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Everything posted by M5Clive

  1. Saw this the other day driving home from the last MVT Committee meeting sat in a closed Petrol Station forecourt somewhere in Warwickshire. Guess this classes as a Heavy Weight :-D Cds
  2. Just had this fantastic Diamond T 981 book-in to Operation Bolero from Maldon in Essex http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w205/suzannewitton/Picture20091.jpg[/img] The owner is going to be driving it up to Suffolk for the weekend event in preference to going to War & Peace at Beltring - We are honoured indeed :-)
  3. Sorry for the delay chaps - Had a director's meeting for most of yesterday and today i've been taking advantage of the glorious Suffolk sunshine and painting the fence in the garden - only just had chance to take a peek! POINT 1 "Clive Stevens (is that his real name?) somehow knows I am not a MVT member. Well that is a blow when I less money in my wallet and have a little card to show for it." REPLY - Very Clever, but don't think I am daft enough to to fall at the first herdel and publicly state on HMVF how I know that Gerald Leggitt is not an MVT member and has unquestionably not joined in recent weeks as per a claim in his earlier threads. Just rest assured that I wouln't be daft enough to state that fact without first doing some homework! "The best thing of all is I had thought of a cracking pseudonym for myself to use on this forum, but filled in my proper details correctly to join, expecting that at some point I would add my made-up name." REPLY - I now even have firm proof as quoted above that Gerald Leggitt is indeed using his real name. POINT 2 "It is clear to me that the name (pseudonym?) of the game seems to be to slag the MVT off on this site. An easy subject to poke fun at was the motions that have been proposed, but because of a few maybe silly, maybe fun, maybe serious motions, a small group of people are having a field day." REPLY - Had you have been on this site for any length of time, you would know that I have frequently jumped in with both feet to support the MVT and what they are all about on several previous threads. As far as the motions for the forthcoming AGM goes, you claim that it is a small group of people? Well, when you are an Area Secretary and receive three independent phone calls from your local members (in Suffolk) complaining about these motions in quite a serious manner, it does leave you a little questioning as to what the hell they are all about, because I for sure don't know the answer and when it comes to poking fun, some of those motions was a bit like red rag to a bull - Even some of the higher echelons of the MVT raised an eye-brow or two! So that small group of people you claim, reach as far as Suffolk at least and I'm sure other Area's members made a comment or two about it. POINT 3 "They can’t even make the little effort to go to the AGM and stand up and ask about these trivial points they are so keen to bang on about." REPLY - I have been to at least 8 (probably more) MVT AGM's over the last 15 years from Bletchley Park to Gaydon and have seen them chaired by Rex Ward, Colin Smith, John Smith, Charles Brittain-Jones etc etc. POINT 4 "Aha, I see you involved with Operation Bolero and I would guess your posts are an opportunity to promote it." REPLY - You could say I'm just a little involved with Operation Bolero! Of course my posts are an opportunity to promote and I must have done well for you to notice them!! Promotion of course, along with a good selection of quality photographs for HMVF members to enjoy, but as you say "I thought this was a site to discuss matters relating to old military vehicles. Just try and find one interesting thread anywhere on here to do with vehicles." just proves that you havent even bothered to study any of them, particularly the pre D-Day convoy photograph under Op Bolero. Incidentally, the Windscreen magazine, which I understand that you are more than familiar with, also did an excellent job of promoting the event along with the Greensheet, if you happened to read that either! POINT 5 "You say you are an MVT member but your role doesn’t seem very supportive." REPLY - You clearly haven't seen many of the MVT publications over the past 10 years. If you had you would have seen articles on Dads Army Reunions, Fairford International Air Tattoo show report 1998, Band of Brothers reunions, History of the 506th PIR in the Kennet Valley, Gathering of Eagles Show Report 2004 and 2006, many magazine cover and rear cover photographs submitted by myself, 4 years worth of Wiltshire Area Reports, 3 years worth of Suffolk Area Reports, Bart Vanderveen Obitiory 1998, many letters to the editors particularly regarding Beltring show etc etc etc - And this is just remembering things off the top of my head!! Incidentally, all these articles, photographs and other submissions have been totally voluntary, whereas