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Pete Ashby

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Posts posted by Pete Ashby

  1. Pleasantly warm in the spray shop for the last couple of days so I've taken advantage of the solar gain from the tin roof and got a gloss sealing coat on all the parts that were blast cleaned and primed the previous week.





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  2. Personally I'd wire the rears and the diff light together to operate from the main lighting switch in the cab and leave the two way switch in place but by passed, you need all the illumination you can get on the rear end with today's traffic and I doubt that the RCMP will pull you over 74 years later and put you on a charge for showing a rear light instead of a blackout diff light or vice versa xD


  3. Thanks Kevin yes this should move things along a bit now.   There's a gloss grey under coat to go on everything and then the frame and all the other gubbins will go back into the workshop for assembly.


  4. I gave the blaster an hours start then I got cracking in the spray shop with a Zinc phosphate primer by working together with the blaster no surface was left untreated for more then 1hr as blasted raw steel will start to oxidize almost immediately it's worth making the point here that it is best not to handle the blast cleaned parts with out gloves as the sweat and grease (particularly if it's hot..... which it was).will readily contaminate the clean metal and can make paint adhesion a problem.

    So after a longish old day by the time I'd washed the spray gun out and tided up a bit it all looked like this











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  5. The media used was crushed glass which gives an excellent surface for painting without the heavy etching of the surface that can occur when using some of the more traditional blast materials.  Glass was chosen for this project as there was very low levels of corrosion and no scale for heavily scaled projects something more aggressive would be required.

    The weather was perfect with a slight breeze, warm and low humidity and most importantly of all a blaster who knew his trade and took a pride in his work

    And now as if by magic it all looked like this













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  6. It been a busy time here in the wild west involving preparations to get the D15 frame and various other large lumps and brackets moved into the barn, de-greased and generally made ready for the media blaster arrival.

    Here's the frame transported from the workshop to the barn strapped to my WW2 Canadian 10cwt trailer, ( another project when I get the time) for now doing stealing service around the farm


    Now set up on trestles and piled up with brackets and frame fixings spring bushes have been blanked off using threaded rod and suitably sized washers the spring brackets have then been fully de-greased.  I'm probably telling people to suck eggs here but for those who are contemplating media blasting for the first time blasting over greasy surfaces has two effects the first the grease will absorb energy from the blast media making the job harder and longer secondly and more importantly the oils and fats will be driven into the grain boundaries of the steel and will result in poor paint adhesion during the re-painting process 



    A pallet of wheel rims,  I use polythene tube  warmed up and pushed onto the studs to protect the threads from the effects of media blasting,  if required they will be cleaned up using a wire brush and then a dia and thread cutting paste.


    And last but not least hubs, drums and rear axle case  all vents and openings have been blanked and taped shut oil drained and de-greased, only the outside of the drums will be media blasted the inside will be done with a rotary wire brush once blasted and painted the rear axle will be completely stripped and rebuilt. SDC18638.JPG.2f725614cb8e055f02b050d7c7ab85bc.JPG


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  7. The tyre removal is now complete  I had to admit defeat with the two original tyres and take them to a local tyre fitter who specializes in agricultural and plant tyres,  even then they didn't give up with out a fight. 

     On stripping out the inner tubes it was found that these were also original Canadian manufacture and in perfect condition with no repairs so it's more than likely that it was the first time the tyres had been removed from the rims in over 75 years.

    One of the original rear tyres



    The inner tube from it 


    The removal of the tyres marks a turning point in this project now it's about cleaning stripping measuring for ware and then reassemble and painting.

    So this the first bit of positive progress :yay:  everything up to now has been about taking things apart.

      I decided I would not media blast the front axle or the trucks road springs  I am not a fan of blasting media getting near machined parts like king pin bushes, stub axles or spring leaves.

    First job was to tackle the front axle beam and stub axles so it was de-grease using a commercial cleaner then pressure wash,when clean check all parts for ware or cracks, while the axle was still on the truck I had tested the king pins for ware and found them to be in good condition so it was out with the rotary wire brush on grinder and the drill for the tight corners, an hours work on the front axle and it cleaned up well.

    Axle beam and tie rod before de-greasing and cleaning sub axles are wrapped and taped up to prevent damage.


