lee on to the dance floor only for him to react like a cornered rabbit and squeal like a pig. I’ve never seen Lee move so fast before! Debs doesn’t normally get that reaction. Lee - hang your head in shame.


    Lee, Harry and Ian played their usual tricks during the evening so I duly decorated their tents and cam nets with helium balloons and stuffed objects into their sleeping bags. Hope you slept well chaps!


    Woke Sunday to the sun shining. More MV’s arrived. Lots more public too. I had a play in the arena towing Mark’s CET - odd tow bar attachments on them - it took me and Lee at least 15 minutes to put together an odd assortment of shackles and attachments to attach to A-frame. Still it held together so it couldn’t have been that bad.


    Met up with many forum members at the show. Great to sit down and chew the fat with you all.


    To top off a great weekend the Ward La France won Best Heavy Vehicle which was very pleasing as there were some nice vehicles there.


    I agree with others when they say the show was far busier than last year. More MV’s and far more public.


    The aircraft were many and well received. Lovely sight and sound of the P51, Spitfire and Hurricane flying above. The models planes and jets were great to watch.


    I don’t have any moans as I think the show was well organised and run. No idiots spoiled the event and there was plenty to see. I expect there will be some alterations to next years show but for those who haven’t attended I suggest you come along next year.


    Well done to IMPS.



  2. Now a few questions for those who own of have extensive knowledge of Ward La France M1A1s.

    Next the more complicate question. I have two levers that mount below the seats for selection of winch/crane drives. I'm assuming the two levers I have are correct. One would seem to mount with the pivot below the floor level and the other with the pivot above. My question is do these simply fit direct to the floor? Are there any brackets or stiffeners? Any photographs of the area would be a great help, probably make it clearer than an explanation. I've looked at lots of photo's from others restorations and modifications and I'm still none the wiser.


    Hi Norman


    Pic of the bracket you asked about - sorry about the quality - mobile phone and it's under the cab. Hope it helps.





  3. Hi all.


    As the 101 Landrover is being sold I needed something to move bits around in once more. You are a bit restricted with a Smart Car.


    Saw this for sale and went for a butchers.










    I never really took any notice of these big Yank motors before but I must say they really impressed me.


    This one is a 1985 model with the 6.2L V8 diesel engine and three speed auto transmission. Manufactured on 15th June at General Motors plant in Flint, Michigan.


    It served with SFOR in Bosnia and still has the original markings and paint job from the time. The vehicle was released from the military in August 2005 and is still in the same condition as it was released in, including the USA tac sign. It came with the release document from the military.


    It was dry stored for four years and then purchased by the previous owner in October 2009. Fortunately, he refused to except a DVLA Q plate and wrote to GM motors to get evidence of the manufacture date etc and so finally got a B plate registration.


    I was really impressed with it so purchased it. I drove with a friend to Wales to collect it and brought it home. Really impressed with the MPG. Took just over £100 to completely fill the tank but then drove nearly 200 miles home - only to use quarter of the tank. Works out about 20 miles to the gallon. Not bad for a big engine. It is also very comfortable to drive - lovely seats.


    Anyway - expect to see this vehicle around. I'm going to hold on to this as it's a very useful thing to have and great fun to drive.



  4. I had had the amount you refer too I would dive in head first for Adrians Sexton -


    Lovely bit of kit and a bit different from a Sherman at a fraction of the cost.


    I have been in the hobby years and can only remember seeing a couple of Sexton's in that time.


    You can buy pretty much any soft skin from WWII with the budget you have and quite a bit of the armour too.


    Pretty much depends on what floats your boat - or vehicle!!!

  5. Good to meet you Ian and Paul -


    Small world is right - wasn't expecting to meet any forum members as this show.


    I quite enjoy the local steam shows as there is always something (non green) to look at.


    Many thanks for your help when setting up. No wonder Wards were a three man crew.


    Oh and a special thank you to Ian and Paul -


    When Naughty Nurse (Debs) was making our breakfast (myself and TTM) the gas ran out in the love trailer and the chaps kindly lent us their portable stove - certainly saved our bacon - literally!!!



  6. Sorry to hear your woes mate - I suspect it won't be the last one where a forum member ends up eating the dust.


    On the bright side - can't get any lower so the only way is up from this moment on.


    To recite some muppetry words some silly geezer said to me once:


    Don't want what you haven't got -

    Long for what you want to aspire too.


    Sounds familiar.



  7. Hi all.


    I’ve been home for a few days now and have had time to reflect on War and Peace 2010.


    Met the usual forum members (TTM and Mrs. Knees, Grasshopper, Nick Johns, Mark Burley, Paul, Chrisg, Clive, Rosie and R-cubed and others. Some new faces made themselves known – Loggydriver and Co, ferretfixer, Richard and Adrian but to name a few.


