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Posts posted by rambo1969

  1. Transport for london carry out public consultations for everything they do, but don't take a blind bit of notice of what the public say.


    When TFL wanted to extend the congestion zone west, 80% of bussiness's and 70 % of resident's said no and yet TFL went ahead and done it anyway!, how on earth that is democracy I do not know.


    I own a 86 110 diesel and will have to pay the £100 per day to drive my landy into london and I live there!.


    This country is a complete joke.

  2. The victory show is one of the best MV shows I have ever attended!.


    There was fly pasts by; lancaster, dakota, spitfire, messersmit 109 and a mustang.

    There was a brilliant dog fight between the spitfire and the 109 and it was fantastict to watch. When the lancaster flew over it made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up!. There was also a display by a Yak plane and the pilot was brilliant, he did all kinds of stunts. There was also a spotter plane flying(the same one in the film battle of the bulge, with henry fonda in it).


    There was also a large collection of model aeroplanes flying including the euro fighter which sounded great.


    The battle reanactment was very good and even the field caught fire.


    The 40's dance on saturday was great and the singers were very good.


    The catering was superb, a burger van run by an italian family sold freshly cooked food that tasted FANTASTIC, a qtr ponder with cheese was only £2.50.(beltring caterers take note, it can be done).


    On sunday a couple of old boys walked past our tent and we started chatting to them, one was a tank transporter driver during the war and the other was captured by the japs and worked on the burma railway. We made them tea and gave them some cake and chatted to them for a couple of hours and it was a pleasure and an honour to talk to them.


    I spoke to one of the organisers who said that next year they hope to have a brick built shower block in place.


    A bloody fantastic weekend and well worth the 100 mile drive from london.

  3. The rules at W+P state that the wearing of nazi insignia is not allowed. Perhaps if Rex enforced the rules the program may not have been made.


    If you gather 50 000 people together you will get racists/drunks/drug takers/thiefs etc etc, they are a tiny minority but it is what the press will pick up on.


    Now I may start something by saying the following, but it is what I belive so here goes.

    The BBC and the goverment do not like the fact that the MV circuit is mainly white british and brand us all as racists. We know that it is not true, but since when do the BBC report fairly. Remember a couple of weeks ago when they filmed a program about the Queen and said she stormed out of an interview?, it was a complete lie and they had to say sorry.


    It just shows you what sort of country we live in now, you cannot have an opinion about anything unless it is the same as the goverment.


    I spoke to the german re enactors at the essex mvt show and they were very polite and knew thier subject very well, they told me loads about the german army that I did'nt know.


    Even if there were not any nazi insignia or nazi stuff for sale at W+P, the bbc would still have made a program along the same lines. How many people know the difference between the nazi's and the german army?, very few.

  4. My point of view.


    Tents, I don't mind civvy tents, a decent 9by9 can cost about £400.


    Toilets and showers. Must be plenty of clean toilets and I would like to see showers at every show, I would pay £1 to have a hot shower.


    Charging. MV owners should never be charged. I will happily make a donation to a military charity.


    Marshalls who are sensible, I was told to slow down by a marshall at W+P who was driving and drinking a can of stella at the same time!(and I was'nt driving fast).


    Food outlets. I am fed up with food outlets at shows charging a fortune for absolute cr*p!!.


    Evening entertainment, a dj playing 50/60/70's music that is NOT 1000 watts!. At W+P this year the kitcheners bar was like a high street disco, full of herberts and blasting headache music.

  5. When you consider how people attend W+P, the crime rate is very low.


    However, what I would like to see is uniformed security patrols throghout the day and night, it might act a a detterent.

    But rex won't spend the money because we will all still attend the show.

  6. A few things I used to do to mine;


    Keep the springs sprayed up with a 50/50 mix of white spirit and engine oil(empty kithcen cleaner sprays ideal).

    If the springs look siezed, get a large flat screwdriver and whack it between each spring and spray with WD40, it's a messy job but worth it, the ride will improve.


    Make sure you grease everything with a grease nipple.


    Check clutch/brake fluid regular, most leak.


    Check oil in steering box, it's often overlooked.


    All the rest is general servicing.



  7. Ronseal brick cleaner is brilliant!. I used it on my 110 hood and my 9x9. My personal opinion is that you should never paint canvas, I tried it once on one of my landy hood's and the canvas went like card board!!.

  8. I have just been on the TFL website and my landy is subject to the charge from 2008, £100 per day even though I live inside the zone.

    I phoned TFL and they siad there will be no exemption and I have to have a conversion(none avaliable) or get a new engine(not worth the cost) or by a new vehcile. I expalained that my landy does about 25 mpg and that if I sold it and bought a V8 petrol this would only do about 15 mpg and be exempt from the charge!.


    Bloody stupid scheme and just a fore runner to london wide congestion charging.

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