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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. Hi guys and gals.


    Quick update:


    The ARRV is now at my location in Kent near the Hop Farm.


    Here is a couple of videos of the loading / unloading.


    Loading up.




    ARRV arriving.




    ARRV unloading.




    The transport was undertaken by Andy Long (NLBA) - a very professional service and I would recommend him to anyone with a fair sized load to move - reasonable too.


    Top Dog has stuck some videos up already so I won't put anymore up - just yet.


    Oh okay - just a couple then.








    Here is the demonstration rig I purchased with the ARRV - it's split into two units at the moment for ease of storage.






    Oh - does anyone know what this special tool is for?




    I was told it may have something to do with the engine mounts?


    If you want to see the entire photo album to date - here is the link.




    More updates when work commences.





  2. Autohome are good - I've used them, er, plenty of times.


    One annual fee for a specific named vehicle.


    Limit of £1000 per annum.


    Failing that you can sign up for RAC commercial - a pay as you go type policy.


    I paid £180 - ish for the Foden and my comms trailer - not bad when you think about it.


    Bit silly not to take out a policy as if you do break down - you will be left to your own devices or be at the mercy of heavy recovery operators - at emergency fees without much option to do otherwise.


    I presume you are refering to commercial size vehicles?



  3. Bad news Neil.


    Unfortunately I am with Simon on this one mate.


    By all means go to the Police and see what can be done but I suspect as you willingly handed over the keys to another person - you will struggle for any sort of legal case.


    Secondly I also suspect that you will have no luck with an insurance claim as again you handed over the keys willingly and I would gather that as you haven't seen the vehicle for 2 years - it wasn't taxed (if it needs a tax disc) and we all know if a vehicle isn't displaying a road tax (whether zero rated or not) it is not covered by insurance as in the small print.


    Best thing - send the boys round - who said that!!!!!

  4. Sorry if I don't answer any technical questions yet - I can't - as I don't know much about ARRV's.


    Although this time next year I shall be a Chieftain boffin - Rodney.


    I am at this very moment reading through my newly purchased operators manual, servicing manual and unit repair manuals, plus Chieftain drivers fault finding book and a driver mechanic AFV chieftain job aid book.


    Haven't even had the ARRV delivered yet but I find it especially helpful to know the starting, shutting down and emergency actions before the beast arrives at my door.


    I should have finished this lot by time war and peace arrives next year!!!


    I am amazed at the amount of lubricating and dip stick checking that goes on in the power pack, GUE, gearbox and other areas.


    I know if you drop the bulldozer blade and use some shackles etc - you can achieve a pull of 90 tonnes.


    Anyway - back to my reading..................................



  5. Hi Andy.


    Unfortunately I was not in a position to look at Daves ARRV at the time - no pennies in the piggy.


    However, I have contacted Dave (as you are aware) and agreed a price for all his ARRV spares.


    At least some of the beast that went to the scap yard in the sky will live on in my ARRV.


    Besides - it's a foolish man who owns a Chieftain without having a spare L60 sat in his yard.



  6. Hi all.


    Does anyone know of a transport company who can move a load consisting of L60 Chirftain power pack, gearbox and other assorted items, weighing around 6 tonnes - from Bude Cornwall to the Hop Farm, Kent.


    Any suggestions?


    Many thanks members.



  7. That equates to 120 psi so should be fine. Out of interest, what was it unloading at before?


    After braking a few times intensly, the air gauges drop in the red zone. It does not load more then app 7 BAR into the tanks, which gives it to their opinion too little reserve....



    Hans description of the fault mate.

  8. you will become a legend amongst reccy mechs !!! looks to be a real beast and a worthwhile restoration, if you've been looking for a while i'm surprised you didn't go for david smales arrv that was on milweb a while back, nobody took it on so it got cut up for spares i believe, which is bad news for arrv lovers but looking on the bright side he has plenty of spares still for sale so it could be a good source for you should the need arise. he still has some advertised on milweb


    looking forward to seeing it at beltring next year




    Hi Rick.


    Yes - I was most annoyed with myself when David cut his ARRV up.


