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Posts posted by snowtracdave

  1. The present Mrs May has already informed me that I have to hang on until after she dies.....'cos she's not getting lumbered with sorting out all my collected rubbish(or treasured possessions depending on your attitude ! ) .


    On a more serious note , a friend lost her husband to cancer at a fairly young age around two years ago now and talking to her the other day she just doesn't know where to start with his collection which runs to something like three sheds full of dismantled motorcycles and three or four Landies in varying states of decay .

  2. Well , I must assume that the item in question was indeed sold on Saturday as the 'gentleman' has not responded to my messages or returned my calls .


    My response to the advice below in regard to answering an advertisement as quickly as possible and travelling cash in hand post haste is that in normal circumstances that it exactly what I would have done but the small matter of having to cremate a close member of my family and be at hand for their nearest and dearest meant that that was not immediately possible - hence the - as I thought - agreement with the seller to make my purchase as soon after the funeral as possible .


    Another time I will assume , as clearly seems to be the case , that there is very little honour left in the world of commerce and society has indeed degenerated to the point where it is every man for himself in all matters .

  3. This week I saw an ad on Milweb for something I've recently been looking for . Now we've had a bit going on over the last couple of weeks with a death in the family , a funeral and of course , work to keep going , so spare time has been somewhat scarce . Anyway , the ad was still there after a day or three so I contacted the seller to establish that the item was still available and it was . I went on to explain that unfortunately I wouldn't be able to get to him until this weekend as I had a close family funeral to attend but made it clear that I would buy and he indicated that this arrangement was acceptable and that I would call before the weekend to set a time and get final directions , leaving him my name , full home address , landline and work mobile phone numbers . The seller gave no indication that anyone else was interested or had called . I contacted him again yesterday , again apologising for the delay but explaining that I could be with him at a time to suit him today . The reply came " Ah , well , I got somebody else coming to look now and they're pretty keen to have it so I'll give you a ring about half eleven if he doesn't have it"


    Needless to say I've heard nothing and I am a little miffed . I realise that I am somewhat old fashioned about these things and probably stuck in the past still trying my best to be courteous and well mannered in my dealings but if I agree something with a potential buyer then I stick to it , I don't say to the next caller ok you can have it then or is this acceptable in the present world ?

  4. Apologies to any HMVF friends who have received an e mail purporting to be from me over the weekend . Been fielding puzzled enquiries since Saturday afternoon .


    It would appear that my address book has been hijacked and everybody in it sent junk e mails .

    Hopefully the problem is now resolved but if you have a contact from me anytime soon..well it probably isn't me !

  5. The ones in the tender have doors and tilt and frame laid in the back!


    Yep , same as ours then . Forgot to say - the guys in the yard were very helpful when we looked at ours but they're not keen on starting these as they have been laid up for some time , also , they don't come with any keys so you need to budget for a replacement barrel etc , a minor thing in the great scheme of things I know but.......

  6. We bought one of the Dutch Airportables in the last but one tender , as others have said , ok condition but not exceptional and certainly not unissued . Ours has as bit of corrosion but not too bad , didn't pay anywhere near their quoted price though . Can't speak for all of them but ours does have the Dutch issue top .

  7. I have a photo copy of my Jeeps first V5 which has a lot of blanks on it . The info given is its reg no (obviously)

    date of first reg (in this country) Make - Willys . Nothing for type ,model or body type . Taxation class is Historic Vehicle . There are figures for Revenue Weight and Cylinder Capacity . Fuel - petrol . Wheelplan 2 axle rigid body . Chassis No and colour . Everything else is blank . No idea if this is standard and doubtless somebody will soon be along to tell me this is totally incorrect and/or illegal . As far as I'm aware mine was first reg'd around the Ashford area - certainly all the tax discs are stamped Ashford .


    Hope this is a bit of help to you .


    DM .

  8. That'll teach you! :D


    I very much doubt it Tony - never yet learnt from my mistakes !

    Unfortunately circumstance dictated that I had to part with the Dodge . getting this Jeep was somewhat unexpected and may well turn out to be another error . Time will tell .

  9. I'm sort of thinking that , no longer having the Dodge ambulance but still having the same amount of gear to cart round to shows , I'm going to have to find myself a trailer . Advice please on getting myself something suitable - I'm thinking maybe a Hotchkiss but nothing set in stone at the moment and the present shortage of work and therefore pocket money means that it will be a day or two before I can actually go out and buy something .

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