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Posts posted by Markheliops

  1. Top Banana.


    Those who recommended Cherished Vehicle: Thank you and give yourselves a pat on the back.


    Rang them today. They will insure the Ward La France (£10k), The Chieftain ARRV (£20k), the Chevrolet M1009 (£3k) for a grand total of £242.30.


    It's pretty much the same as a FJ policy plus they will cover the Love trailer.


    Well happy with that.



  2. sorry to say but that was the last time you will probably see the conq out running,i,m not going into the reasons why,it may be known by some but john and i will not be working at the collection in the near future


    Sorry to hear that Andy - I don't know why and I won't ask.


    Pass on my regards to John for me.

  3. Had no problems with FJ, fully comp on the jeep for £50, no mileage issues, insured for £14k. Maybe worth trying NFU. Did you mention you were a member of the MVT to get your discount?


    I can't work this out.


    I have been in contact with Footman James again to enquire about insuring the Ward La France only.


    £152............ Apparently this is only to insure the Ward at a market value of £8500. When I said I want to insure the Ward for £10k they said the premiums are calculated on a value basis and will go up per £1k of value -


    I did mention Jeeps are being insured for £50 but they said that's impossible as they don't provide policies for that amount.


    How can a Jeep valued at around £14-16K which is relatively easy to pinch compared to a Ward be insured for only £50 with unlimited mileage whilst a larger vehicle, less easy to steal and doing far less mileage by 3 times more expensive.


    Not fair I think.

  4. Do 'Carol Nash' do military vehicle insurance? I have had my 'fleet' of motorcycles (well 4 really) with her for many years. I do know they have changed ownership but there are still best for bike insurance, classic and modern(ish).


    I have tried Carol Nash - they will only insure me if the vehicles are kept at home -


    I'm sure the neighbours would love the Chieftain ARRV and Ward parked outside!

  5. Must admit mark, I don't think thats a bad price.


    Ay up Rambo.


    On the face of it - it probably doesn't sound too bad but then again:


    I have been insured with F&J for many years and pay between £150-170 a year. I even had around 6 vehicles at one time.


    Look at my vehicles now.


    The Chieftain ARRV - can not go on the road and will do around 25 miles a year at Beltring.


    The Ward la France M1A1 - probably visits a couple of shows a year with a maximum 100 miles per year.


    The love trailer that they won't even insure for theft - just accident risk.


    If I had a Jeep or Landie and done around 500 miles a year the cost would be acceptable but it's a lot of money for what I am doing.


    I can't get it down with a restricted mileage quote which would help.


    So really I think £310 is a lot of money - maybe it's just the way it's going.



  6. Evening all.


    I have been busy with the ARRV, doing various bits and pieces.


    The GUE is in and the control cables are now sorted and functioning correctly.


    I have fitted new 2 x new batteries, a replacement exhaust end and some other minor work.


    Today I turned my attention to a fault with the hydraulic recovery equipment. I have no power to the dozer and winches and suspected a hydraulic fault - for no other reason than the boost filter warning light was on - which means the boost filter is clogged. I firstly checked all the silly things like lack of oil in the main and aux gearbox and fuses / CB's.


    Now don't you love British design - replacing a filter can't be all that difficult.............


    Guess where the damn thing was hidden:




    Right behind the radio shelving etc.


    It took me ages to dismantle the radios, shelving and associated wiring. For the life of me I can't understand why they would stick it behind that lot.


    Anyway after much cursing I finally got to remove the bulkhead which gave me access to the main winch.




    The boost filter provides the extra hydraulic pressure required by the dozer and winches. Hence clogged filter / no power.




    I finally got to the filter and had a mare trying to get it off.


    Much swearing and sweating later I managed to get it off. Unfortunately the manual said nothing of a grub screw in the canister body, obviously a mod brought in after the manuals had been printed. It left a bit of a mess in regard to the thread but luckily I realised something wasn't right before I completely knackered it up.


    So thats where I am at now -


    I have ordered a replacement filter and when it arrives I shall fit it and hopefully have a working dozer and winches - please let it be the filter!!!!



  7. Hi all.


    That was me on the rear decks dressed in black.


    Thanks to Andy and John for another good day.


    The conq developed an issue earlier in the day but was sorted by John and Andy - pesky electrics!


    Certainly a very impressive machine and to see it moving around is impressive considering its age and size.


    Well done gents.



  8. Hi all.


    My annual insurance renewal for my military vehicles is due on the 29/03/12.


    I have been insured with Footman James for years and been quite happy paying on average £150-£170 per year - until now.


    I received a letter from them asking me to contact them in regard to my policy renewal. The letter stated -


    "Due to a change in underwriting terms and conditions we are unable to offer a renewal quotation on the current basis."


    I rang them and was asked if all my vehicles are ex-military? Yes I replied. Then asked if I had a limited mileage policy. No I replied.


    They then put me on hold for around 5 minutes.


    They came back to me, eventually" and said they could offer me a renewal - £310 for the year!


    I said, I'm sorry but I don't quite understand why my renewal has shot through the roof all of a sudden.


    The lady replied well you have an American vehicle that costs more to insure and you have a trailer which is classed as a flatbed lorry!