    Unfortunately at he time I wasn't in the position (money wise) to consider it and I think he only wanted scrap value for it - about £6k.


    I have enquired in respect of the items he saved so when the ARRV is sitting at the farm, I shall look into my piggy bank and see what remains.

  9. Thanks for our comments gents.


    Robin - good question, well presented.


    Obviously with a 55 ton tank options in the event of a breakdown are limited.


    Actually despite Chieftains history of mechanical failures, it is rare for that a mechanical failure will result in you not being able to move it at all. Many of the failures with Chieftain were a result of electrical issues and with a bit of know-how and using the correct manual over-rides it should be possible to move it. (Crossed fingers).


    As the ARRV will only ever go to Beltring - unless a show organiser wants to pay the transport costs - I am confident any issues that arise - (and they will arise) can be dealt with.


    Failing that - we shall have to see how big the balls of the Ward la France really are!

  10. Well now I’ve really gone and done it.


    The deal has been done for the latest and last acquisition.


    I’m happy (I think) to reveal I have finally managed to secure a Chieftain ARRV.




    What in gods earth you may well probably be thinking and I must admit to being slightly apprehensive about the whole project.


    I have been thinking about an ARRV for some time as most members will know but they tend to be very expensive and come with all the logistical problems associated with a 55 ton tank.


    Hans and I nearly purchased a Chieftain MBT a couple of years ago but the deal didn’t happen for one reason or another.


    My thing is obviously recovery vehicles and in my own mind these types of vehicles still get my overall vote when it comes to ownership. Yes a tank is a wonderful thing to own but MBT’s don’t really get my juices flowing like a recovery vehicle.


    The Ward La France M1A1 is still my baby and will remain my show vehicle but in respect of tinkering, is basically maintenance and up-keep.


    I really fancied a restoration project that I could get my teeth into and as it had to be a recovery vehicle of some type so very few vehicles fitted the bill.


    This is how the Chieftain ARRV came into play.




    The vehicle is a Mk 7 ARRV and I am led to believe is ex-Gulf War. It’s still painted green with no sign of desert paint but it doesn’t mean it didn’t go to the Gulf as many vehicles didn’t receive their desert paint before being shipped over there.


    I believe the army registration is 06 FF 81 but I couldn’t locate the data plate so I am relying on a faded number on the rear right mudguard. Do any of you very knowledgeable chaps have any information on this vehicle, please?


    The vehicle is not an ex-corporate play thing as I wouldn’t have touched it with a barge pole but in-fact has been owned by a well respected member of the Chieftain club who has worked with these vehicles all his military life.


    The vehicle is complete, with all the associated recovery equipment including the jib which in itself is unusual as they are normally missing.




    It had been standing in the open for nearly two years but after fitting new batteries, fired up first time and sounded sweet as a nut. There are a couple of issues to attend to but overall, mechanically the ARRV is good.


    The paint work does need attending too but I’m really looking forward to getting filthy and sorting this one out. A rolling restoration, which I shall keep well documented with regular updates on the forum.




    I’m really up for this one and some of the credit for this must go to fellow owners on here as I have watched their own projects taking shape and it has inspired me to get off my butt and do similar.


    This will be my last project as something this size needs to be taken seriously. It’s going to be a long job and I intend to do it justice.


    The first outing for the ARRV will be War and Peace 2012 so I intend to sort out the minor issues in respect of the running condition, then the outside exterior so I can at least display the vehicle next year.



  11. Happy Birthday HMVF.


    Thanks to all the leaders and mods - couldn't have done it without you - as they say.


    Thanks to all the members who have helped to make the forum what it is.


    All the advice, healthy arguements, giggles, tears and technical information makes the forum what it is.


    Long live the forum.



  12. Update from Hans.


    On the system there is an airdryer from WABCO.

    In that unit there is a 'imbus' screw that regulates the airpressure blow off point. Simply turn it, and the air is released at an erlier, or later stage thus incresing the airpressure in the system. We have now regulated it on roughly 8,5 BARS which should be enough for the German MOT.


    We are back for a last check tomorrow!!


    Keeping my fingers crossed.

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