other MV related magazines offer money to contributors, so so-much for my unsupportive role towards the MVT. On and by the way, did I mention that I am also voluntarily planning and designing the photographs for next years MVT Calander? But somehow, I think you may already know that. So just how supportive does the average MVT member have to be in your eyes Gerald? :roll: POINT 6 "You also ask if others were that out-spoken within a month of their membership card arriving (oh that’s right, the card you say I haven’t got anyway)." REPLY - Please see reply to Point 1 POINT 7 "I thought this was a site to discuss matters relating to old military vehicles. Just try and find one interesting thread anywhere on here to do with vehicles. It’s just a pen pal club where many of the contributors have too much time on their hands" REPLY - Yes, where you are clearly one of these such people with too much time on your hands, particularly with access to a pc during the daytime hours, which could possibly give another indicatation and to who the illusive Gerald Leggitt may be - Cos he clearly doesn't work 9-5 on the checkouts in ASDA!! Have you tried the Range Wrecks thread for good measure??? POINT 8 "If you are really horrid I’ll paint the Landy red and put some white-spokes on." REPLY - Just do anything to make it stand out from the heard - But I'm not sure if the French Fire Servcie used them or not :-o :-o CONCLUSION I read your comments with genuine interest. Some of your remarks lead me to think that you know me and have known me for several years. You clearly don't like HMVF as has been demonstrated in your concluding paragraph, so I'm sure you won't be hanging around here for long, which would equally be an ideal and convient opportunity for you to literally 'Leg-it' as your name suggests, thus having an easy escape from the deeper pickle that you are getting into. This thread has created quite a following and more and more people are keener to know what behind it all - Me too! "An easy subject to poke fun at was the motions that have been proposed, but because of a few maybe silly, maybe fun, maybe serious motions, a small group of people are having a field day." This sentenance particularly intrigued me - Why are you so concerned about this then Gerald???? As a kind of irony, I didn't actually have much of an axe to grind about your opinions re HMVF or the MVT. Some of your earlier points were valid and dare I say it, a couple on your last reply were also quite prudent. My only gripe is the issue of anyone hiding behind anothers name when making such comments. I have always put my name before commenting and taken the flak (or the credit) accordingly. Lastly, I don't think anyone did quite catch what your MVT membership number was Gerald - If you notice, most people on here have put there's under there individual comments :-D Clive D Stevens MVT Membership Number 6627
  4. A little more up-to-date but take at look at this KC-135 Stratotanker. I have these fly over our house almost daily on a direct approach into RAF Mildenhall about 20 miles away as the crow fly's, but fortunately not this low :-o :-o :-o Cds
  5. Brilliant reply Joris - I'm still hooting with laughter :-D :-D :-D
  6. If letters and E-mails are addressed to the General Secretary, then they simply do not go unanswered. The Gen Sec has held that unenviable voluntary position for many years and carries out a first-rate job - I have seen the man at work at many CofM meetings and have received numerous corresspondences from him over the years. When I requested assistance with my lottery application for Suffolk MVT the Gen Sec could not have been more helpful. (Only speaking as I find) I also recall that one of the Essex and Softskins boys (sorry cannot remember the name) requested some form of letter/document from the Gen Sec within the last 6 months, which I know was posted out to them by return, so I don't think much inefficiency lies at this persons doormat! Lets not forget that this person also holds down a full-time job as well as documenting all minutes of CofM meetings and nearly all MVT official corresspondence. I wouldn't want his unpaid position within the Trust for all the tea in China :-o Cds
