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Posts posted by Chappers

  1. Well my list is very long so here goes:


    Carried the Royal British Legion Standard at the Royal Albert Hall for remeberance day back in 1996,done two apperances that day and was on the BBC walking through the arena.


    Done some work for one of the Guys out of the "Black Sabbeth" Band (Tony Iommi) a few years back,He made me a cup of Coffee ..Cool Guy.


    Starred in a TV program called Guiness in the Garden ,12 weeks filming and a great laugh it's been on Central TV and the Discovery Channel.


    Met Pete Warterman at this years Severn Valley Railway event and had our photo taken with him.


    Recently done some film work for a program called "Seconds from Disaster" it was about the 1954 Comet crash,filmed at Bruntingthorpe airfield. http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/january/10/newsid_2709000/2709957.stm The Comet which took off from Rome airport and exploded killing all on board including the famous Australian war correspondent Chester Wilmot.

    Myself the wife and kids were passengers on board the Comet which was magic being able to climb all over one of these birds.

    It was Great seeing how the special effects of making a plane disintigrate in mid air are done. It's coming out in November/December this year on the National Geographic channel.


    Caught an Armed Robber with a Spade, He got 4 years, lucky for him the Old Bill turned up or he may have had problems chewing without his Teeth.


    Being in a T55 driving down the Motorway 2 weeks ago.


  2. Hi guy's I'd like to clear one thing up about driving license's and up to what weight limit your allowed to drive. My license states 7.5 tons but I've been told I can drive a Diamond T with a Rogers trailer hooked up and a Tank on the back of that an all up weight of over 40 tons or more depending on which Tank :schocked:. All this providing the tractor unit was built prior to 1960 .

    Is this the case or have I got it wrong???





  3. Great idea Jack, I took my GMC to work on the 6th this year after reading your comments on another forum, it was quite interesting talking to people who had forgotten the significance of the 6th of June or whom didn't know about it like some of the youngsters I met. November 11th will see me and a few other making our way to a carpark local and selling poppys on behalf of the Royal British Legion. I'm going to try to get the local Legion to allow us follow the parade through the village whilst carrying a few of the vets in the vehicles who find it a little bit of a strain walking the 1/2 mile to the church.


    Keep up the good work Jack





  4. Hi Jack,

    I fitted one yesterday to the rear shoes it was a bitch to stretch but I used mole grips tight on the bit closest to the spring leaving the maximum sticking out to be able to push through the hole in the shoes.I then leaverd the mole grips with a large screw driver against a bracket on the back plate,It went in quite nice after previously trying several other ideas.





  5. Hi John ,

    Yes the switch is on a swivel base so you can turn it to what ever position you like. I was tempteed to remove the base and bolt it straight above the brake pedal but when I looked underneath this was the best /quickest option with very little setting up.


    You can obtain the switch from http://www.s-v-c.co.uk/


    Look under the switches section £7.50 + postage


    I also brought an indicator column switch which are great for military vehicles, to fit to a GMC you have to widen the body to fit around the steering column as they are made for smaller steering columns.I removed the brackets and used a flap wheel approx the same size as the column to reshape the bakerlite switch body.


    Hope this helps





  6. This is the way I've fitted a new brake light switch to my cckw 352, The switches are readily available and replace the hydraulic ones which I've had problems with before.


    I connected the switch spring to the same hole as the brake pedal return spring. Drilled a hole in the plate behind the spring and installed a bolt about 150mm long,this is so you can adjust the switch to come on when you put your foot down about an inch on the pedal


    It took me about 15 mins to install and only requires 1 hole to be drilled.


    I'm sure there are several ways to go about this but I'd thought I'd share my quick and simple way.


    width=640 height=480http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/7676/p8300028xb6.jpg[/img]


    width=640 height=480http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/2207/p8300022zx5.jpg[/img]


    width=640 height=480http://img166.imageshack.us/img166/3615/p8300013ou4.jpg[/img]

  7. O.k fellas so what your saying is Don't put the No 7 set in the 352 ,it would be more suited to the 353. The reason behind putting the No7 in the 352 is I'm restoring it at the moment and need new Canvas, so as I have already brought the No7 set, I could have the rear canvas's made to suit a 352 with No 7set. I've also seen pictures of the No7 set mounted in 352's and they look great.






    The reason behind the 101 AB markings is thats what I found under the paint on the front and rear bumpers, several 101 AB's so I'd like to keep them if I could.

    Can I find out anything via hood numbers????.


    I Will have to decide this week what markings I'm going to use and if at all I install the No7 set in the 352. looking at the rear floor it looks like there has been something bolted in the same sort of place's as the No 7 set bolt holes??.


    As it's been pointed out to me before the 352 I've got should have had a closed cab but is an open cab,so I can't keep it original.


    Maybe we should have a pole on it wether to install the No7 set or not ,101 AB markings or not and I'll go with the majority decision :-) :-).


    Thanks for the replies Can anyone decide for me!!!!!! :|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|:|



  8. Hi Del,

    I started with a Jeep,to get the feel of owning a military vehicle they are great fun to nip around in but lack the space for the occasional overnight stay. Then I was not content parking next to bigger Mv's So I brought a GMC 353 with Ben Hur trailer,Wow what a difference being able to see the road from the heavens,driving with the windscreen down in a big truck is Awesome. Then came along a 352 short wheel based GMC,in quite a poor state,after several months and a lot of work,Im about to put her on the road. So from your question I'd have to say go for a Dodge WC 52 with a ben hur trailer as your first vehicle, They are big enough to camp in for 2 people 2 more in the ben hur ,are bigger than a jeep, smaller than a GMC, less tyres to maintain ,spares are readily available, and slightly better fuel consumption than a GMC.


    I'll be after a Dodge next but wouldn't dream of selling my 2 GMC Beauties and Jeep

  9. Hi ,I've just found this site were you can download the Chevrolet truck manual. Don't know if any of you have been on this site before but it looks great.


  10. Hi guy's ,I'm getting to the stage in the rebuild of my 352 and was wondering if anyone could tell me what markings I should put on my truck.After rubbing the bumpers down I came across several 101AB's so I'd like it to be a 101AB truck,my little group of re-enactors portray the 501st pir 101AB, Would the unit have had Trucks??and if so What markings would they have had on both Jeeps or Trucks.The 352 is going to have a No.7 set in the back so maybe 101 AB engineers????.I also have a 353 and would like that painted up to match.

    Any help would be appriciated





  11. Hi Richard,I don't know about those particular braking system but most modern brakes use either a pressure switch attached to the master cylinder or a No (normally open) contact brake pedal switch. Look for a couple of cables attached to a sensor on the master cylinder or on one of the brake lines ,remove one of the wires and see if they go out!!!,or check down by the brake pedal for a switch in line with the the pedal arm. Sorry if I can't be more specific but that's what I'd look at first.




  12. That's interesting, have you found that the accelerator alters the shade of the paint ?





    Hi Pete, I've sprayed with the addative and without and it's made no difference in shade or finish of synthetic based paint. You only need to add a small amount to a litre of mixed paint (thinned for spraying) to make it dry quick. I got my Terebine from a local Building suppies.





  13. I've spent the last 8 months or so rebuilding my cckw 353, painting every piece, the problem I've had is waiting for the paint to dry sometimes as much as 3 days in the cold weather . So I started looking on the net for a paint quick drying additive and found "Terebine". If you add a small amount to the (synthetic) paint it speeds up the drying time and makes the paint go harder.



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