    We were camped in a large HMFV gathering mainly thanks to Lee and Ian who marked our plots – thanks mate.


    Had fun at the Hez Fez party – apparently I was singing and dancing to “Take me to the gay bar” and there is reportedly photographic and video evidence which will no doubt come back to haunt me eventually. I had a bit too drink which is unusual for me. It ended up with me on the ground, tripping over Lee’s camo fence whilst still talking to the Naughty Nurse. My defense was as the fence was camouflaged I didn’t see it.


    After last years messing about with FV432 packs – I intended to have a lazy show.


    I started with a static display of the Ward – deploying front and rear winches as well as the crane and legs, etc. That was going to be it for me until I asked Adrian if I could tow his Sexton around on the Thursday session for wreckers. He and his co-owner (Carl) allowed me to tow their pride and joy – not once but twice. Thank you chaps. Very kind of you both.


    I didn’t get around seeing other members much and only met up with Olaf when I was packing up to leave. Sorry if I didn’t get around to everyone but quite simply – it was too hot to be walking about. Even going to the stalls was a trek from where we were based.


    I had a good time in the beer tent Friday evening with the girls and my very own Naughty Nurse. Ran out of steam early and retired to the Love Trailer where Debbie and I poured a Pimm's and sat outside only for me to fall asleep whilst she was talking to me. Sorry honey!!


    Saturday evening was spent in the beer tent. Was it me or did anyone else feel a rather strange atmosphere that night. I didn’t feel comfortable so left with the Ladies and Han’s in tow.


    We headed for the USO bar but found everything quite. We soon moved on to Keith’s bar and disco in the American re-enactors area. Oh what fun. Karaoke. Didn’t take me long to get the microphone and have a good session. I think I got into bed at about 3am.


    Apparently I kept Lee awake all night with strange noises coming from the Love Trailer. Sorry mate but I didn’t hear a thing!!!


    All in all I had a really good show – it passed so quickly I didn’t feel I had been there as long as I had. Apologies to Adrian who wanted to drive my Ward but never got around to it. Your Ward experience is pre-booked mate so feel free next time we meet up.


    I have read the comments on the forum and have to admit – there are some Muppets whose behavior leaves little to be desired but then again – I won’t let their behavior ruin my War and Peace experience. There will always be those who can’t or won’t tow the line.


    I would like to congratulate the organizers for the level of security at this years show. I have never seen security at the beer tent before this years show and they were called into action on the Saturday evening when some drunken German or Dutch fools started becoming rowdy and a fight broke out. They were quickly into action and dispensed the trouble makers. Well done to you chaps.


    I know some items have been stolen from vehicles and a number of tents went missing. I don’t think you can blame the organizers for this and to be honest – it is up to us to secure our valuables etc.


    Roll on War and Peace 2011. Looking forward to it.



  8. Can confirm the "love trailer" was always surrounded by young ladies everytime we drove past , the lovely Laura ? ( left in pic ) won best in show as far as I'm concerned :-D , reckon they had a good time if very little sleep over the weekend.

    How you going to top that though Mark .... two love trailers ?


    No there can only be one Love Trailer -


    Although TTM does have the use of his ARDON but I'm not convinced Mrs Knee's will appreciate it.

  9. I think Mr and MRs Tootall beat Mark in the WLF totty stakes by having 5 girls posing on their truck at once!


    Oh young Grasshopper - you poor deluded man!!!


    You obviously were not present at the love trailer antics over the weekend.


    I would have a count up of female visitors to the Love Trailer during the show - but decided not too as it would lead to unfounded comments of a totty invasion.

  10. I'll be down tomorrow morning to set up my little patch.


    Staying the day then off to work for the night shift.


    Back Tuesday - staying all day - then off the work again for the last night shift.


    From Wednesday - on annual leave until endex of War and Peace.


    Looking forward to it.


    I shall be annoying Lee next door if anyone wants to pop round.



  11. I was at the farm yesterday prepping for W&P.


    Lee phoned and informed me he had arrived. I popped down to see him. Ended up pushing his Mobat into position. Bloody thing. Why can't they have their own powered engine like the big guns.




    I will be moving my bits down on Monday and then doing my two night shifts and staying at Beltring proper from Wednesday.


    Not there long though. Attending the Kent County Show Fri, Sat and Sun. Anyone else going?


    I was going to take the Love Trailer but have decided to drive the Ward to Detling daily and return to Beltring for the nights. It's only 20 miles and great weather. Shame to be parked up when I can do a daily commute.


    See you there.



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