  7. For someone who has just jointed the MVT, Mr Leggitt seems remarkably up to speed on current events within the MV World, so much so, that he knew John Carroll was the editor of a prominent MV publication! I have been in this hobby since 1989 and like to think that I keep my finger on the pulse and I didn't have a clue that John Carroll had anything to do with MV magazines. Who the hell would give themselves a psuodynom of Gerald Leggitt ??? Yes I can under stand Dukw Captain or Great War Truck or Snapper or someones real name like Clive D Stevens or John Pearson but Gerald Leggitt when its not your real name??? And if it is his real name then I'm not aware that he is a member of the MVT (which he claims at least twice on this thread alone) and has not joined in recent weeks as his claim states. So that leaves us with one question to answer? Who the hell is Gerald Leggitt ? - I have my suspicions as to who this very informed and eager to engage in political discussions may be. Yes everyone is entitled to their own opinion on here, whatever that opinion may be, but I do object to political discussions and hiding behind others names, when individuals do not have gumption to come-out and put there name at the bottom of their statements. Incidentally, I do agree with much of what this person has written on here, but object to it under a false name. Pity really - Because I think everyone (including myself) would be quite enlightened to learn who it really is hiding behind Mr. Gerald Leggitt, just like Ronnie Barker hid behind Gerald Wiley for many years. Ok, so I am getting quite excited about this issue, but just take a read back through some of Gerald's comments and ask yourself - Is this the average comments of someone so new to the MV world ? Were you this out-spoken within a month of your membership card arriving? And before you all ask, no I won't be drawn as to who I think it is, because i'm not 100% sure. That is up to individuals to draw there own conclusions, if indeed they either no or care! Just study the comments and ask yourself who would be particularly concerned about the issues they discuss? Going back to ealier discussions of yesteryear, I do feel it is a great shame that at least one person from the higher echelons of the MVT (or Imps for that matter) cannot act as some form of liason officer with this forum - particularly as we are well aware that several of them view it on a regular basis. HMVF is nothing that any club should feel threatened by. It does not take the place of any MV club or any publication like Windscreen or Imprint. If recent new members figures are anything to go by, this forum is going from strength to strength and some of the brilliant photographs that are being submitted to accompany threads only substantiat these facts. Just take a look at 'An Excellent Pre D-Day photograph under the Operation Bolero section' as an example. One thing is for sure, HMVF is here to stay and whilst's I'm not excited by ever comment and every thread on here, I am equally not excited by every article or every picture in the Windscreen magazine. I do however think the Windscreen magazine is a publication to be proud of, if like myself, you are a MVT member of several years standing and have seen the progress of the magazine move forward over the years. I do feel as an active member of both MVT and HMVF I wish both clubs could interact better with each other, as I think that both parties (and all members) would ultimately benefit. Rant Over ;-) Cds Sorry for any typo's!!
  8. Neil sent me this yesterday - Hope this isn't the type of take off and landing that Jack is paying for on your trip to Bolero Joris :-o Cds
  9. Does anyone know the story of Gerald Wiley ? Well for those who just might be interested, Gerald Wiley was the psuodynom of Ronnie Barker. Ronnie was concerned that if the production team who put 'The Two Ronnies' together thought that it was Ronnie himself who was writing the scripts, they would all-too willingly say how good the sketches were just in an effort to please him. Therefore he created the name Gerald Wiley with which to credit his work. That way, if the material wasn't up to scratch, no would on the production team would be afraid to say so. And of course who would ever think to question this everyday name as a psuodynom for anyone more prominent?? ;-)?? Cds
  10. I spoke to a well known dealer from the South Coast this evening who rang up wanting to bring some MV's to Bolero. He told me that he knows of a Federal 6x6 wrecker available in Europe (no its not the one that was previously at Duxford IWM) and also a bowser trailer for restoration in the UK although apparently, its not for the faint hearted! I think this type of project (in fact I know that this type of project) is beyond my scope, but I wish someone would take it on - What a show stopper that USAAF big-rig combination would be :-o Cds
  11. It was actually Maurice Hammond (owner of P-51 x2) who told me it was Mark Hanna flying in this clip, but I will bow to your greater knowledge Jessie, because I know you have been into this hobby far longer than I. cds
