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Posts posted by earlymb

  1. A great place to see the first 2 seasons of Com-dealers is daily motion.


    Indeed: http://www.dailymotion.com/nl/relevance/search/combat+dealers/1


    I greatly enjoy this show because I take it for what it is; light-hearted entertainment and not an in-depth documentary, although it does give a reasonable accurate picture of the MV/militaria scene to outsiders. Most of us will have seen one or more vehicles restored by Bruce Crompton's team, and I doubt anyone will dispute the quality of the work. ;)

  2. If you mean arriving late time-wise, I think you couldn't enter the grounds with a vehicle after 10am when the show opened for public (as it always has been) and had to wait till after 5pm to get it from the public parking. As for arriving on a later date, I heard a few people arrived & entered vehicles as late as Saturday morning. I don't mind that you're requested to stay longer than 1-2 days if possible when registering but obviously the statement on the website should have been worded in a different way. Afterall, 'Ces't la ton qui fait la musique' ('it's the tone that sets the music').


    It also seems a lot of the previous staff weren't called upon this year, and apparently the new owner took some of his own people with him. These people probably are experienced managing (commercial) country/shooting shows but might be unfamiliar with the unique MV-scene & atmosphere.

  3. Thanks for the photo of my lorry, you caught me taking a rest around the back. Unless I missed one, it was the only QL at the show.


    cheers Richard


    I love QL's and usually make a pic when I see them, this is the only one I saw but I didn't go around all the vehicle exhibits.


    Btw a mate is looking into getting one, so if you might have a lead to a decent one... :D

  4. I spend a full week at the show and the toilets were not that bad, other than that they could have emptied the dixies a bit more often. The toilet trailers were fine though and cleaned regularly during the day. Ofcourse nothing is as good as the throne at home but they are a huge improvement over those at the old site although there will always be room for improvement.

  5. The problem this year about taking British deactivated weapons to Europe for commemorations.

    I want to take my Bren to Arnhem in September, as I have every year, portraying a Bren Gunner. Now been told in layman's terms that I could take it out of UK legally but it will be confiscated by Dutch authorities over there!

    This has NEVER been a problem any other year!

    I'm sure there should be a clause for a one gun out and same gun back. Easy to check and police.

    We have to register our weapons when over there, only take them out on approved occasions etc.


    If the organization of the event arranged the carrying permit and your weapon is listed on there you should be fine, as long as you follow the stipulations in the permit. I would check with them, but if things are still unclear by then it will be better to leave it at home. Just make sure everything is arranged and you have all the paperwork by the time you leave home.


    Getting it out & in the UK again might be a different matter though.

  6. I just came back last night from a week at the show and I had a great time!


    There were indeed about 30% less vehicles but there were still plenty left. Toilets were decent again and were cleaned regularly till saturday night. It was quieter at the stalls but I think that was mainly due to the weather... On Monday (or was it Tuesday?) we hit 40C and walking around the stalls in the full sun all day is very fatiguing, while the rest of the days it was very warm and sunny too. Usually I spend almost all day at the stalls area but this year I would just do 1 round of the stalls and return to our pitch for some shade & a a read, usually to do another round around 4pm. I think most people did something like this which might explain why there appeared to be less people then usual. I do agree a few stalls selling neo-nazi stuff really have no business being there and should not be re-invited.


    One of the reasons for me to attend was to form my own opinion about how the direction the show is going. While there certainly things that need improving I can honestly say I had a great time and for now I'll keep coming back. Next year will be the 5th year of a 5 year lease of the grounds so what happens after that is anyone's guess, as there are plans to develop the area so they have to see on a year-to-year basis if the grounds are still available as a showground.


    I do agree there should be better communication with exhibitors beforehand and there should be more publicity for the classic vehicles among others, but the truth is that without the new management this show would have died a sudden death after last year and most of us would mourn it deeply. I think it's up to the exhibitors to help bring the atmosphere, as it's easy to complain about empty fields while stating 1 sentence before you couldn't be bothered to bring something to exhibit.


    Apparently the A20 to Dover was blocked due to the French controlling every vehicle that wanted to cross the border with waiting times up to 14 hrs reported just to reach Dover, so I took a slight detour and went via Canterbury. I reached the docks with less that 1 hr delay but because the ferry schedule was a mess had to wait almost 3 hs before I could board. By then the border checks were gone again.


    Below are some random photo's I took with my phone, so not super quality sorry. :D


    2016-07-23 15.49.42.jpg


    2016-07-23 12.47.05.jpg

    2016-07-23 15.41.20.jpg

    2016-07-23 15.42.37.jpg

    2016-07-23 15.43.04.jpg

    2016-07-23 15.44.33.jpg

    2016-07-23 15.46.47.jpg

    2016-07-23 15.48.30.jpg

    2016-07-23 15.48.51.jpg

  7. This about DE-acts not the EU as one of the members thinks . perhaps I could have worded it better


    Until the seperation is fully worked out the UK is still a full member of the EU, with all the rights and obligations. The negotiations will take 2 to 7 years, and till then the EU Guideline on de-acts will be law in the UK.


    In other words, the position on de-acts in the UK will be that of the EU for the coming years. The talks about putting the UK old-spec de-acts on the EU exemption list that were going on will probably be history though.

  8. Welcome, depending on where it's registered, the VIN might still be in the system somewhere and you probably can get a new title. It would be worth to look into that procedure, and this car is certainly worth to be on the roads again. When it has a title again you shouldn't have any problems exporting it to the UK. A standard-sized garage will be enough to store it and do some basic restoration work. Good luck!

  9. The coveralls were a work outfit to go over the normal uniform (in theory), so wouldn't usually have had any insignia other than the mentioned slip-on ranks. You could have a look at the denim battledress, this was a work uniform too but also worn as regular clothing in warm areas. It depends on your display if it's correct to wear though.

  10. There is, of course, a world of difference between "functioning replica" and "replica" and it wasn't clear which the article was referring to. Am I correct in thinking that the Dutch don't even allow non-functioning replica weapons?




    Non-firing replicas of what I would call 'historic pirate weapons' (flintlock-type) are no problem, but replicas of more 'modern' weapons are not allowed in any form, and that will probably stay so in the future. So Denix Lugers, MP40's, Enfields, Garands, AK47's etc. are strictly not allowed in The Netherlands. I think you can qualify any replica of a weapon that shoots a centrefire cartridge(?) as illegal here.


    Airsoft weapons are allowed, but only within strict rules.

  11. That article says the Dutch are going to stop people owning replica historic guns, without a licence I assume. It doesn't say anything about banning the ownership of the real thing. This is an interesting issue though, there's been even less info about whether the UK wants to licence the ownership of s58 obsolete cal for non-shooters.


    Functioning replicas of historic guns were never allowed in The Netherlands unless on permit, so nothing new there. As far as I know original historic guns were - and still are - allowed without permit. The reason is they assume the only reason you would get a functioning replica is to shoot it.

  12. Just back on the forum, busy trying to get some work in, reading this I would say the solution was not strong enough

    The battery charger says fully automatic


    So not sure if its the right type to use


    It's a slow process anyway. 8 amps should be enough for 20-30 liters of solution, but if you use 100 liters of solution you might need a more powerfull powersource and maybe add a few more anodes (the scrap metal connected together by an electric wire to the Plus of the battery charger). I've heard about someone using an electric welder as a power source for de-rusting a trailer chassis in a swimming pool...:D

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