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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. I don't think any media coverage (other than MV/club mags) will be any use to us... Joe public won't give a toss... Mike is in direct contact with the man from the DfT & think we are going in the right direction.


    Agreed Lee - the right approach and direction is being taken on this matter.


    My concern is that the MV scene and private collectors were not even thought about when this document was drawn up so this would indicate to me our hobby is not particulary high profile in relation to the chaps who come up with this stuff.


    It's great not to attract unwanted attention but I can't help but think we should have been thought of before this document was put to paper -


    I suppose a plus side of all this is that in future our hobby may be included in future proposals!!!

  2. Hi all.


    Believe it or not - I have only just joined this thread - my apologies but I have been very busy attending to domestic issues and work related matters.


    Firstly, a massive thanks to the forum members who have taken the lead on this issue (Antarmike and others).


    I have tried to read all the posts but i think the number of pages has reached 40 odd so haven't read everything. Will get around to it over the next few night duties.


    I, like evryone else on here do understand the proposals are the beginning of a slippery slope for the MV hobby.I don't for one minute think we military vehicle owners were meant to be caught up in this but for obvious reasons we have been.


    I'm not going to suggest anything as I think everything is being done to ensure we MV owners are considered in the forth-coming discussions on this matter.


    I am quite willing to send letters etc and there was a request for a standard letter to be drafted so we owners could make some representation to official bodies, etc. Is there a copy of the said letter so we can do this.


    From what I have read my vehicles stand at:


    Ward La France M1A1 - no change as pre-1960.

    Brockhouse living trailer - not really sure on this as there seems to be some different views in relation to living vans.


    Anyway - just wanted to express my thanks to the chaps heavily involved in the issue - I am in agreement in that if you have a vehicle not effected by the proposed changes - don't think you can sit back and relax because this may well be the first of many issues to effect our hobby.


    Just thinking out loud - if it came to it maybe an MV procession through Central London would a highlight our cause - (Maybe for a later date if things seem to be moving in the wrong direction).



  3. Spotted this item whilst doing some research on the subject.


    Driving their horsebox at weekends could be virtually impossible for many amateur riders, due to yet more red tape over vehicle legislation. An about-turn and strict ruling from the Vehicle Operator Services Agency (VOSA) bans anyone with a full-time job from driving their HGV lorry at weekends.


    The latest ruling was given to reader Miles Nicholson last month, and confirmed to H&H. It concerns the rest periods required by law for all drivers of large vehicles over 7.5tonnes (formerly HGV), whether private or professional — and is not only at odds with previous advice, but comes as a shock to UK equestrian organisations.


    From Horse and Hounds and as I read it - if you hold ANY full time job (whatever it is doing) it could scupper you if you want to drive an HGV during the weekends.


    Heres the link.




    Feel free to make any sense out of it but I wonder if this could cause a problem with our hobby.


    Any thoughts?




    How does that effect what we have been discussing.

  4. The only exemption being a vehcile with no O licence and classed as private driving.








    That would mean almost everyone on here then as I would have thought everyone is registered as using their vehicle for private use and no O licence.


    Loggy -


    I don't think it's that straight forward to be honest.


    There are many regulations which are combined to tell you what you can and can not do.


    For instance - how many of us are running around with a military vehicle, loaded but taxed as a Historic Vehicle!!!


    The historic tax rules can only be applied to an UNLADEN vehicle. As soon as you put a load on it - it can not be classed or taxed as a historic vehicle.


    If your vehicle tax is incorrect - then welcome to thousands of drivers who have no insurance as your insurance would become void!!!


    It's a mine field out there as previously said.


    Spotted this item whilst doing some research on the subject.


    Driving their horsebox at weekends could be virtually impossible for many amateur riders, due to yet more red tape over vehicle legislation. An about-turn and strict ruling from the Vehicle Operator Services Agency (VOSA) bans anyone with a full-time job from driving their HGV lorry at weekends.


    The latest ruling was given to reader Miles Nicholson last month, and confirmed to H&H. It concerns the rest periods required by law for all drivers of large vehicles over 7.5tonnes (formerly HGV), whether private or professional — and is not only at odds with previous advice, but comes as a shock to UK equestrian organisations.


    From Horse and Hounds and as I read it - if you hold ANY full time job (whatever it is doing) it could scupper you if you want to drive an HGV during the weekends.


    Heres the link.




    Feel free to make any sense out of it but I wonder if this could cause a problem with our hobby.


    Any thoughts?


    Getting back to the initial question - Hell - I can't even remember what it was - was it important.

  5. Lovely job -


    It must be great to have such impressive facilities.


    I thought about doing a nut and bolt restoration on my Ward but decided against it due to cost, facilities and too much down time.


