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Posts posted by rosie

  1. Well done Rosie.



    Those shoes are worthy of an award in their own right!!!


    A massive congratulations Rose - that is an incredible achievement and huge amount of respect to you. A lot of work, determination, sacrifice, drive and self belief goes into such things.


    I am seriously so pleased for you mate!


    Hey guys. Thanks so much!!! I actually got a big cheer from all in the theatre when I walked on stage with the shoes!!!

    I am very very proud of myself! Of out with the family tonight for some posh nosh!!!!

    Thanks all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  2. Rosie, we could deliver for free on their way back,If Team Cubed bought the whole load, best cuddle up to that man tonight then ;).


    Ok cheers John. Oh by the way have you got a spare £???,??? I could have as well? :)

  3. A nice little load leaving Sussex on Thursday night, twilight by the time left here, so only you night owls may of seen![ATTACH=CONFIG]82160[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]82161[/ATTACH]


    Wonder where they're going then?????!

  4. Congratulations Jesse and well done Jack. Teenagers are a weird and wonderful breed, they are difficult and pretentious, loving and hating, proud making and shameless all at the same time and thats without a whole load of cr*p to add to their difficult and forever changing lives.

    Our Jack has just chosen his options so in 3 years time I would like to think that I will post a similar picture!!!!

  5. Oh man that's sad news :(

    C'mon everyone lets find this jeep.

    Snaps stick it on FB I've got MV friends not members of this forum (yeah I know Jack!!!!) We can 'share' it with our 'friends'

  6. Hello and welcome back sweetheart. Good too see round here again. I am one of the lucky ones that have met you in person and keep up with you and your antics over in Facebook land so to me you've never been too far away. You know I know your demons so let's crack open a bottle of lemonade and tell each other tales!!!!


  7. Problem there Rosie is when they reply. 'Yes, Your'e banned!':D


    Luckily no-one spotted me today!!!! We had a great time, as usual. The answer to my question is no! No special discounts but I can go back anytime within a year using my entry ticker from today and this includes the doctor who event in November! This cheered youngest cubelet up immensely!!!!

  8. get into the Tank Museum with a current MVT membership? Or even as an HMVF forum member (although I'm sure how you prove you're a member of this forum??) am in the area over the next few days so might pop in!

  9. We can have some more done as I wore my HMVF shirt at W&P and it really helped to be found by other members.


    Infact, I still have boxes full of T Shirts, Fleeces and Polo Shirts.


    I always wear my t shirt or fleece when at a show. Not many people approach me though!!!



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  10. The problem with the toilets could easily be fixed. You need to have someone on the door to ensure that customers are following basic hygiene standards:



    More toilets? Both ideas would add to the show teams budget. I don't know the answer though. The toilets at Overlord are cleaned several times a day and there ate several blocks spread about the site. Ok I am totally aware that the W&P site is far bigger then the Overlord site but at the end of the day going to the toilet is a basic human need.

    Maybe we can set up an HMVF show toilet providing service?!!!!!!



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  11. Reading these comments it appears the show was overall a success so well done to all those involved. It's never easy moving a popular show, we've done it with Overlord. There will always be those who moan about change, it's just human nature! It's a totally different show ground so therefore the outlay will be totally different!!!! That is surely obvious!!! There's always teething problems and they never become apparent until the show is in full swing and I'm sure they will be addressed in time for next year. Toilets appear to still be an issue but this looks like it was down to people with little or no brains, these people i advise should be removed from site, if you can catch who it was?! So a big well done to all those who organised, set up, attended as exhibitors/MoP/traders and cleared up afterwards.



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  12. In which case I can say in a very bad Terminator voice to the young lady..........


    "Give me your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle" :cool2:


    Yup she does look a bit like Sarah Connor!!! Horseman- I did actually read your post in the style of The Terminator!!!!!



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