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Posts posted by MiketheBike

  1. Clive,


    yes AVG is free (although they do have premium one you can pay for).

    It also keeps an eye on IE to block or warn about sites that seem untrusted.

    Don't have any trouble with new people sending me email, so the spam filters seem more intelligent than most.

    I am always wary of strong spam filters that I do not control, as like you say some legit emails could be blocked and you would not know about it.





  2. Clive,


    I have been using Anti Virus Gold (AVG) on my email. You still get all the spam etc, but it learns real quick what is junk and ditches it in its own folder...that is assuming you are using Outlook of course, and you get updates to it each night.

    May be worth using rather than losing your current email address?



  3. Funny enough, as I always seem to be doing searches for "ferret" on ebay, something came up a few weeks ago from this seller, and here is an item he has on at the moment:

    I took the url out...it was far too long.....

    thats itme number 350099427643.

    its for a Rover P6, but he seems to recommend them for all old cars. I wondered what all that was about, and whether it actually works?

  4. Rick...only if you have a decent Saracen to swap :)


    John, I was thinking belt and braces really. I know its a bugger to get rid of every bit of rust, and it will resurface at some point, so running dinitrol into all the seams was just a thought to catch any small spots that were not removed. I would sooner spend £30 on some of that, than have to re-treat in 2 years.



  5. John, that would be great.

    Where do I get the grit, and what do i ask for?

    I am assuming that blasting will get into all those smaller places?

    I spoke to a guy who is into the Classic Car scene and he has recommended Dinitrol Converust, so maybe that would be something to apply into those areas after blasting?



  6. I am thinking about painting the Ferret, but would like some advice on rust.

    The surface rust on flat metal I am ok with, I can sand and prime that.

    The bits I am worried about is the rust in the seams, like the beading on top of the hatches on the bins etc. I don't think I can get into all the nooks and crannies, and do not have access to a sand blaster. How would you treat those areas? None off the rust is bad, just surface, but I know what will happen if I just prime and paint.

    Do any of the "rust converters" actually work?





  7. Mike,


    no, I asked a few times for photos to see what it was like before going down to Salisbury, but as I didn't get any I was worried it may not actually exist.

    Bidding stopped at £999, so I guess Mad Cow made him a better offer closer to the reserve?

    Are you willing to expose the sale price, and did it come with the other bits he had...the accumulator charger, deacs etc?

    How did it sound when you fired it up?



  8. I am sure this has been covered before, but my search has found nothing.


    I think the time has come to replace the batteries in the Ferret.

    I know they are 12v/60A affairs, do I have to replace them with 60A ones, or can I replace them with smaller ones...the question being are the batteries matched to the dynamo output?

    I don't want to fry new batteries, but would also like to get two smaller ones that will maybe fit in the right hand battery box, so I don't need to take the air filter out to charge them (lazy git).



  9. I was looking at a listing,I think it's still on there by a guy selling several Series three FFR and GS Land Rovers "for parts only",his pictures are of complete-ish vehicles but he claims he cannot sell the entire vehicles or the chassis,does this make sense? I see no legal reason why he cannot sell a complete vehicle even if it has never been civvy registered.


    mmmm...maybe he had to get rid of the chassis and grind out the engine serial numbers?

  10. Ok, so if it was used by the Hong Kong Police, before they got their independence, and was brought back into the country before that time, would the DVLA notify HMRC?

    I know its overcomplicating things, and its asking for trouble, but just curious what the trade laws were when it was still the UK? :)



  11. How could she refuse!!!! I was kinda hoping it would be green and she just wouldn't notice it next to the others.


    Anyhow...as y9ou have been through the hoops with your OT (sorry...moot point :( ), what papers do I need to get something registered? Considering it was never issued to the MOD.



  12. If a Saracen were for sale, never issued to the MOD, but used by Hong Kong Police, what papers would be required to get it registered? I am assuming it would not have release papers?

    Its up on ebay at the moment (item 120297466039).


    Other question...how do I convince the missus I need it?

  13. The last time it was for sale it was in Fife, so maybe the last auction winner pulled out?

    What were the tyres? They looked new.


    Actually...didn't the ad say it came with a de-activated gun? Ebay would pull the add for that?

    On second thoughts..item number 290248971793



    Anyone remember that FV432 that was converted to a limo? It was all pink or purple velour inside from what I remember.

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