    I tried to reason with her saying the American truck is a WWII wrecker that does maybe 150 miles a year at most, a 55 Tonne Chieftain ARRV that will cover at most 20 miles off road a year and the Love trailer is not a flatbed trailer but a living trailer that can not carry a load.


    However, I didn't matter what I said the price was £310 per year.


    Now to state that I am very pee'd off I a massive understatement.


    I have tried a few more places but they want to insure each vehicle on a single policy. This is obviously working out at a ridicules cost.


    I have informed Footman James I shall not be renewing with them - I'm beginning to wonder if this is the beginning of the end in regard to fair insurance costs for our hobby.


    Be aware if you are renewing with Footman James - you may be in for a shock.


    Can anyone recommend an insurance company that covers a group of military vehicles for a fair price.



  9. Just out of curiosity, where did you break into the fuel system to put a jerrycan supply, and how? I want to run my Sultan on a jerrycan system as well, but having just refurbished the whole fuel line network I am reluctant to start hacking it about.




    I connected the alternative fuel line to the fuel line that runs up the bulkhead into the engine compartment. Just unbolt the connector and bobs your uncle. Don't forget to either disconnect the fuel pump electrical connections or pull the fuel pump fuse - or you may have a flammable issue!

  10. Hi all.


    Spartan is sorted:


    I narrowed the fault down to crap fuel.


    I changed the plugs to Champion R12's and removed the ones that damage the J60. I then connected a jerry can from the fuel supply pipe and adjusted the mixture and idle - it ran like a dream.


    The fuel pump had already been changed as had the fuel filter before I got my hands on it.


    The fault had been present for at least a couple of years and some changing of components had taken place.


    As everything else had been done - dodgy fuel was the only thing left.


    I drained a glass of fuel from the tank and it was a very odd smelling, dark yellow colour - not good.


    Unfortunately the Spartan does not have a drain facility so I will just have to siphon it out of the tank and then give it a damn good clean out.


    Thanks for everyone's input.



  11. It sounds to me like crap fuel or bad plugs. Change the plugs, if it's still horrible try fresh fuel straight to the pump from a can. Those fuel tanks are a nightmare, they fill up with sand etc and are a horrible job to clean. Plus, being so big, you can never keep them full enough and they end up half full of water due to condensation.




    Hi Chris.


    Thanks mate.


    From the start I have suspected crap fuel. I have checked the filters and they were spotless. I shall change the plugs and then try again. If no better, strip the dizzy, check the timing and another fuel supply.


    I was going to try 1.5 turns out with the mixture srcews unless anyone knows differently?


    Cheers Lee - my printer is doing overtime.

  12. Thanks Lee.


    Very interesting - is the electronic system a mod as I have looked up the ignition system in a CVRT handbook and it states there are two sets of points. One static and one adjustable set.


    I haven't looked as yet due to having to remove the drivers seat and bulkhead panel to get to the dizzy.


    Thanks to everyone elses input.


    I shall try a change of plugs first and then if the fault still exists, shall have a closer look at the dizzy.


    Does anyone have any thoughts on the yellow flames out of the exhaust?



  13. Hi all.


    I’m looking for some advice from those that have an understanding of the J60 as fitted to CVRT Spartan.


    The Spartan has developed a fault in that it pops and backfires when the engine comes under load.


    It starts without choke, eventually, and will happily rev without issue, apart from the occasional pop and fart. In fact when stationary it sounds lovely.


    However, when driven it will start to lose power, cough, splutter and eventually stall. The occasional yellow flames seem to appear from the exhaust pipe. That indicated to me un-burnt fuel getting into the exhaust manifold.


    I have checked the fuel supply and used a gravity fed supply but this has not cured the issue.


    I then lifted the engine decks and found petrol to be leaking from the carburettor at the bottom near the two accelerator diaphragm pumps. I decided to change the carburettor. It ran better but still dies under load.


    Previously the Spartan has had a new coil fitted so I am discounting this as being the cause.


    From those I have spoken too, it would seem the likely issue could be either spark plugs or the distributor.


    I have checked the plugs and they seem okay but I am going to check the type and put a new set in just to try.


    In regard to the distributor, I am going to remove the seat and bulkhead panel to access the distributor.


    Could anyone add their own thoughts and additionally supply me with:


    A)The correct spark plug gap and type?

    B)The correct mixture settings?

    C)If there is anyway to check the timing with a strobe light or is it the old 12v light bulb and croc clips on the points?


    Many thanks



  14. we will be out on sunday 11th march at slab common,borden with the conq and may be we will have the antar out for a drive


    Looking forward to it Andy.


    I know Dave is as the last time he saw a Conqueror was when he served on one.



  15. Looking good


    with the GUE out you will need plenty of amps to turn the L60 over - here should be some jump leads in the drivers compartment which may help.


    ? - no jump leads in the drivers compartment?


    Who's that - is that the chappie I purchased the ARRV from?

  16. I had white pumps (as we used to call them) issued to me in 1986 Junior Leaders Regiment Royal Armoured Corp in Bovington Camp.


    As I recall, we used to have PT sessions in the muddy woods and then be expected to have them spotless by locker parade. I seem to remember we used some form of white paint, much like a large tin of tippex to get them clean.


    Played havoc with the rest of our kit in the locker as the pumps kept leaving white speckles all over the place. My locker ended up outside after one inspection and we were on the 1st floor.



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