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Everything posted by richardrosser

  1. Paul and Andy you are our leaders - you must set an example :whistle:
  2. looking at the 900 channels :dunno: thats 900 to 939 that is :naughty:
  3. :rofl: true true - what time you going?? i'm watching the 900 channels on Sky :whistle:
  4. Traffic moving after Stack lifted Operation Stack was removed by Kent Police on Saturday morning The M20 in Kent is recovering from the effects of Operation Stack being put in place over a day and a half. The system that sees freight traffic parked on the motorway in a queue to reach the Port of Dover was lifted by Kent Police at 0530 GMT on Saturday.(from the BBC South East) bit late in the day but good news :whistle:
  5. hang on...is Jack.....ex....RN..... :? :-o :dunno:
  6. what about mr hardyferret!! he is still up :-o
  7. ah but how long is it going to be................................. :dunno:
  8. should be Jack Cat H = "track laying vehicle" :dunno:
  9. unless some one wants to "lend" us one for the day :dunno:
  10. as i said its a basic guide and we are planing to use a tracked machine on the day not an AVF :whistle: :tongue:
  11. as you its been a few years and is easy both forward = forward both back = reverse left stick forward right stick middle turn right and so on :whistle: and so on the above is a basic guide before i get shot down in flames :computerterror:
  12. what a van that sells women - no but there is a place in Folkestone :whistle: or so i hear there is a van (sometimes) on the coastbound A20 about 10 minutes out of Dover that does all that kind of thing
  13. oh an a all day breakfast bean lunch in a tin tomorrow for a hot meal :whistle:
  14. im having beans on toast for lunch today and a curry tonight :rofl: should be fun :whistle:
  15. DONT PANIC i live in Ashford (Junction 9 & 10) you will be kicked of at Junction 11 going coastbound and allowed to re-join at Junction 12 then carry on as normal our friends from the local constabulary are there to help :-D my wife works in Dover and does this trip 3 days a week, stack or no stack - it might add a few minutes onto your journey but DONT PANIC :whistle:
  16. Due to a change in circumstances (work might pay for my eyes to be sorted) I may keep my lovely 1973 LWB 24 volt Land Rover….now I have not found out her history and I am rather taken with restoring her (:shake:) to a Military police or bomb disposal wagon.
  17. :-D beers on Jack well not ON him that would be gay :dunno: not that i have anything against gays or any other ethnic, racial or sexual group :whistle:
  18. Jack richardrosser (bring on those Dorset dancing girls and a yard of cider)
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