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Posts posted by Degsy

  1. Hi Steve Sorry I can't give you the torque setting as I haven't got the book at home. A friend who has owned several Hotchkiss' assures me that although there is a manual for the M201 it is not as comprehensive as the Willys/Ford book and apart from the 24 volts bit the vehicles are virtually identical so he recommends the original manual.

    Hope this helps.





  2. Hi all


    I have recently bought a pair of us roughout boots but they dont look very water proof. Did the americans put anythink on them to stop the water coming in?



    Yes Rowan they soak up water like they were made of blotting paper :lol:

    I haven't found a definitive answer but everything points to them using both brown boot polish and dubbin. I think that Karoshi will know the answer.





  3. Nice one Jack, don't be in too much of a rush to put the markings on, let the paint dry thoroughly in case the white reacts with the OD. We had to repaint the bonnet on the Jeep due to this even tho' it had been left several days and appeared to be dry. :oops:





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