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Posts posted by rambo1969

  1. A couple of points to add.

    Ive sort of changed my mind about civvie tents, when you think how much we spend on our MV's and equipment and fuel, £400 for a 9x9 12x12 which will last forever is good value and makes the shows look better.

    My mate bought a civvie 4 man tent for £100, he's used it about 6 times and it's falling apart!


    What makes a great show?

    THE PEOPLE!!!!!!!!

  2. I heard gosfield lake in essex is full of jeeps, how true I don't know.

    One thing I do know is that my grandad buried crates of .303's all over the north of england ready for the invasion if it came!

  3. My dad and I were chatting about the shows we have attended this year and a small argument broke out between us which I hope you can settle.


    When did the overlord show break away from the MVT?

    I'm sure that last year was the first overlord show NOT involving The MVT, my dad says its been 5 years since the MVT were involved.


    Who's right?

    No politics please.

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