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Posts posted by Pzkpfw-e

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    Ju188D2, recovered.

    Now, before you all get excited, it was back in the 1960s & they scrapped it!😭

  2. "We're sorry we couldn't find an answer for you. Unfortunately, due to the high number of emails this seller receives, they aren't able to respond to your specific question right now. We suggest reviewing the item again to see if your answer is in the seller's listing"


    Questions like "Why's a jeep on Dutch plates, in Holland, being sold on eBay UK"?

  3. These come with the kind permission of Terry Almond ex of the Irish Guards and were taken when posted to Oxford Barracks at Munster in the mid 1980s, that is all I know.

    My thanks to Terry and there are plenty more very interesting images he has allowed me to post coming in the future.

    Lots of sadness when the Conquerors & Churchills were cleared & then scrapped.

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