    Can't wait to see the finished project.


    Good luck with it.



  6. Hi Grumpy -


    Interesting article.


    After having a read of the link you posted I think you may be getting confused between EC and UK domestic driving legislation.


    Check out UK domestic driving section.


    It does state the vehicle classes which are exempt from EC regs are subject to UK domestic regs, which do require written driving records to be kept.


    The only exemption being a vehcile with no O licence and classed as private driving.



  7. What a wonderful day today. Uncovered the Ferret and took it for a blast to dry off the winter snow. For the first time, Val had a go.....on a quiet country lane near us.

    I think getting in and out was harder than the driving.







    Way to go Val - it will be camping in tents soon then David.

  8. Just to put a spanner in the works -


    NO ONE is exempt from driving hours when it comes to the law.


    If your vehicle does not have a tacho fitted - you are required by LAW to keep a written record of your driving hours!!!


    Whether you are driving PLG / HGV with an O licence / Recovery vehicles or anything else - you are NOT exempt drivers hours.


    As it happens, the only reason why commercial bus drivers are not expected to keep a written copy of their drivers hours are due to the time tables to which they run. The timetables are considered to be their driving hours as they are schedualed services.


    In regard to carrying a load - taxed and insured as a private light goods - there are ways this can be done - but check your insurance and licence details.


    It's a mine field and you will fall foul if anything goes wrong.



  9. Thank you kindly chaps -


    Unusual about the packing of the oil pump Tony.


    I had a 3.5 V8 Range Rover many moons ago and I remember having to do that when I overhauled the oil pump.


    I picked up this 101 Land Rover yesterday for a couple of reasons.


    I am about to do some major moving of items soon and this was ideal for the tasks in hand.


    I also knew who owned the vehicle and I think I purchased it for a reasonable price.






    Have always liked the 101 but they were always for too expensive for a run-around vehicle.


    After I have finished with it - I may well decide to keep it or pass it on - who knows?


    I think it's a cool vehicle.



  10. Hi Chaps / Chapetts.


    Would some of you very knowledgable people please point me in the right direction for lubricants for the 101 Land Rover.


    No manuals as yet so fumbling in the dark.


    I have heard of engine oil (20W50) being used in the engine, gearbox and transfer box as the EP oils are too thick due to the pump.


    EP will give problems to brass fittings but that is a GL5 oil - not a GL4.


    I'm happy to use 20W50 but would appreciate some direction in other areas - unless anyone knows better.


    Many thanks



  11. Hi there.


    Looks a good solid example for restoration.


    Is that an original LHS tool box? If it is - do you know how rare they are. Normally can't find them for love nor money.


    If you ever get over to the UK - I have a spare pair of fuel tanks for the Ward La France series 5 and possibly in a few months, a complete R22 Continental engine that has been re-built and is fitted with Frank Jolly electronic ignition plus the original parts to re-fit.


    I am fitting a diesel engine to mine which is currently in the planning / purchase stage.


    I also have a spare (seized) R22 engine and a pair of running boards.


    Good luck with the restoration.



  12. What unit do they belong too, 38 Engineer Regt? I see it has a 16 Air Assault sticker in the window.


    I'm back at work tonight (2nd night shift).


    The chaps belong to 5 Bn Royal Scots (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders), stationed at Canterbury, Kent.


    The above belong to 16 Air Assualt so well spotted Loggydriver.


    36 Engr Regt were about and about in Kent delivering hot meals to the elderly - rather nice gesture.

  13. Hi all.


    Arrived at work tonight (1800) and found the Army in my parking space.


    It has been deemed appropriate for the Army to assist us fire-fighters in Kent in reaching some of the harder places to get to due to the bad weather.


    We have attached to us 8 soldiers, 1 x MAN 4 x 4 cargo truck and 1 x Pinzgauer.










    We have transferred our equipment from one of the fire appliances to the MAN - the idea being if the fire appliance was unable to continue on route to an incident, then my crew would transfer to the military vehicles to continue.


    Quite a good idea I feel.


    Fortunately, at the time of writing this (0047hrs) the main roads are okay but if we were called out into the sticks - we may well have a problem getting to an address.


    Here in Gravesend the weather isn't too bad. Down the other end of Kent, Dover way, it's not so clever.


    The chaps driving the MAN made me laugh when they told me the unit had only just taken charge of the MAN's - to the extent they had only had two hours driving experience with the new vehicles.


    They are quite big vehicles and very wide. One thing struck me was the seating arrangements for troops in the rear compartment.




    The new seats are like something off an Alton Towers ride.


    I remember the old bench seats from the Bedford MJ and TM era. I went all the way to Scotland on those benches once - never again though.


    Stay safe.



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