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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. Hi Gents.


    My mate Hans has purchased a Drops and is having an issue with the air pressure to get the thing to pass a German TUV test.


    His e-mail below:


    The German MOT has a last subject to be cleared. They say, the pressure available is too little. After braking a few times intensly, the air gauges drop in the red zone. It does not load more then app 7 BAR into the tanks, which gives it to their opinion too little reserve....


    My questions, can you put that in the forum please.


    What should be the pressure at the gauges be, before the compressor 'switches off'??

    What should be the pressure that the compressor delivers (I can then find out if it is worn..)??


    I am presuming the compressor pressure can be adjusted by some degree or is this normal with Drops?


    Any advice on this issue will be appreciated


    Many thanks.



  2. I can shed some light on this as I collected it from A&S and transported it to Beltring.




    The picture from the tank museum is the actual vehicle.


    When recovered from an army range it was in two pieces (split wide open) and has taken 4 years to restore.


    As for the engine and steering unit - it is from an FV432 (K60 power pack) as the manufacturers units are very difficult, if not impossible to obtain.


    Personally I prefer to see the thing moving around rather than sitting there looking pretty.


    As for the owner - sorry but my lips are sealed.



  3. I must say - I'm bored with this argument.


    As Snapper stated - this argument crops up every year with new members having their say on the rights and wrongs of SS / Jap re-enactors.


    I have replied in length to this subject maybe two years ago and I think put across a fairly balance view so I can't be bothered to write it all down again - however:


    All armies of all nationalities have committed war crimes from as far back as the history records go right up to the present day.


    If some forum members feel so strongly about this subject - maybe we should ban all re-enactor groups.


    The Russians were by far the worst for war crimes against civilians and military personnel so maybe we should shout about Russian re-enactors.


    Then we can start on the Serbian and Croatian re-enactors as the crimes happening in Bosnia weren't all that pleasant either as I recall from personal experience.


    Then we can start on our own British forces and the Yanks - just as guilty as other forces during the two world wars and before.


    Not all German soldiers, yes SS included were war criminals. As stated previously, the SS were a fierce fighting unit and some of their ranks were the finest soldiers in WW2. Yes, some of the SS committed war crimes as documented.


    I find it bizarre how little in mentioned of the Russian Army and its soldiers when people go on about war crimes.


    I also tend to think people who shout the loudest have never been in a war zone and have no idea what they are going on about.


    All in all - this forum is about the preservation and use of ex-military vehicles - not the rights and wrongs of re-enactors. I have no issue with people voicing opinions on any military related subjects but there is a difference between having a discussion and having a serious swipe at other people who do something different to our own hobby.


    I suspect some people could have a serious gripe about people mounting 50 cal heavy machine guns on our vehicles - after all - a heavy machine gun’s purpose is to kill as many people as possible.



  4. Hi all.


    I'm very excited to be recieving a 1943 White Halftrack M3-A1 next week.


    My mate Hans aquired the Halftrack and he will be leaving it with me in the UK to tinker - as you do.


    It's a runner and drives and by the pictures looks in a decent state. The brakes need looking at and it's missing one cab seat.


    Now I am happy to admit I know nothing about halftracks so I would appreciate if you chaps in the know would be so kind as to pass on your knowledge in this thread.


    The vehicle will be at Beltring so if anyone wants to come and give me their opinion over a cup of tea I'd be happy to recieve your advice.


    Thanks in advance



  5. My mate Hans has just purchased a Drops from David Crouch.


    It's the best one he has seen released so far and his workshop fitted a recon engine.


    Hans took the Drops back to Germany and shall return with it to War and Peace if anyone wants to have a nose.


    Drops carrying capacity is 15 tonnes but I'd be carefull if carrying that weight on the back in the form of an armoured vehicle. I would imagine an FV432 would be very top heavy as the load is very high.



