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Posts posted by Tugger

  1. An idle inquiry, has anyone happened to have spotted their M/V on any actual footage, say, any GMC/jeep owners have seen thier vehicles on The World At War, or Landies/Hagglunds on any Falklands footage?


    I imagine that's the lottery jackpot of provinance and I'd love to know if anyone has, how you felt.

  2. Might be too late but have you tried a cheap vinagar with boiling water, it's what we use at home in our electric kettle, it does smell a bit but if you can do it outside it doesn't matter. the pro's are that it's cheaper than bought descaler and all natural ingredients mean no chemicals to worry about. Either keep topping up with hotwater or even better keep the mix on the boil until the scale fizzes away


    (use 500ml in a kettle full, a bottle of vinagar is about 35p)

  3. Tescos Nr Woodbridge had U/L down to 84ppl two weeks ago and is now creeping up too, now at almost 87ppl. Still not too bad but I didn't think much of it until I realised how widespread it appears.




  4. On something like a Landrover, would it be necessary to risk putting in anything other than clutch fluid, I would imagine thatmost here are able to drive without a clutch, once you've pulled away it should be a doddle to match revs changing up or down. I had to drive an old Scirocco around without a clutch for the best part of a week about several years ago, I very quickly got used to relaxed sympathetic gear changes and for that matter judging an arrival at a roundabout so I didn't have to stop. TBH I should imagine it leads to a less hurried and probably mere economical drive:-D

  5. :rofl::rofl::rofl:Great story tugger.do you sell diesel if so are you selling less.



    We do, It's a bit soon to tell really but it doesn't seem to have changed things that much. A fair few of our motor cruisers filled up before the 1st but the yachts are filling as usual. It's naturally quieter now due to laying up anyway. A lot of the owners are opting for the 60%-40% split between engine running and heating as suggested by HMRC so that helps keep the cost down.

  6. Sad fact: The Blue Lamp was the film 'pilot' if you will, to Dixon albeit **SPOILER ALERT**:-D Dixon gets shot and killed by Dirk Bogarde's villan in the end of the film.



    As a silly aside, At our marina we often have visits form various police/government depts (depending on who is dealing with immigration at the time (It was even trading standards at one time!!))

    On one occasion it was CID and two plain clothed officers came in and had a chat, upon leaving they gave us their cards, I looked at one and he was Det.Insp. Jack Warner, I looked at him and again at the card and was just about to say something and he jumped in with "Don't say anything!":-D

  7. I remember being given rides sitting in the bonnet mounted spare tyre on a Landy, being towed in the snow (remember that stuff?) on a road, on a sledge behind it too and clambering over an old Fergerson tractor and accidentaly firing it up... it scared the bejesus out of me:shake:



    But the result is you live and learn... mostly :-D

  8. I can't help but see the tie in between this event and the original film, perhaps he was going for the reenactment...



    US : Rambo gets nicked walking in a town carrying a whopper of a knife, Police hold him in cells briefly until he has viscious flashbacks to 'Nam, breaks out of jail, breaks into armoury, breaks for the hills, police 'push him' too far and all hell ensues.



    UK : 'Rambo' gets nicked walking in a town carrying a plastic knife, Police push him into the van and hold him in cells overnight, he probably has a bit of a lie down and leaves in the morning with a fine and a red face.


    Sorry, I'll get my coat on the way out.

  9. There was a naval high speed launch at Norwich till a year or so ago, it had a Perkins P6 with its own closed circuit cooling system - on the underside of the hull were copper cooling pipes.


    I was led to believe this was so the engine could be run up whilst boat was on davits, and lowered into water from moving ship for take-off at high speed :shake:


    There are quite a few motor cruisers that use that type of cooling (not modern plastic stuff). Our current works tug that was built as an exact copy of a WWII tug (which we only retired from service about 5 years ago!!) has the same cooling system too. One of the advantages is the lack of sea water passing through the engine, another is that there is no worry about fouling or blocking the raw water inlet, good if your running in weedy, dirty or shallow water.

  10. Hi all,


    I was wondering if any of you had a memory better than I and could remember the name of a stall holder at War & Peace... not any stallholder mind you, oh no, that would be too easy. A specific one ideally.


    To give you all a clue, below there is a snapshot from Google Earth of Beltring (albeit not during W&P) and circled is the plot that the stallholder in question regularly has, they sell general surplus, camp beds, old boots, jerry cans, mushrooms and poles, sleeping bags and other general stuff piled in stillages.



    I was wondering if anyone knew who they are and more usefully if they have a website as I'm after some stuff I foolishly didn't get at W&P that I know they had then.... help anyone...please.



  11. i would oppose that on the grounds that they were there uninvited,if they hadnt of been the kids wouldnt of been in danger anyway.


    Fair point but if he were enlisted during the war then agreed, he wasn't invited, but as an individual he might not have had much choice over his posting.


    (Tugger: playing Devil's advocate since the gospel according to Matt 4.1)

  12. Danboline retails at £16.00 for 750ml and will cover 8m2 Blakes marine paints do a bilge paint at £12.50 for the same amount and coverage, both the whites come out off white and will go cream as they wear and age, the advantage is they are oil resistant and particularly high opacity (don't know about heat though... I wouldn't have thought so)


    (I know, coz we sells it :cool2:)

  13. ... any details on how the person was injured ?


    As far as I recall he had steam burns from working on a blocked engine cooling pipe, the ASR was in the air at the time anyway as the old gun emplacement Roughs Tower (or Sealand as it's also known) was on fire. This caused initial confusion as to where the casualty had come from as some reports had it that he had been working on Roughs Tower and recieved the injury there and had been picked up by the yacht. It turned out to be unrelated though.

  14. Going back to the Sea King image, we quite often see the ASR over our marina, these were from two years ago during a genuine rescue, they transferred the casualty to ambulance (who made a full recovery) on our hardstanding between laid up boats. :shocked:


    Please excuse pic quality as I was using a pair of binoculars as a zoom lense :-D




  15. Having stated before my enthusiasm for the PBR, I deemed it only fitting that I try it for my first R/C boat, so I'll brag my pictures here if you don't mind :-D












    Then I got all keen and decided that now I knew what I was doing, I'd design my own modern warship (on a hull I'd been given).


    Strictly speaking she's a patrol vessel with a twin water cooled electric motors, lights and water pump.










    Made on a sort of budget,

    so the front bofors gun is a Pledge spray top with a superglue cap,

    the venting at the back is a plastic ventilation house brick,

    the spreaders are carrier bag hangers,

    the radome is a fibreglass moulding of a compass cover

    the SAM tubes are pipe fittings

    and the fairleads are small curtain sliders (amongst a whole host of other tat that looked useful)


    Oh yes her LOA is 4ft :sweat::-D

  16. Just a quick heads up for those interested and for those who haven't seen, Ch FIVE are running a TOP TRUMPS series a the moment with Robert Llwellyn of Red Dwarf/Scrapheap Challange fame and Ashley Hames from Bravo's slightly dubious Sin Cities series (dont ask how I know that *cough*:whistle:)


    Next week they are pitting a Supacat MWMIK Vs a hovercraft in the all terrain group.


    It's on next Monday (10.10.08) at 19:00 hrs on ....err...oh yes... FIVE

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