    After cleaning and an hour with the rotary wire brush


    A coat of rust converter was applied and then after 24hrs a coat of etch primer 


    First steps the road to completion for this particular project but I'm pleased with the outcome next there is a whole mass of frame brackets, rear axle, drums and the frame awaiting a visit from the media blaster. By the end of the summer I hope to have the frame painted and reassembled with the axles fitted then over the winter period I can look at the engine, gearbox and back axle.


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  8. 56 minutes ago, Richard Farrant said:

    Leyland was a good old British engineering product, the Retriever would not have had any US type threads in it, only BSF , Whitworth and as in this case a special size thread of similar form to affor mentioned.

    I work all day either British vehicles of 70+ years and BSF is a pleasure to use. 

    No new fangled north American thread forms on the Retriever it's mostly BSF of a very high  grade steel and a smaller quantity of Whitworth all bolts have Ley Ltd stamped on the head real quality build.

     Do I take it Richard your money would be on a 55' pitch?  the TPI I'm fairly confident about. 

    You can't beat a BSF or Whitworth thread no matter how long it's been sitting around they always come undone with only a little application of heat.


  9. 43 minutes ago, Zero-Five-Two said:

    Odd size that one. BS only use 55' UNF etc is 60', and on a Leyland  you would think BS.  That said, it is far too fine in TPI for BSF or BSP, and Whitworth is way too big. Zeus tables are pretty comphrensive and they don't list anything like it.

    Certainly is an odd size Rob, having failed to find anything like it in my copy of Zeus tables  I turned to my battered copy of the 13th Edition of the Machinery's Handbook (not an easy read at the best of times) the nearest I can come up with is some unusual American thread forms which does not seem very likely and as you note for the common UNF would be 60'.

    To be fair I am measuring the pitch only with a set of thread gauges and not by the recommend 3 wire method ( don't go there never did understand this properly) however the 55' 16 TPI gauge seems to be the best fit.

    Confused of West Wales.


  10. I am looking for help to identify a thread type on the Leyland Retriever main output shaft from the transfer case the thread appears to be 16 TPI @ 55' RH thread OD 31.75mm ( 1  1/4" ) the nut would be a 6 slotted hex 52.07 mm ( 2 3/64" ) a/c flats,  15mm total ht including 8mm deep slots.  The parts list is not helpful as it lists the nut but just says "special thread" I'm guessing this would be to fit a 1  1/4" W or 1 3/8" BSF spanner

    Any ideas ?



  11. Today has been all about splitting rims and removing tires,  overall not as bad as some I've done where Iv'e had to cut the tire off the rim in fact I hardly broke a sweat it was a cold North wind mind. 

    Bob, these look like standard 900 x 16 Kesley rims,  until they have been blast cleaned I won't know for sure

    One down three to go :box:

    Outside face


    Inside face


    After a bit of exercise with the tire lever, wooden wedges and hammer



    Job done time for a  :coffee:now repeat 3 times.


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  12. Time for an update on the D15T .  The aim for this sub project is to get the frame, associated brackets rear axle case, front axle beam, brake drums and wheels blast cleaned primed and ready for reassembly. 

    So the first step was to move the frame out of the workshop and round to the barn ready for the blast cleaner to come and do his stuff here it is strapped onto my WW2 Canadian 8cwt trailer it has the reversible hitch and the CMP Ford master cylinder to activate the over run brakes , this is another project in the waiting room, the frame and running gear are good but the steel body has been added at some later date the original was wooden at the moment it does stealing service carrying fire wood in from the fields and other fetch and carry jobs around the place


    Next job was to ready the rear axle for blast cleaning, I am not going to blast the springs I know some people do but I prefer to clean them using the wire wheel on the angle grinder.

    Photo showing the location and orientation of the shock absorber mount on the rear axle 


    The nuts on the U bolts needed a bit of the hot spanner and impact gun to get them moving once all off the nuts were put back on a full nut depth and the U bolts drifted out using a brass drift and hammer




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  13. Your welcome Stuart the unions may well be a British standard pipe thread no longer in use however they should be able to cut the tails that the unions are attached to out of the old flexi pipe and re-swage them into modern pipe. 

    You may find they will not be prepared to offer a guarantee on integrity and workmanship but make it clear you accept responsibility for the reuse of old parts.


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