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Posts posted by rosie

  1. Looks like the cubed one is stuck :(

    He was working in Eastbourne today. Left at 6.30 this morning, phoned at 4.30 to say he was just leaving. He called me back at 6ish to say he was stuck in traffic on the other side (from us) of Brighton, another call at 8 to say he'd done about 2 miles :(

    Just called him and no answer so assuming he is on the move, fingers crossed.

    Can someone get him a pint ready in the club house (something real ale please) I'll keep watch for him through the window.

  2. It appears that my account on the tapatalk has disappeared and now I have had to download tapatalk2 (at a cost of 69p!). No choice of upgrading just have to pay.

    Anyway the new tapatalk looks good so far!!!!

    Slightly miffed of Hayling!!

  3. It has been snowing for about 12 hours in the Cotswolds and there is about 8" on the ground. It seems to have stopped for a bit, but due to start again later on. I could have gone to work today but drivers are stuck on the hills either side of me so i didnt go out. I knew there was a reason why i didnt buy a 4X4.


    My definition of panic buying:


    The wife told me to go out and buy milk and bread. None left! I panicked and bought wine for her, cider for me and ice cream for the kids instead. Problem solved.


    Oh what? You could have bought wine for me and left it on the club house door step!!!!

  4. Crisis averted then...;)


    Not quite :(

    I popped over to the beach with oldest cubelet and the snow has started again!!! It's chucking it down now and I would be a silly riveter to go out in this just for wine. So it's 12 cans of John Smiths for me that I've just discovered laft over from Christmas, instead!!!!

  5. Woke to rain this morning and 2 disappointed cubelets! However just as we left for school (8am) it started to snow. By 10 it was about 2inches deep!





    Pictures taken walking back to nursery after collecting oldest cubelet.

    It's melting now already which is good as I don't have a drop of wine in the house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Snow is forecast for here from the early hours of tomorrow morning. This has triggered panic buying in the local supermarkets, Tesco has reported that it has been as busy as the pre- christmas period. What is the matter with people:???


    It's mad hey? We are forecast to get 1-3 inches tomorrow. Heard many parents moaning that the local shop shelves are empty!!!!! It's only going to be snowy for a day or so!

  7. I'm a supervisor on a nursery and pre school. Before that I was a full time mum, before that I worked in a men's outfitters and before that I worked in the Eton college uniform outfitters. I helped organise the school uniform for Prince William and have sold him some swimming shorts! I also outfitted Kelly Osbourne, Ozzys daughter! He was so cool!

  8. like the sign behind you just about sums you up ha ha :beer:


    Hahaha on the fridge is also a birthday card with wine o'clock on it and another sign stating "wine diva, life's too short to drink cheap wine"

    My friends know me so well!!!!!

  9. yes happy new year too all 2013 is bringing us a baby girl a new house and lots of good MV shows and hopefully a winning lotto ticket but thats on my new years resolutions to win the lottery ! :beer:


    OMG how exciting!!!! Good luck on all fronts. X

  10. Well my place is all clean and tidy and ready for visitors. We have an open house on NYE so all sorts of family and friends pop in. So before it gets too busy (and I have one too many lemonades) I want to wish each and every one of you a very happy new year. May 2013 be the best yet, full of joy and happiness. May all your wishes be granted and your dreams come true. Laugh harder, cry openly, love more and smile at a stranger daily.

    Chin chin will think of you all at midnight. :)

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