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Posts posted by rambo1969

  1. I was told that they are building holiday homes where the stall holders are and that the stalls would be moved to where the re-enactors normally are. Last year they started using a field at the back off the hop farm for the first time, maybe in preperation for this year?.

    To be honest it's all speculation, the only one who can confirm/deny this is rex, and would he tell the truth?.

    To be honest, I would not be bothered if w+p closed, as long as another week long show took it's place. I think it's a p*ss take charging MV owners to attend w+p anyway. If a show want's to charge MV owners and operate as a money making show then the facilities must be perfect, and at w+p there not.

    On the w+p website they are saying that they know about the problems with the toilets and have a different supplier this year, they say the same thing every year.

  2. De acts/replica's etc are not the problem. It's the criminal justice system that's the problem, there is no detterent.

    If the law stated that driving over 30mph meant 25 yrs in prison I would have a speed limiter fitted to my car and never break the speed limit, simple.

    What happened to the 5yrs minnimum sentance for having a gun?, I live and work in london and cannot remember the last time someone got 5 yrs for carrying a gun.

    Whilst I agree that the judicial system must be independant of goverment, when the courts are not doing thier job properly, the goverment MUST step in.

    I don't blame the police, thier hands are tied, I blame the courts, and goverment.

    Just as a foot note, we all know who's shooting who, but political correctness won't allow the police to do anything about it.



  3. My dad had a D seris lorry come back from belfast with bullet holes in the side, the driver refusued to put money into the "fund" at the factory he delivered to. He was pooping himself that he would'nt be allowed to get on the ferry home if the army/police saw them.

  4. Was in the army cadets and interested in army stuff. Wanted to join the army straight from school but mum would'nt let me, so off to colledge I went.

    About 15 yrs ago I went to a classic car show with my dad, who had a vauxhall cresta at the time, but it was a MV show and not a classic car show, looked at a few landys and decieded to get one. Went to another MV show and found the people really friendly and been on the circuit ever since.

    My hobby before mv's was fishing.


  5. I have had an idea I wanted to run past everybody.

    How about a skittles compitition on the sat night along the lines of a knockout type game.

    I am prepeard to supply an engraved cup for the winner which can be used every year and passed onto the winner every year. I am also prepeard to donate a prize for the winner.

    What do you think?.

  6. You can't please everybody.

    I think this site is brilliant, I joined because I have a passion for military vehciles, I do believe however that people are entitled to thier opinions on this site as long as it is to do with the MV circuit.

    When I go to shows, there are about 6-10 in my group, we don't always agree with each other, but that's life.

    I don't mind posting under my real name, but can't see the point.

  7. IT really winds me up reading stuff like this, it's seems that the goverment want to stop law abiding people from doing anything!.

    We, as a group are ordinary people who enjoy a hobby and cause no problems to anyone(that I know off) and yet we are constantly attacked by the goverment, it makes me so MAD!.

    Is it any wonder record numbers of british people are leaving the country.

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