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Posts posted by MiketheBike

  1. Just taken delivery of the 101, but slight problemette.


    Motorway driving fine, steady (30+mph) driving fine.

    Anything below that in it overheats badly (off the scale badly). Cools down quick enough, and when up to speed again it stays in the correct temp range.


    My first thought is the fluid coupling on the fan, would that be a good first check? How do I check it, and can I temporarily lock out the coupling to prove it before buying a new coupling?





  2. I didn't want to be rude!

    I hung "Happy 40th" outside our house when my wife reached that age, and she gave me right grief. Then she says I don't listen to her, so when she said she was putting on weight I bought her some cellulite cream and a cellulite massager for Xmas and it still wasn't right...I just don't understand!!!!


    so....what did you want for your birthday?

  3. hi rick, if you get desperate, I'd drive it back for you, you will of course need to insure it for yourself and named driver and put £50 of petrol in. We're in Sandy in Beds and would happily share our experiences of ferret ownership with you

    best regards mick and Lewis


    If it was across country I would agree, but M25 and M1 would not be an enjoyable experience especially when you consider the M25 is 4 or 5 lane in places in Surrey, although I suppose I could avoid motorways.

    I have found someone willing to transport, please see my PM, or we could come to some arrangement for me to drive it over to you.



  4. I liked my old 109, the 101 is a bit different to your run-of-the-mill landy, and its practical...at least I can use it through wnter.


    I am guessing around the £5K mark.


    I would love a Pinzgauer, but my budget just would not reach that far, they do seem a more robust animal

  5. Joking aside, it looks like the Ferret may have to go :(

    So my last outing will be at Brooklands, and maybe have a couple of trips out weather permitting.

    Upside is that I am allowed to replace with something more practical, so will be looking for a 101 of similar value.


    Question is...what do I pitch the Ferret at? Thinking of putting it on ebay.

  6. A = B

    In order to get B you need proceeds from C

    C = ferret

    This is a no win situation unless you can sell the wife.

    In this case A is cancelled out and you are left with B which you can spend on C




    You are scaring me...that makes perfect sense!!!

  7. Dear Jack,


    I tried option a) when I bought the ferret, and she accused me of having an affair (not usually being the romantic type). When she found out the reason I was being romantic was that I had bought the ferret, she said she wished I was having an affair.

    Maybe I should just trade it in for a 101 or Saracen, they are more practical right? At least I could live in one of those?


    She thinks I am weird, and she is embarrased by the magazines in the loo. Should I tear the cover of an issue of FHM and staple it over my copy of Pathfinder?


    Your in desperation



  8. Dear John Jack


    My wife has started to say I should sell the Ferret as it is impractical for taking stuff to the tip and doing the shopping. She says I should get something more practical that I would use more often.

    Is there any solution to my dilema, short of a shallow grave?





  9. All done, luckily all the unions undone easy enough.

    The extra bleed nipple on the new master cylinder was a bonus, after putting it back together I just needed to bleed it there. Also replaced the bevel box vent valve while I was at it, as that one was seized, causing some leakage when the bevel boxes warmed up.


    All told about and hour and half. Brake lights now work correctly.


    Thanks for all the advice.



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