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Posts posted by Sylvester

  1. Alien..... I just gotta meet up with you.... :rofl: :rofl:

    Your outlook on your Tour o Duty seems to be very similar to mine, also round the same time too ( 74 Armagh and Cookstown ) :modpwr:

    As for Mick...When I said ..fast-ish... Ididn't mean take a B.... Run up at it!!! :rofl:

    But as alien put it ..best not to have a passenger at the time!! :naughty: Also if you got room and no other traffic... go across them at an angle too.. so you compress one wheel station at a time :tup:

    All the Best and see Ya All Soon Yeah!!! :banana: :yay: :banana: :banana: :yay:

    Fred and Annika

  2. Hi Mick,

    When we were in service, we were told to drive it fast...ish!! over sleeping policemen when we got it back from services, this was to free up the suspention and also to sort out the wind-up issue! Worth a try? :goodidea:

    Also, if you can make it to W&P show before buying the oil!! It comes in very big quantities and you onle need a little, I have one such very large drum!! Will bring some to the show if you like? :tup:


    All the Best Mate


    Fred :banana:

  3. Hi Folks, .... Now I know I'm a bit dim but......

    Have looked through the workshop manual but ... can't find, how to adjust the brakes properly :banghead:

    Two adjusters, inner & outer, looking at it as if you are sitting in the wheel arch, is it clockwise or anti ?? also which one does what?? :rtfm:

    I know it should be in the book but my copy only has details of the Disc brake version found on the later models! :nut:

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated :thankyou:

    Before I reverse it out of my back garden and carry on into nextdoors!! :oops2:


    All the Best Folks


    Fred :banana:

  4. Hi Folks, :-D

    Excuse my Higorance :whistle:....But is it a T54 or62??? and if so....Anybody know anything about it and who's is it?

    Good to see some bits of kit being used for a bit of fun eh! :tup:

    All the Best


    Fred :banana:

  5. :schocked:

    Well....I aint won the lottery, hardly likely too either as I am about the unluckiest B**** in the whole wide world!!!..... and of course, I aint bought a Ticket :rofl:

    I remember the very first time I went to Beltring...£25 each on one stall....I should have got the LOT eh!!!


    Anyway folks, thanks for your help, me thinks I may have to review this Idea, failing that.... next years project!!!! :goodidea: :banana:

    See you all at the W&P

    Take care


    Fred & Annika :evil:

  6. Can anyone help me out?? :nut:

    I am looking for a couple of old Sterling SMG's....... deac or replica!!

    For purposes of basically eye candy for fitting in my little old Ferret!! :tup:

    Have trawled the web...... A bit B***** expensive!! But you would think that for a weapon that was made in such large quantities, there would be a few knocking about, or at least available in the form of a kit or somat eh?

    But... cant find a damn thing!! :banghead:


    Any help in this would be very appreciated :knockknock:


    All the Best


    Fred & Annika

  7. A Very Well written piece, I share your views. 8-)

    I had just left the Army a few years prior to the FC but, on my reservist document was the recall No. 01..... Oh S****! :banghead:

    However, I was never called,(Mixed emotions on that, at the time Wanted to Go, but now I think I was Lucky!)

    One thing that worries me...nearly all the entries before ..... Your All At SCHOOL!!!! I feel so old now!! :yawn2:

  8. I remember when I was in the Army, we told one guy that you could run over a fag packet in the scorpion and it wouldn't crush it!!! :whistle:

    So .. He placed his fags on the floor and the scorpion drove over them!


    Crushed to Buggery :rofl: :rofl:

  9. Well Folks.... I wish the Brits would make some films about any conflict such as N.I. , Cyprus, Malayan Conflict or any damed place that they might just need a darned FERRET!!! :banghead:

    It was the same when I used to work on the Chieftain! We would have had to dress up as Iranians to get any film work for that eh? :argh:

    All you guys with WW2 veh's get all the Luck these days :rofl:

    All the Best to You All


    Fred :evil:

  10. Hi Folks,

    Can anyone help?

    I have taken the trouble to purchase a Oxy/Propane set up for my .30 :evil:

    Only trouble is..... I now can't find anywhere to purchase a O2 Cylinder!!!

    I live in Kent and everywhere I tried so far is arc weldin only!!

    Gettin a bit desperate now!

    I'm looking for a 'D' size so I can stowe it in the side bin...For Safety reasons!

    Also, does anybody have any idea which type regulators I need? Capped or??

    Sorry to seem a bit thick but never dealt with gas readings before :whistle:

    Bit embarrasin .... being a paramedic n all.... for past 30 years :roll:

    Any help graetly appreciated :oops:

    All the Best to you all and looking forward to W&P show,

    Fred & Annika :evil:

  11. I would say a little earlier than that, as when I was a little Junior Bleeder at Bovy in 71-73, we had the occasional plastic butt and stock appear when we collected our weapons for the range!

    Basically ..... aint got a clue when they actually came in but it seems we were trying to copy the Yanks!! :whistle:

  12. Hi To Mark (My Buddy!!) :-D

    He and I have been involved with these toys for a while now.... He longer than I !!

    It was my little ferret that sat on his drive for over a year, and he has helped me to bring her up to scratch!

    We shall be residing at the same site at the W&P show this year and we have the Mrs's in tow!!! He He!!

    So we shall be under the thumb! :whistle:

    The picture shows me driving, Mark in commanders seat !

    All the best


    Fred & Annika :evil:

  13. Hi Folks, :-D

    Anybody know someone rebuilding a stally !! I pass it every time I get sent out towards the docks on the island of Sheppey, I am on the ambulances but everytime I go past, never see anybody workin on it! Its like a mystery work force come out at night and do a bit!! :schocked:

    Just curious thats all!! ( Nosey Git!!) :whistle:

    All the Best


    Fred 8-)

  14. Cheers Chris,

    It was a little section in a pamphlet about the ferret (Non-Mil) :whistle: and yes, I didn't quite see how it could but .... Just thought I would check as things do change over the years n I didn't remember it having any such seperate supply when I did my D&M course on them back in the 70's, but thanks for that :-D

    As for the little buggers leak... I guess we never noticed in the Reg't cos they were so clogged up with mud, I doubt any oil could ever have seeped through! :-D

    Anyway Thanks for that folks,it was just bugging me as, the guy I got it from, said they had some trouble when they put the new lump in! As some of the jobs they (Him & his Mate!) have done..... :schocked: I think they were probably more used to wearin Stetsons and riding their horses off into the sunset!! :whistle:

    So, I feared the possibility of a major Clanger about to drop!! :schocked:


    Thanks and See You all at the Show!!


    All the Beast


    Fred & Annika

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