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Posts posted by MiketheBike

  1. I have started to clean up a Ferret 2/3 turret, and am looking the hinges.


    The top hatch has broken off, with the studs remaining in hatch and turret. I have tried soaking these with plus-gas, but they will not come out. I realise they may have small pins holding the studs in, but these are corroded and will never pull out.


    The rear hatch is stuck, and I have also soaked these in plus-gas, but still no joy. I have not really bashed the hell out of this to free it up, as I am afraid these hinges will also break.


    Any pointers on how to free them up and also to remove the broken studs?

    Can I drill out the hinge studs, or is that a machine shop job?





  2. They have a nice little one in Costco at the moment for about £42. Its 12/24v, and also has a jump start (150A) built in....I think it was this one:


    Comes with proper size leads which is nice.


    Funny enough..had to call the AA out to get a jump start as I broke down a few miles from home the other week in the Ferret, and they used a plain 12V emergency jump start on one of the batteries and it started fine. He said he has started many commercial 24V vehicles just yusing 12V

  3. Mmm...well, I tried testing the filter unit, luckily I have a spare engine with all the ancilleries to compare :)

    When I tested the spare, using a digital meter, when connecting across the "IGN" terminal in the connection box and earth...I can see about 300ohm, and then increasing within about 1 second to over 1M (all very rough measurements). When I reverse the polarity, I see the same readings. I assume this is the capacitors charging up.


    When I checked the one on the ferret, its almost a short (I need to redo those tests with the wires disconnected to make sure I am reading it all correctly), without the ignition switch etc connected.


    While I had the coil and connection box opened up, I thought I may as well disconnect the filter unit, and run a wire direct from the "SW" on the coil, to the "IGN" connector in the connection box and give it a run.


    Well...its the smoothest its ever run, with none of the spluttering under load. The timing does seem to be out, but will have a look at that tomorrow. I wonder if the capacitors have failed in the filter unit?

  4. Thanks Lee....I should have known to look there to start with...my search did not bring Clive's doc up. As usual...a great read!!!


    I have champions, but I think they are RSN13P? Maybe a switch to the 12Y's will be one of my first steps, and mean I only need to keep one type in my toolbag for that and the landy :)





  5. On a Ferret, what do the filter unit and ignition junction box do?


    Is there anything in them that could break down, that would cause bad running when the engine is hot?


    I can see from the circuit diagram that the filter unit has a couple of coils and capacitors going to earth, and then on towards the coil...I wondered if these could be the problem with my never-ending hot running issues?

  6. Tugger,


    yes, I agree. To get me to the nearest Halfords....and I am going to get flamed here for vehicle abuse...from standstill I put it in gear and got it going with the starter, then like you say eased it through the gears...but I was just wondering what I would have done if it was a long drive....I guess the fact it would be long drive would presume long spells in top gear?


    Lee...jeeesss...nice job!!!


    OK..wondering over....another bottle of fluids to carry as spares :)

  7. The clutch went on the landrover the other week (seal went in the master cylinder...but I topped up with fluid and it worked fine for the drive home).


    I got to wondering:


    If you were stuck, what would you use in a clutch if you did not have any dot4? Surely heat is not such a concern like with brakes?

    Could you just use oil (or water) in an absolute emergency?

    What about other fluids (like brakes, coolant...although I guess water is pretty abundant :) )? Or would you just not go there because of the damage it could cause?



  8. Went and had a good day out. Off road course was fun though bent a bit of the rollbar on a tree. Despite that my mum performed brilliantly on the off road course apart from one small hill with a rut on the other side. The 101 never missed a beat. All in all a top day out.


    Mike...was that the sharpe left you took after the hump in the middle of the course? Did wonder why you turned there.


    First time I have taken the Ferret offroad...I know its nothing too severe, but great fun :)

  9. Thanks Andy,


    I went to collect a turret from Dave (Mad Cow) yesterday, and luckily he has plenty of toys which included a crane to lift the turret off.

    Turned into a bit of an edventure doing a 300mile round trip in the landy, with the M40 shut, but we got back in the end.

    If you ever have a chance to deal with Dave, he is a great bloke and we had a very pleasant afternoon drooling over his kit.


    Cheers Dave



  10. Does anyone know the domensions and weight of a Ferret 2/3 turret?


    My guestimate is about 43" length and width, would that be correct including the turret ring/mounting plate?

    What is the overall height of the turret?


    Also, looking at the net weight for the mk1 and mk2/3, the difference appears to be about 200kg, is that about the weight of the turret?


    Never lifted that sort of weight before...could it be manhandled by 2 or 3 people?





  11. AleinFTM,


    you always make me smile...rarely anything directly related to the topic, but always a good read...keep 'em coming :)

    I never was in the forces, but from your accounts, it certainly sounds like an adventure.

  12. Rats dug/ate through the concrete floor in the garage. Council pest control got rid of them, but said if we had problems with rats, they would continue to dig atthe same spot, even after filling in with new concrete.

    Said the only way to stop them would be to mix broken glass and chicken wire in with the concrete mix for the hole.

    Only other way I can think is to electrify everything....thought of that once for our back fence to deter other scallies...but missus said it would be dangerous for our kids...oh well!

  13. Well...what a lovely day its been...I've seen it through the office window from about 8am today...probably be here for another 4 or 5 hours. Nothing but Pink Floyd, Mozart and Blink182 to listen to (yes, I have a varied musical taste).

    Ebay, HMVF all done...ate me sandwiches...waiting for people in the USA to come back to me...ho hum.

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