  6. I have fitted two aftermarket stop / tail and indicator lights to the back of the Ward as the original lights were fitted leaving 2 ft of truck body either side.


    I use two rotating flashing beacons when towing the Brockhouse (1 on the cab and one on the rear of the trailer) when moving through small built up areas of country lanes.


    I have found the best preventative measure I can take is to travel on major routes in daylight and during busy periods.


    All the lights and reflective tape in the world will not stop some muppet ploughing into the rear of you when he / she isn't looking where they are going or paying attention to what's in front of them.


    In busy periods, lorries moving from the inside lane to the over-taking lane and back again ensure traffic slows down. It generally tells other drivers something is causing an obstruction or a slow moving vehicle is ahead - with the result that they tend to come out of their trance and switch on their senses.


    With little or no traffic on a fast moving road (ie night-time) drivers of all vehicles, not just lorry drivers, tend to go on to auto pilot mode resultinig in tragic consequences.



  7. Hi all.


    Can someone tell me what the civilian engine oil type is for a Leyland Drops?


    Also what gearbox oil and axle oils are advised.


    I am presuminig the hydraulic oil used in the HLS system is standard OM33 - hydraulic oil of civilian type.


    Many thanks.



  8. Hi Joel.


    I currently have a Chevrolet M1010 Ambulance sat in my shed which will be going up for sale at Beltring this year.


    It has the diesel V8 6.2 and has covered 26000 miles.


    The ambulance body is quite large and can accomodate 4 beds (stretchers). It is already fitted as standard with a 240 volt power supply, interior lights, heater unit and air conditioning.


    I think it would make an ideal camper conversion for 2 peaople, especially if connected to a canvas tent. I think the American army use a medical type tent.


    It has just been fully serviced and had a full re-spray.


    If you fancy having a look - come and find me at Beltring.



  9. Various MOD documents refer to EW equipped 432s, so this isn't an isolated case. Oddly enough though, I've only seen references to Mk 2s in that role, not Mk 2/1s.




    Thanks for that Andy - if you have any info on them I'd love to see it.



  10. Not Andy, but... EW = "Electronic Warfare", (later divided into ECM - Electronic Countermeasures, ECCM - Electronic Counter-CounterMeasures, and possibly Radio Deception.)


    Intercept receivers for listening to enemy radio signals (radio traffic, radar systems).

    Direction finding equipment to locate enemy positions.

    Radio (and radar) jamming transmitters to disrupt enemy communications.

    Monitoring receivers for listening to your own side's traffic to check everyone is observing proper security procedures.


    That sort of thing.




    Thanks for that Chris - so is this a role forum members have come across before with FV432 - or do we have an odd bod in our posession.

  11. I think that's an EW fit 432 judging by the labelling on the distribution panel ("Intercept Cabinet"). It's not one of the command variants I've seen recently, they have a larger desk area that extends all the way down the left-hand side and retain the normal folding bench seats.




    Hi Andy -


    Could you possibly enlighten me mate - what is a EW fit?

  12. Hi Gents:


    Following on from my identification thread - here are some more pictures of the vehicle in question after I went back with tool kit, multi-metre and wallet:


    As you can see the vehicle is in very good condition.










    I was informed it was a non-runner but after carrying out some basic checks and giving the batteries a jump with the Chevrolet K5 the power pack burst in to life. It ran and drove like a dream.












    The power pack looks very new and shows 57 hours on the clock. This must be one of the lowest mileage FV432's to have been released that I have seen.










    Haven't seen this before - looks like a generator panel that provides 240 volt to a socket.








    I had obviously sat on something sharp in the last picture.


    All in all I think the vehicle has either been in reserve stock or just come out of re-fit. It was fitted for the Bowman radio system but this has been stripped out before release.


    Any information would be appreciated.


    Oh and in answer to your question - I came home with my tool kit and multi-metre. Another forum member has a 50% interest in this vehicle as well as my mate Hans - but that is for him to announce.


    Many thanks



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