  12. Did anyone see Jeremy Clarkson's documentary the weekend before last about 'The Greatest Raid of All,' where the British Commando's carried out the surprise attack on the Dry Dock at St. Nazairne, ramming the dock gates with a Royal Navy cruiser, packed full of explosives? This was an excellent programme, and like him or loath him, Clarkson had a brilliant way of putting the story across, making it fresh and imaginative. Now that story would be the ideal factual basis for an excellent film on the heroics of the British during WWII. Now I'm sure people will say the story has been done before, but what the hell? Saving Private Ryan was all about D-Day and hadn't we seen that before when the Longest Day came out in the 1960's? Pearl Harbour was another great film and hadn't we seen that all before when Tora Tora Tora hit the box-office in the 1970's? So we (The Brits) have the pedigree, we have the wherewithall and we have the ability, but I bet we don't do it! Pity................I know Hollywood doesn't always get it right, but at least they do it. I visited the set of Band of Brothers during filming and my eyes were widened. The level of detail was incredible. I just wish we could pull it off too! Cds
  13. Anyone interested in attend the brilliant Debach 1940's Open Day and Hangar Dance with a Military Vehicle and who is also thinking of coming to Operation Bolero should contact the airfield owner Richard Taylor, because he has kindly offered to store anyones MV at his farm in a secure building in-between the two events. Worth thinking about, especially if you are planning on travelling a long way to attend either/or events. Cds
  14. In March 1999 I was lucky and privilaged enough to take a 45 minute flight aboard the Collings Foundation B-17 G in Titusville, Florida. It was the experience of a lifetime and a feeling that I cannot easily describe. Everything fell into place just perfect on the day and my video of the flight is very much a treasured posession. This short clip is someone elses camera efforts, but gives a good insight into what its like to fly aboard a B-17 in modern times. Enjoy Cds
  15. This brilliant short video clip shows display pilot, the late Mark Hanna, flying at his very best, with a very humourous outcome :-D This will make you chuckle :-D :-D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvDDDKnNhuE Cds
  16. Hi Joris Been away from the PC for a few days! Thats great news ;-) - You will be made very welcome. Are you able to bring your Dodge or will you be needing a lift in a suitable MV for the event? We can accommodate you whatever! Cds
  17. Great pictures Paul. I love the white blackout markings around the wings and bumper hooks on the GMC 353 gasoline tanker. I remember a C-47 ground crew mechanic with the 437th Troop Carrier Group (9th Airforce) at Ramsbury, Wiltshire by the name of Ted Pilgrim. In 1997, when returning him to the farmland where he lived in a nissen hut during the war, he explained to Neil and I that his living quarters was so far away from the dispersal where his C-47 was parked, that if he forget something which he later needed during the day and couldn't find a Jeep, he used to drive the Federal fuel bowser from the dispersal all the way over to the living/communal areas of the base, down all those narrow and winding roads with the trailer in-tow! As you can see from those excellent pictures, those rigs really were big for there day - In fact they are big by todays standards as well. Cds
  18. Come to OPERATION BOLERO in Suffolk, East Anglia and you never knowwhat might turn up............................!
  19. I thought that considering Operation Bolero has a strong aviation connection, it would be nice to have a section devoted to 'things with wings' and because this isn't strictly Military vehicle's, it maybe fits in here better than in 'Other Chatter.' Anyway here's a couple to start with courtsey of good old You Tube - And in glorious colour! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfoxq4q4J84 Both clips filmed by Doc Furness, 92nd Bombardment Group (Heavy) Eighth Air Force at Podington, Bedfordshire. Cds
  20. Why has there been so little publicity with regard to this event Jack? The show season is almost upon us and I have seen nothing in print - other than on HMVF. Is this an 11hr hour show - or has it been quietly been ticking away in the back ground? Sounds fun whatever cds
  21. I would have the thought the offer of towing Jack's GMC up to Bolero with the Cletrack would be a more welcome proposition :-o Jack never did strike me as a Tunnocks Teacake man - More so a beef and dripping sandwich merchant! Cds
  22. The paint came from Andrew Blackford of Calne, Wiltshire. He has a prestine Diamond-T M20 combination and a Diamond-T 969 wrecker and a Comet tank awaiting restoration. This is the paint he gets made-up for his vehicle projects and I bought a couple of tins off him recently. PM me if you want his contact details. Cds
  23. Lightweight? If Jack is taking a Lightweight, then I'm not going :-o :-o :-o Its bad enough having one on the front cover of the recent Windscreen Magazine ;-) Cds
  24. Jimmy Perry and David Croft were responsible for many great programmes, but this compilation of shots just about sums-up their fantastic achievements. :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ls-WCU67AQ Sit back and enjoy Cds
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